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Chapter 4 Meeting the Path of Fate

Sena who looked cold sweat then stopped eating her food. Loli who looked at him in surprise then was about to say something to him only Sena was getting cold sweats. until finally the two of them separated and Sena was alone. Apparently this time down the street and then on the way home met someone on the street by accident. Sena bumped into him and then realized that the person in front of him then grabbed his arm and startled him in no time. They both looked at each other and then stared at each other for a long time. Sena bowed and apologized to the woman in front of her and the woman also held her hand.
"Forgive me. I really didn't see you because you were in a hurry,” Sena said. Then the girl reached out her hand and tried to calm Sena.
"It doesn't matter. I know you accidentally bumped into me. Besides, I'm also in a hurry," said the woman.
"Sorry, what's your name?"
"Yes? Just call me Rebecca."
"Then, what's your name?"
"Okay. Then I'll excuse myself first."
"Oh, yes."
Rebecca who passed Sena then left and there Sena watched her until the person was no longer visible. Then Sena decided to go home even though he was really doubtful. Sena then entered the convenience store near the road he was on. And then took some beer that was in the fridge without hesitation. Sena looked at the clock which was still not midnight. Not long after, he went straight to his house. His footsteps were heavy even though he still tried to be brave until he finally arrived at the front gate of his house and slowly began to enter the place with a view that seemed to be filled with cold sweat . Sena tried to open the gate and when she was about to open the gate suddenly a young woman stood beside her and looked at her coldly. Sena who glanced at him then was shocked beyond play to make the bag of beer he was holding fell and also fell on the ground. His gaze explained that Sena was scared and cold sweat was dripping down his forehead. Sena screamed as quickly as she fell on the floor in shock.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Sena then tried to stand up until the woman then helped him up. Sena felt embarrassed and started apologizing to the person in front of her. The woman had black hair and golden eyes. Sena then tried to reopen the gate after starting to feel fine. While the woman was still there even though she was already at the gate of her house. The girl then said something to him and it sounded like a cheerleader.
"Take it easy. Maybe you are too tired so don't push yourself. Good night," said the woman.
"Thank you very much. I will remember what you just said.”
Sena then entered his house. While the woman was still standing there and then looked at the window of Sena's room on the 2nd floor. There was something there. Like someone was standing looking at him with a sharp gaze. And then the figure disappeared as soon as the woman stopped looking that way. Sena then opened the door and at once the girl said something to Sena in her heart.
'I hope the lady is okay,' the woman thought and then left the place.
This time, it was Rebecca who was in the laboratory doing her practice. There, suddenly saw something and then made it drop the object in front of it. his friend who saw this then approached him and asked him who looked nervous while helping him clean up the broken glass that was previously used by Rebecca when she was practicing.
"Are you tired?" asked his friend.
"Oh, yes. I think so."
"After this you should go home and rest. You're not usually like this. Did something happen?”
"There isn't anything."
"Is that true?"
“Hey, stop lying and tell me what made you like this. You know you're only going to hurt yourself."
"I can't say."
"What are you saying?"
"Never mind, it's nothing serious."
"Up to you. I'm just telling you."
Rebecca who heard her friend's words then fell silent and looked at the previous direction. Apparently there was nothing to see and resumed his practice. Fortunately in practice this time the teacher didn't scold him too much and once everything was done, you could immediately told to go home and rest. Everyone in the laboratory then left and they went back to their respective homes. Rebecca came home alone. On the way home, like usually got on the bus and then stopped at the bus stop near his house. When I arrived at the bus stop and then walked down the sidewalk and then saw a shop that I had previously seen entered it to buy a doll. The shop was apparently still open and seen from outside the bright light from inside the shop. Some people also look leave the store after they shop. Rebecca then walked over. While walking, near the shop there was a place that was not filled with light. A girl who previously greeted Rebecca was standing there looking back at the shop with a sad look.
The next morning, Sena, who was in her house, woke up when she heard the sound of the alarm that kept ringing loudly. Not long after, Sena get out of bed and start tidying the house with fast . After everything is done, then take a shower. 30 minutes later, Sena turned on the television so the house wouldn't be too quiet. On television, the annual festival is being held today. After finishing tidying everything up , Sena then got ready to go to work and immediately turned off the television. On the way, many people pass through unusual roads because the roads are closed. They said it was a result of the celebrations held today. The celebration is held annually on November 2 to honor the ancestral culture. That's what some people say.
“Ah damn, I might be late,” Sena muttered in a hurry past the people who also seemed to be on their way to work.
The streets were filled with processions of people and they were seen wearing white clothes with something like a hat on their heads. They carried a few things and it sounded like they were chanting a spell. Their voices sounded loud and made people's eyes fall on them. Some of them carried black cloths with ancient writings on them and the women carried white flowers in a knot.
"Whoa, what's that?"
"Is this a traditional ceremony?"
"The celebrations have already begun."
"Wow amazing. It will be a good cultural tour.”
"What are they saying?"
People continued to mumble and then Sena fell silent in front of several people who were crowding in front of the office where she worked. Sena who tried to break through and finally arrived at his office even though it was full of struggles. Loli who was sitting on her chair and then started to say something to Sena who just came.
"You're on time. Oh yeah, didn't you watch the ceremony first?”
"It's a celebration."
"Ah yes, I mean celebration."
"I don't have time. That's why I rushed to come here."
"Well, I thought so."
“Hey, you two,” said the editor-in-chief who was a man the same age as the two of them and seemed full of positive energy and liked the strange things in this world. The man's name is Chris.
"What is it?" asked Loli while Sena just looked at her.
“Have you never heard of the rumors of this celebration?”
"Not. So what?"
"According to the news circulating, this festival is called the festival of the dead."
Sena who heard his words suddenly choked as soon as it looked like he was drinking a cup of coffee. It wasn't long before Sen a coughed and it made everyone in the editor's room look at him and try to help him. However, Sena seems to be able to handle it.
"Be careful when you drink," said one of the employees in the room.
"Yes," said Sena briefly.
"Is that real?" asked Loli who was getting curious.
Chris begins to tell the story of the truth behind the festival of the dead. Several centuries ago, those who held an exorcism ritual and it turned out that his life was lost. People who are left behind will certainly be sad and that's where they begin to celebrate as a form of respect for the exorcist spirit. Chris explained it at length and even deliberately added fake spices and scared those who heard him. Their expressions have begun to feel a tense sensation and it makes the adrenaline rush. However, when he was talking like that Loli just looked at him with a look as if it was just bullshit. In contrast to Loli , some people were already starting to get goosebumps.
"Seriously. There's no way it's a cliché story," said Loli and instantly made Chris pause for a moment.
"Hey, don't talk like that. It's real."
"Yeah-yeah it's real just think of it like that."
They then got to work and it turned out that it had died down quite a bit out there. The people who saw the event on the side of the road had ended because the group of people had already passed the road and now they were in a place that was a public cemetery. The words that Chris said were not entirely fiction, several other people also said the same thing according to what was written in the book. Some people believe in this culture and call it ancestral heritage. However, not just anyone can do it. A woman who last night met Sena, now that person is among the group of people and is seen carrying a bucket of flowers.

Bình Luận Sách (834)

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    Aminidham Zainuddin

    i like story


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    nice story


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