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Chapter 5 ( The escape of the Luna)

Walking through the thick forest, Maria and Luciana not having a single idea of where they should go from there. They quickly remove their disguise, in other to appear normal again should incase they get to meet someone who could be of help to them.
Soon they began hearing some noise coming from the branches, they weren't certain what exactly it was but they sensed danger.
They only hoped no one had noticed their absence from the pack so early and and followed them, it was going to be a very dangerous game if that happened. Soon enough they saw rogues coming out from different locations. They both said that they had encroached into the territory of the rogues.
They signal each other in order to protect themselves and get ready from the attacks which the rogues we are going to enforce on them. The rogues were all males and they were aware that the other two which they planned on attacking were women.They wanted to subdue them and take them forcefully as their mates into their own pack.
The odour that came from their bodies made Maria throw up, but she knew she had to stay alert. Despite the fact that she was in pain .Maria was a very strong woman ,she was much more stronger than her mate and had defended him at different intervals when he was under attack.
Luciana also took it upon herself to protect her luna from the attacks of the strangers. she tells the rogue to back off or they were going to hurt them badly. But the rogues laughed loud at them, taking them to be weak people who couldn't fight back.
Being five in number, they immediately surrounded Maria and Luciana, trying their way in beating them up. The fight wasn't an easy one, as Maria fought back with all her strength she had already transformed herself into her wolf form using her sharp crawls in bruising different parts of their bodies, Luciana too ,still in her human form made sure they didn't get close to Maria ,she kept shielding her.
Maria quickly tells them that they should be shameful for them who were males to be fighting with females. she tells them that if the truly want a fight between both parties that they should deploy one person from their group who would fight with one of them. It was going to be a fight till death.
She also says that if she wins then she would be made leader of their pack but if she they win then they would have to take her captive.
The rogues laughed out loud making Maria and Luciana look like jokes . They accept the challenge and deploy one of their men
to fight for them.
Maria tells Luciana that she would fight, but Luciana refuses and reminds her that she should remember she was with a child. Luciana then goes forth to fight against the rogue for her Luna. She uses all her might and gives the rogue a very deep cut, this makes him fall to the ground as he groans in pains.

She takes a big stick in her hand and trys knocking him off completely. Maria stops her and tells the rogue that where she comes from , she doesn't believe in killing rogues, she states that she knows they were defending their territory and she wouldn't kill them for doing so.
They all bow down to her and decide on making her their new leader as they had agreed. She follows them as they lead both her and Luciana to their pack.
Ohio leaves his court to Maria's court that night, he had wanted to be with her all through the night, but got surprised that she wasn't in the room, he called out to Luciana but no one responded.
He immediately asked the guards if they had seen Maria, but they all declined.
He becomes furious and tells them to search the whole pack for Maria . The guards search the whole pack but no one seemed to know her whereabouts.
Ohio orders that she must be found and brought back to the pack immediately.They all leave the pack into the forest to find Maria and Luciana.
Maria is taken to the rogues pack far away, they all welcome her and she is announced as their leader . She knowns that being in the midst of strange rogues was not going to be an easy task ,but she was out for it.
There was no other place to go to ,so she knew it was best for her and Luciana to settle with the rogues.
She had always loved power and if staying with the rogues would make her retain that authority she was ready to lead them. She sat down thinking about her past life with her deseased mate and how they had both promised to stand by each other.
She only wished she could reverse the time filled with memories backwards and protect him from Ohio .The deed had already been done and there was nothing else she could do now than to get herself together and fight for the future of her unborn .
She was going to do all it takes to bring forth the child,watch the child grow and return back to the pack to take her revenge on Ohio.
She would use her influence as the rogues leader in instigating her plans. Luciana had already promised to be with her at every step she took and would make sure justice was brought for the late Alpha.
She tries to calm her down , warning ,that even if they do not strike immediately,that they would definitely strike in the future when Ohio least expects it.
Maria is happy and relaxes having known that Luciana was going to support her.
She knew she had a lot of work to do for her newly found people and this was going to be her work to fix. The rogues served Maria and Luciana with their night meal, it was a way of welcoming them as one of their own into their little circle of rough looking rogues. They had to make her feel relaxed and comfortable.
"Although everywhere looked very unclean dirty and stinky, but this place was better than roaming around the forest which could get you into more dangerous creatures that you can ever think of ",Maria thought.
She would rather stay with the rogues and plan her future than keep on walking around the forest without having any place to get her head laid. She knew that for sure by now Ohio must have been looking for her and staying right here was the best place at that time as he would find it very difficult to think about it.
Ordinarily ,no one would want to go to the rogues for anything so she knew staying there was the best place for her at that point in time.

Bình Luận Sách (136)

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