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Chapter Five

She tossed and turned over in her bed for a few seconds before finally becoming fully awake, she rubbed her eyes to clear the sleep, she wasn’t sure what had disturbed her sleep, turning over, she peeked at the bed side clock, it was just 3:30am, wondering what her woken her, she sat up as her ears picked up a strange sound, something musical like a person humming in a distance. Puzzled she frowned automatically coming to stand on her feet “what is that?” she wondered confused, standing up, she walked towards the sound, strangely, it was coming from the wall, getting even more confused, she slipped her slippers on and walked to the wall, putting her ears against the wall she listened holding her breath. It was a beautiful sound she admitted to herself, slow, beautiful and melodious. She could not quite place her finger on the music, the more she heard it, the more she was captivated by it. Who could be making that sound she wondered, obviously, it was coming from the room next to hers, “oh” she gasped softly when she remembered who was I that room, she had totally forgotten about him, his being in her life still felt like a dream to her, what was he doing at this time of the night? She wondered. Craning her ears to pick up the sound, she smiled instantly as she realised the words he was saying. He was reading the Quran, she couldn’t tell which surah, but it was definitely the Quran, its distinct sound was unique and his sweet voice was divine. Then slowly she stepped back frowning.
“What is wrong with me?” she thought, “so the idiot thinks he can pray huh, I will show him, he even disturbed my sleep, if he must read the Quran, must he do it in the night?” Even as she fumed, her heart stubbornly refused to agree with her, the truth, hard as it was to admit was obvious to her, her anger came not from the fact that he woke her but from the jealousy and envy she felt deep in her heart, she couldn’t remember the last time she prayed, it had been almost 7 years since she last observed an obligatory prayer, talk more of the supererogatory night prayer. “The idiot keeps annoying me,” she said softly clenching her teeth, “I will show him tomorrow morning” with that thought in mind she went back to her bed angrily, her conscience troubling her.
He observed himself in the mirror, his hand arranging the tie properly; he stared at his own image disapprovingly. His eyes were a bit red due to his lack of sleep; his face tired, it was just 6am and he was already ready for work, Alhaji Shehu had put him in charge of the Kaduna branch of the company. Today was going to be his first day as manager. He disliked the arrangements, disliked the fact that he was being made to abandon his passion; law, for business instead, disliked the fact that he had been forced to move to Kaduna, disliked the fact that he had to live in this house, he looked at the room he had slept in this past two nights, it was small, very small and shabby, from the looks of it, it seemed to be a child’s room. There were toys scattered all around the place, the bed was small like that suited for a kid, his whole body ached from the crooked position he slept in. The more he thought of everything, his misfortune and who was responsible for it, the more he became irritated and upset, he closed his eyes as anger began to burn in his chest slowly, “why am I even here, why don’t I just damn the consequences and get the hell out of this place?” But remembering Alhaji and what was at stake, he suddenly felt defeated and weak. “Calm down” he whispered, “everything would be okay” he tried to convince himself. “Why do you still worry, you have already left your situation to Allah,” he scolded his reflection in the mirror. “Just be patient no matter what, everything will be fine. Even your salary is now almost four times what you received before, mummy and my little ones will be ok now” the thought gave him little solace but he smiled a little, feeling better nonetheless. There would be time to think about all this, but it wasn’t now.
Although it was too early to early to go to work, he decided to leave any way, first, he didn’t want to meet her, second, he didn’t even know his surrounding, as Kaduna was a new city for him, so he wanted to drive around get himself familiar with his surroundings. Picking up his suit case, he made his way for the door, as soon as he stepped out, he felt something cold cover his face and body.
“Subhnallah” he gasped with shock as he felt cold grip his entire body, the ground was covered with water.
“Hahah hahah,” she laughed uncontrollably admiring her handy work, “Hmmn, you know I intended to wake you up with that, but this is even better,” she kept laughing, “an early morning suit bath…” she said still laughing provocatively. “I see you are the type that gets up early huh, good for you, cause any day I wake up before you, you will receive the treatment you just received now.”
Farhan just closed his eyes, as the water dripped from his hair down his face, his drenched suit felt heavy over his body.
“I just couldn’t let today pass despite you were up before me, just consider this as a demo,” she giggled. She expected an outburst, bad words, a tantrum, uncontrollable anger and maybe even a little tears if he was a coward. But what he did totally took her by surprise, shocked her. After whispering something she couldn’t hear, he opened those little eyes and behold, there was no anger, no irritation, no contempt, none, there was calm and control instead. Then he smiled, that annoying smile that always made her weak in the knees, using his hands to wipe off the water dripping from his hair.
“Good morning to you too” he said, in a surprisingly cheerful voice, the weird smile still on his face.
Immediately, she felt the anger begin to rise inside her, she glared at him angrily wishing she still had some more water to splash on that stupid face of his, she knew he was mocking her and it made her even more angry. When finally, she spoke, her voice was surprisingly rough and hard. it sounded strange even to her, what was it about this man that always made her go over the edge.
“I am glad you like it, expect a lot more of my hospitalities, believe me, they are to die for” she glared
Smiling he said, “you are too kind dear wife, I look forward to it, but now if you don’t mind, I need to change, I don’t want to be late for work on my first day” he winked
Forcing a fake smile, she said between clenched jaws, “we shall see” with that, she turned and stalked of angrily.
He stared at her retreating for a few seconds. still smiling, he said, “And hope you had a very good night’s rest? as it is, you have been very busy of late.”
She stopped, clenched her fist and then continued walking without a word.
Farhan almost laughed out loud when he was safely back in the room, “what was that?” he thought. He had almost laughed at the expression on her face, it surprised him how he had been able to control his temper and he was glad about it. It made him realise something, this lady Farisha was no lady at all, but a child in a lady’s body, he still found it amusing at how fast she could get angry and how easy he could light her fuse, it reminded him of his little sisters and how cute it was when they threw their silly tantrums. “how old was she?” he wondered smiling at the thought. Although he didn’t know how long all these would last, but now he was determined to be the matured one.
Taking off his drenched suit, he shivered as the cold griped him, the window was slightly open, it was November and the harmattan was particular cold this season. Quickly he changed into another smart looking suit with a matching white tie, as he did this, he didn’t know why, but he felt good almost to the point of whistling.
In the next room, the situation was totally different, Risha felt like exploding with anger, in as much as she was angry with him, she felt angry at herself for how she had reacted, “the idiot” she whispered pacing “I will show him.”
And so, it ended with a morning victory for Farhan or at least so it seemed. At work he found he knew absolutely nothing about running the business, everyone one had been instructed to be nice and helpful, he was thrilled at what he had been able to pick up on his first day, Alhaji had not been oblivious about the fact that he was not trained for such a position, so everyone had been duly instructed to help him settle in without trouble, most of the serious work was still been handled by the former manager. Hence Farhan felt he could relax and learn at his own pace, despite everything, he was determined to excel, for although he seemed not to have control over every other aspect of his life, he was determined to do his best at the one thing he had a free hand in, his work.
By 4pm when he finally closed for the day he was very tired and very hungry, he had not had a stable meal for about four days, his appetite had deserted him, but after a long days’ work he felt he could eat a whole cow. As he drove, he contemplated between going to the house or a restaurant, he didn’t at all like the idea of the restaurant, even as a bachelor he rarely patronized restaurants always cooked his own food, thanks to his years as a student in a strange country and he had been quite contented with that, no matter how terrible it tasted. He thought about the house, his new home and who awaited him, the crazy girl, his wife…he cringed at the thought and the displeasure it brought, “maybe she would cook” he thought; his mind disagreed instantly. At any case, he didn’t have much choice so he drove home deciding to try his luck. The sun was already setting when he arrived and the weather had dropped to the usual chill, as he stepped out of the car, he sneezed twice and the head ache he had been struggling with since morning hit him with full force, almost like the damn thing had been waiting for him to arrive at the house.
“Surely, this house has to be haunted,” he thought smiling a little. He observed the architectural wonder before his eyes, it left him in awe at the share size, he couldn’t tell from the outside how many rooms it comprised of, but from the looks of it, no less than thirty, the style was Victorian, with a blend of northern splendour, at present it was in a desolate state, the windows were covered with cobwebs and dust, the faded paint pilled off the wall, it wasn’t the raining season, but there were still signs of spirogyra and algae growth on the wall. So, this was the in
famous Shehu villa he thought. It was famous all over the country for its beauty and stylish splendour, or at least it was, when Alhaji Shehu had actually lived in it, now no one was left except a few loyal servants who had stayed to do the little they could in maintaining the place. That was until he and “his wife” had been condemned to live here of cause. He felt reluctant to walk in, almost afraid, the place looked mysterious, and strange, the strangest feeling of all was that he was living in it with her…for a few seconds; he contemplated the thought of running back into his car and driving away from all the madness, yet he knew he couldn’t. His growling stomach reminded him that it urgently needed reimbursement. Collecting his resolve, he walked in slowly, not quite knowing what to expect.
“Assalamualaikum” he announced as he stepped in, his eyes scanning the massively spacious and exquisite parlour. Although the outside of the house looked bleak, the inside was a totally different story. The interior was painted in clean yellow, by the looks of it, it had been done recently, the old exquisite chairs were beautifully placed in different strategic points. The interior design, a blend of Western and Northern Nigerian setting, old sword rested on different sides of the wall, all arranged to give a distinct northern touch, in the middle of the parlour was a mat-like rug, hand stitched, on it was a designed of two palm threes above two swords place in an X shape, the lighting at the moment was a bit dull as many of the light bulbs were off, he had seen all of them on once and they were a beauty to behold, especially in the night when the outside was dark, but even at the moment, the deem glow from the few bulbs that were switched on sent and exotic and romantic glow around. Yet despite all this beauty, something was missing, something beautiful that would complete the scene, that would make the picture come alive, it looked like a bed well-made but without any body lying in it, like a wonderful landscape with beautiful threes and grasses, but without beautiful little birds and cute rabbits to make it come alive. Everything seemed so still and vague. Just as his mind debated on what this particular scene needed, she walked in, he held his breath involuntarily, he couldn’t tell where she had walked in from, and it was almost like she had just appeared from nowhere. The deem glow was doing something to her skin; it glowed as its rays fell on her. Her beautiful shoulder length hair was loose; she was dressed in a beautiful green gown that was tightly sewn to the gorgeous ups and downs of her body. Her arms were bare as the gown was sleeveless; she had her make up on, quite heavy, giving her a matured touch.
“I see you are back” she said, walking into the light.
Her voice brought him out of his trance, he blinked quickly looking away shyly, it was a strange feeling for him, seeing like her that. He felt guilty for staring. Ignoring the roughness in her voice, he just nodded, still looking away, he felt awkward at the moment,
“what am I supposed to do? Speak to her, sit in the parlour for a few minutes?”
Risha observed him closely, his suit looked smart on him, neat, almost like had just worn it, his tall frame was emphasized by the slimness of the suit, when his eyes held hers for a those few seconds, she didn’t know why but she felt hot all over, it took great effort to keep her facial expression straight when she spoke.
After a few tensed seconds he walked slowly directing his steps towards the stairs.
“Stop there Mr.” her hard voice gripped him to the spot, have you lost your tongue or did no one teach you to greet?”
He turned to look at the hard expression on her face, it didn’t sooth her he thought, the glare, the frowns, the rough voice, none of it soothed this lady that looked like an angel. Deciding it was not worth the trouble he smiled charmingly and said “good evening”
At the sight of that smile, she looked away instantly, surprised once more at the pace at which her anger was beginning to rise.
“How is he doing it?” she wondered. “Don’t leave yet I am not done with you,” she said.
He turned to face her fully the smile never leaving his face. He said nothing, but the expression on his face indicated he was waiting for her to speak.
“I don’t think I have told you the rules and regulations in this house, right? Well listen very attentively because I will say this only once” she said walking up to him.
He was still silent so she continued.
“The first rule that you must never forget is that I am the boss, I decide what happens, when it happens and how, you don’t speak to me until I speak to you first, you don’t stand in my way when I walk or I will kick you off, you greet when you see me, you don’t move around the rooms in this house without my permission, you don’t bring anything in and most certainly you don’t take anything out, oh, and under no circumstance are you allowed to be happy , understood?
With amusement in his eyes and a lazy smile on his lips, he nodded.” I have a question,” he said his smile becoming broader.
“The first rule is you are the boss right? Good I got that. So, does all that follow fall into the first rule or are they also standing rules or subsections?” despite his efforts to look serious, his mocking smile betrayed him.
Her fist clenched, as anger gripped her without warning. “You think this is a joke?”
“No not all” he said putting on a straight face, “I am a lawyer, so I like to understand all the rules and regulations properly as he spoke, he smiled again.
Breathing hard, she glared at him “look be careful” she said warning him, “and wipe stupid smile off your annoying face, in fact that is my second rule, you should never smile in front of me again, ever.”
“Yes ma’am,” he said in an exaggerated show of respect, “no more smiling…got it” but even as he said this, the smile fought to defy her instructions.
As she noticed the slight smile on his lips, she turned away in disgust, at the moment she could commit murder. “Just get out of my sight.”
He glanced at the dining table and to his delight, there were some plates covered, his stomach responded instantly. Without thinking, he walked up to the dining hoping. He sat and opened the plate closest to him, he almost smiled as the sight of a well-made tuwon masara greeted his hungry gaze, eager, he opened the plate opposite it, expecting some soup, nothing was there, it was empty, he opened the next and found water in a bowl, definitely for watching hands, he thought, “but where is the soup?” He opened the next and found two sachet water. There was no soup he realised, just what is happening he wondered looking from plate to plate.
“Satisfied?” he heard her voice, he looked up, she was standing in the other side of the table smiling wickedly at him. In her hands was a tray.
“Where did that come from” he thought “who cares as long as she has soup” his stomach scolded. He kept silent looking at her hopefully.
“You see as a dutiful wife, I couldn’t eat without my husband, she said sitting down. She set the plates in front of her and began to open them one after the other, a tantalizing aroma filled the air as she opened a second plate, it was groundnut soup, garnished with enough meat and fish.
Farhan’s mouth began to water immediately.
“Well go on,” she said “or aren’t you hungry?”
He stared at the plate in front of him and then back to her questioningly.
She flashed him a charming smile and began to eat, “wow!” she exclaimed, “this is really good you have to try this.”
Farhan waited for a few minutes hoping, after about 3 minutes, he wisely concluded he wasn’t getting any soup after all. Slowly he got to his feet, avoiding her gaze, he made his way for the stairs, by this time the sun was already setting and he could hear the muadthim’s call to prayers.
She watched him go up the stairs, she felt good about herself, “clearly the fool was hungry,” she thought smiling, the early morning water splash didn’t end well but this was not bad, she hoped he would ask for some, she had a sarcastic answer in the ready. Nonetheless, just that sad expression on his face was good to behold.
Few minutes later, she saw him come down the stairs. He had changed into a long white jallabiya with a matching cape cap. It made him look taller. Somehow, he looked totally different from the guy that just walked up the stairs, now he looked kind of pious, like some Islamic cleric. She stared at him, her silly heart beating faster in anticipation of something she herself could not place. From the angle of the dining table, she had the advantage of the deem light, it cast a shadow over her, so she could observe him without risk of being seen. As he got closer to the door, her racing heart beat faster, she didn’t know why, but she expected something, something to complete her feeling of triumph, whatever it was that she expected, it was totally contrary to what she saw. Finally, he stopped and looked at her direction, his clear eyes held hers for a few seconds, and then as usual to her utter surprise and outmost disgust, he smiled.
“What kind of human being was this?” she wondered, she had hoped for sadness, hurt, disappointment maybe even anger to prove she struck a nerve, but not this. By the time she snapped out of her thoughts, he was gone, leaving her to fume in frustration and disappointment.
“Let’s see how long that stupid smile will last” she scoffed angrily.

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    WafiyMuhd. Faizal

    the best stories


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    it's beautiful and so nice


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