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Chương 3 Dizzy

I stared blankly outside the window. The Professor is busy teaching in the front. While I was busy thinking about what Mikhaela said yesterday.
It really makes my mind blank to the point that I cant think carefully. My heart broke because of the news. Half of me is still happy that he's alive. I don't care if he lost his memories, the most important thing here is, he is well and still breathing.
I sighed for ninth time. If ever we meet, I wonder if I'll be okay. It's still hurting that he can't remember me, but it's fine  even if it hurts.
The class ended up early than the usual time. I looked at Clea who's busy talking to a girl behind her.
"Clea, I'll just take a walk." She nodded. She still haven't know that Mikhail is alive and he lost his memories. I'll just tell her if I got the chance.
I'm not really in the mood after that talk. It seems like all my energies are gone. My body feels weak and heavy.
I looked at bright sky. The gust of wind  is strong enough to blew my hair. The clear blue sky is really beautiful. It's peaceful and refreshing. I extended my hand and try to reach it.
It seems so close but still so far away. The birds are flying freely, just like the wind.
"Hey, Khail. Why do you like looking in the sky?" A seven year old me asked him that question.
We were laying in the picnic blanket. We just finished eating and decided to lie down. His gray eyes smiled at me and looked into the sky. He extended his arms like he was trying to reach it.
"The sky feels so close yet you can't touch it." That's what he said
"Silly, Mikhail. Of course you can't." I chuckled. He looked at me and grinned. He then touched my cheeks.
"I like looking at the sky because it resembles your eyes..." He smiled softly. My mouth hanged open.
"Oh yeah, you're right hehe." I chuckled cutely, he just laughed a little. Sometimes I don't really understand Mikhail.
His quite bright for his age. He also acts mature all the time and I can't understand what he meant in his words too!
"Is that really the only reason?" I pouted. He messed up my hair and sit down.
"I like looking into it because it's peaceful. The bird flies peacefully. The cloud's shapes are interesting, and I want my life to be like this too..." What did he mean by that?
"Why?" I asked.
"I want to be free too, like the wind. I want to be look at without any expectations in the eyes." He smiled. I don't really understand what he meant by that.
I closed my eyes as I recall memories from the past. I sat in the bench and looked at the beautiful garden in front of me.
The wind blew. It's really peaceful and quiet. There is only one building in this area and a greenhouse. It is separated from the main building so it's perfect for relaxing your mind
The flowers are so beautiful. The amaryllis flowers caught my attention, I stand up and decided to take a look closer to it.
I smell the flowers. It smells nice, I wanted to pick up one but I doubt that's possible.
"It's okay to cut one." I jumped a little because of the voice from behind. I quickly turn around and was shocked when I saw the Dean looking at me with a smile.
Damn it, will she scold me? But I'm not cutting classes though. It's our free time. I'm afraid to cause trouble this early but I'm really innocent.
She also caught me thinking of picking up a flower. Is it illegal? I don't know. My hands are really cold now.
"Don't be nervous, I know it's your free time." She smiled. I sighed in relief. She looked at the amaryllis flowers and touched it.
"Did you know? My daughter really like this flower to the point that she made a last will." She smiled sadly.
"In her will, she want amaryllis flowers to be the only flower in her funeral." She laughed dryly. I looked at the Dean. Her white hair really suits her innocent face. She looks a little bit young compared to her age.
"Few years later, she died." She looked sad. I wanted to comfort her but it's awkward my gosh.
She then smiled and looked at me happily. Wow, that's a mood swing.
"You're pretty. Especially your eyes  May I know your name?" She asked.
"It's Arianna, Ma'am." I smiled politely at her.
"Your eyes looks like the sky. It's peaceful.." My smile faded. She's the second person who said that line to me.
"Why do you always stare at me?" I asked him while he's busy looking at my face.
"That's because your eyes are interesting. It's the same as the sky. Whenever I look at your eyes, I always felt that it is peaceful."
I blushed because of those words he had said.
"Excuse me, Madam. Sir–" Her attendant talk to her for a minute then she looked at me.
"I'll go now, enjoy your stay." She smiled and turned around to leave. What was her deal?
I looked at my watch and it was already lunch time. The bell rang and I decided to go back.
Clea and I decided to just eat our lunch here. The lunch in this school are free, but it's up to you to decide if you want to go to your houses.
"Hey! Arianna!" I stopped walking when someone called my name. I look at the person and frowned when I realized who it was.
"Hey.." I awkwardly greet him. It's not like the other time where he has companion, this time his alone and have things in his hand?
"I know you're here, i saw you walk in the pathway that were headed to the garden." He smiled brightly. Does he want to hit on me? To be honest speaking, he really is handsome but nah, he's not my type.
I looked at his appearance. His uniform really suits him well, and his hairstyle to. Immaculate, one word to describe him.
His innocent appearance and smile that can make your heart flutter but sadly enough, it doesn't have any effect on me at all. Maybe to other girls?
"What are you doing here?" I asked him even though the reason is pretty obvious, but still I want to keep a blind eye it.
He smiled and showed me the things he brought. Gah, i saw the logo of the most expensive restaurant here in the city. Don't tell me he buy me foods from that expensive restaurant?
I can't help but sighed.
"Did you brought it?" He nodded happily.
"I want to treat you a lunch, for bumping into you the other day.." He looks shy while saying those words.
I looked at him carefully, he doesn't look like someone who has any ulterior motives. But looks can be deceiving, we don't know if that innocent face of his doesn't hide his dirty motives. Well whatever, let's just not think about it.
"Okay fine." His smile grew wider. He guided me to a bench where it has table on it.
I sat on it. He slowly place the foods he brought and my eyes almost pop out when I saw the foods. The dishes were all my favourite foods!
How the hell did he know? I looked at him suspiciously. He then shake his head when he saw my suspicious gaze.
"No, no. It's not what you think. I actually know that your Leo's cousin, and I asked him about your favorite foods.." I raised my eyebrow as if I don't believe him at all. He panic
"I-if you want, I'll call him for yo–" I raised my hand to stop him from talking.
"You're fun to tease" I chuckled. His innocent face flushed when he panic. Gosh, he looks like an angel. If everyone sees him like this, they would think that our President is a softy.
I smiled at him. Letting him treat me isn't a bad idea at all. I smiled at him. He suddenly avoided my gaze. What's wrong with him?
I look at the foods he ordered and my tummy growled when I smell the wonderful aroma that was coming from the dishes.
Ugh, I want to eat now. My saliva will come out anytime soon If I don't. I look at Andrew who's looking at me. He has a smile plastered on his face like he's enjoying watching me drooling from this foods.
I fake a cough and asked him.
"Are you sure you want me to eat this?"
"Yes, you can. Start eating now. I know your hungry." He chuckled. I blushed because of what he said and picked up the spoon and fork.
My eyes shined when I taste one of my favorite dishes. Ah, I can just eat this all day.
I looked at Andrew who's busy looking at me. Why isn't he touching anything?
"Wont you eat? This is too much for me you know." He stopped from looking at me and picked up the utensils.
"I'm sorry, it's just that you're cute.."
"It's just that what?" I can't hear what he said but nevermind I'll just enjoy this moment.
We eat together all that foods. We talked about some things and laugh to. He's nice and fun to be with. He doesn't look like someone who has evil thoughts with him.
I shouldn't really judge others. But it's better to be cautious right? I looked at him who's busy cleaning our table. If he knew what did I just thought about him, he will probably think that my personality is shit.
I sighed and looked at my watch. We still have 30 minutes before the class start.
I learn a lot from our talk. The reason why he became the ssg president is because he is related to the dean. What a lie, why don't he just said that it's because he's genius?
The Dean is known for someone who's ruthless when it comes to the university. She doesn't care whether you're a relative or not. If she think you deserve that position, even if you don't have a penny with you. She will gladly give that you.
He's being humble. As I observed him. He doesn't appear to have any unlikable traits in him. In fact he seems perfect.
No wonder why a lot of girls fancy him. Aside from that appearance, he also have a big brain and achieved many great things. And he also have a nice personality. Who wouldn't fall for him?
I also learn that we're the same year, and he's from different building. Members of ssg's have different buildings and schedules compared to us since they have tons of work to do.
"I'm finished. Lets g–" A phone suddenly rang. He looked at me. I shrugged and looked at my phone. I shake my head and pointed at him.
"It's yours." He look around and picked up his phone that was placed in the table.
His expression suddenly changed.
"Hello." I don't want to listen to his conversation so i step out a bit. I watched him as he talk to the phone.
His expression is different from the usual. His eyes are cold and he looks angry. I observed him intensely. I never thought he'll make that kind of expression.
As I observed him. I have realized one thing. He looks hot. His cold and angry face really suits him. Damn, I can't get my self get seduce by him.
I avoided my gaze and just looked around. After a few minutes he's done.
"Let's go now?" He is back from his usual self. This side of him suits him too, but that cold side of him is really something.
Maybe if he got a fight with his future wife, instead of fighting, maybe they'll just end up doing things because his angry face is really hot.
I blushed a little because of my thoughts. I fan my self. What the hell did I just thought?
He looked at me with a big question mark on his face. I just laughed awkwardly and grab his hand.
We started walking through the pathway. There's students everywhere to. Everyone turned their eyes on us. What the
Their murmurs are starting to annoy me. My face became expressionless. Some already avoided their gaze to us but some still have the guts to stare and murmur at that!
"What the hell's wrong with them? Hey Mr. Presiden–" I stopped talking when I notice his face. It was really read. I stopped walking and look at him, confusedly.
"Are you fine?" I asked him.
"T-the h-hand.." I looked at our hands. It was intertwined.
My face heated up and l immediately withdraw it. Damn it, no wonder why a lot of students look in our way. That was a scandal! And the first day of school at that!
I was overwhelmed by the embarrassment i felt that I decided to walk first.
"I'll go first, o-okay?" I awkwardly wave at him and continued my way to my room.
I stopped walking when the hallway doesn't have any students around anymore. I covered my face. What the heck was that?
I better avoid him really. Being connected with him will just cause rumors and scandals.
Ah, I destroyed everything. Even though I plan to study without being connected to any man, but what's this?
"Ah! I want to slap my self." I'm really frustrated. Whatever, let's just pretend nothing happened.
A chill run down at my spine when I felt a sharp gaze just now. I looked around, no one was here.
Don't tell me there's ghost here? I immediately headed in the elevator but someone already got in and close it.
"Hey!" I called the person. I can't tell who it was since it's wearing a jacket but I can tell it's a man. That, that jerk!
My room is still in the second floor. I massaged my head when it hurts a little. I became stress because of the things that had happen today.
"Where have you been?" I looked at Clea who's right in front of me. She's frowning while looking at me.
I just slammed my face in my desk and close my eyes. Ah, I'm tired I want to sleep
"You know? There's rumors circulating around." I opened my eyes and looked at her.
"What rumor?" She smiled cheekily. I squinch my eyes.
"They say that a blond long haired girl is the ssg's President and they were sewn having lunch together." She raises her eyebrow at me.
"He's just repaying a favor you know..." I yawned. I close my eyes again.
"Well, you two suit each other you know. I'll go back now. Now sleep." I yawned again and let my self surrounded by darkness
"Damn! He's really hot and handsome."
"I heard he is the most genius of all the genius this school year. He actually top all the exams and test he take. And also he is the Dean's grandson!"
"Really? And look at that gray eyes! Damn he's like a god from Mount Olympus."
"I want him to impregn–" I raised my head aggressively. What the heck are they so noisy.
I look the girls talking to each other while looking at the man who's sitting near the window. I looked at him. He's wearing a gray jacket. Wait is that the jerk in the elevator?
I was about to get up and confront him when our professor suddenly came. He introduced himself and told us instructions that we need to go outside for activities.
"Go to your locker and change your clothes. Then go to the ground, I'll be waiting for you in 10 minutes."
Ah, I'm so tired that I can't even walked.
"Let's go babe." Clea came to me when most of our classmates our gone. They're still few left, though I did not bother my self looking at them individually.
"You go first, I'll follow you." I rubbed my eyes and gently combed my hair.
My eyes is still a little blurry. I looked around and everyone already go out. Wow, they're fast. I walked through the door when I feel dizzy all of a sudden.
I extend my hand to grab something before I fall when a strong arms wrap around my waist and catch me. I look at the person who saved me just now.
My mouth dropped as my heart begin to beat faster. I suddenly trembled and my eyes watered.

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    Winjonnes Lopez



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    Loidena Tumlos

    amazing one


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    RobredilloMary Rose



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