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chapter 2.

‘ years ago, a young boy like yourself also doubted the fact about the existence of demons, but on till one night, himself and his family were eating together, smiling and laughing together until the unthinkable happened ’, the man kept quiet for a while.
‘ what happened ’, hope asked the man.
‘ you really want to know ? ’, the man replied him in a soft tone.
They both kept quiet for a while before the heart breaking event happened.
‘ his family were brutally slaughtered and eaten up, bit by bit, he was the only one who survived the brutal attack that night ’, the man said to him in a soft tone.
‘ what happened to him now ’, Hope asked.
‘ that young man lives to tell his tale and his me, am that young man ’, he replied Hope with tears slowly dripping down his face.
Hope walks up to him and hugs him saying.
‘ don't worry, it's all in the past, it can not redo the future but I want you to forget about it ’, in a soft tone.
The man slowly moves away from him and walks up to a door, he turns on the light and said to him.
‘ rest, because tomorrow is going to be a long day ’, in a broken tone.
He walks away from him and Hope nods his head and went to his bed.
The following morning, the environment was cold as snowflake slowly drops down from the sky, Hope was still asleep when the man woke him up and said to him.
‘ lazy bone, get up you don't have all day you know, you have to keep up against the snow ’, in a low tone.
And as Hope heard about the snow, immediately he rose up on his feet and ran towards the window.
‘ ooh no, I was not preparing for this ’, he said out loud to himself in a loud tone.
He saw the snow around the man's compound, making a seal that trapped them in.
‘ you know, it's not too early to take a hike ’, the man said to him in a bold tone.
As he saw the expression on Hope's face, he burst into laughter and slowly walks out on him.
‘ Zoom ’, Hope runs through the blizzards, it's harsh winds blew through his face, sending objects towards his direction, Hope been stubborn refuse to back down, he kept moving forward till he arrived at a small shack where he seeks shelter.
He shievers in pain and slowly opens the door. What he saw was breath taking.
‘ tch ’, Hope expressed in fear.
Several dead bodies were lying around, some without head, while some without hands and legs, blood slowly rolls to his feet, as he walks in to have a clearer view, one of the man rose up and said to him.
‘ boy, you have to go warn the cites, tell them that the demons have penetrated in ’, he said to him in a dying tone.
Hope ran towards him and rose up his head.
‘ how can I help you ’, Hope said to him.
The man stares at a sword on the table and points his hand at it.
‘ kill me ’, he replied Hope.
‘ no, I can't do that, I have not killed a man before and I would not do it now ’, Hope replied him and walks away from him.
As the man saw deception in his eyes, he slowly rose his hand and touches Hope shoulder.
‘ tch ’, Hope expressed in shock.
‘ if you don't kill me, I will kill you, if you fear to kill a man, then help me with my sword and let me kill myself ’, in a slow tone accompanied with tears dripping on his blood.
Hope walks up to the table and picks up the sword, he gives him the sword, the man took it and rose up the sword against himself and stabbed himself, the man slowly drops his hand holding the sword and past on to death.
Hope became scared and slowly walks away from the shack into the snow.
As he slowly walks through the blizzard, he could hear sounds of the wind blowing through his face, suddenly he had a weird feeling that he was been watched by someone or something, because of fear he ran and hide himself behind a tree, he could hear footsteps of the animal, slowly reaching his destination when a loud ‘ Thud ’ causing the snow to slid through the forest taking Hope with it.
‘ arrgh ’, Hope expressed in fear as he was going fast that he could not even see where he was or where he was going to.
‘ I have to find away out of here ’, he said to himself while gazing at a tree.
As he was about passing by, he held on to the tree, and the snow went past him.
As the disaster stopped, Hope rose up on his feet and slowly walks forward when he looks down, he realized that he was trapped at the edge of a cliff.
‘ ooh boy ’, he muttered to himself while slowly moving around, he saw a crack on the ground as he moved forward, he saw a wide hole, separating him from another mountain.
It was a beautiful day at Lincoln, England, as usual, the environment was enlightened with happiness and joy while finding his way in was Hope, he was looking exhausted and slowly staggers on his feet to a cart, he took his seat with three women inside of it with him, suddenly a conversation went on in the cart.
‘ now and days life have just been very cruel, imagine been happy and suddenly dying today ’, one of the woman said with a broken tone.
The other went on saying.
‘ it's already enough, we can't just sit down and watch our loved ones die like animals, we have to put an end to it ’, in an aggressive tone.

Bình Luận Sách (947)

  • avatar
    Kent Atazar

    This happened through this story,is he gives me a wonderful thing that I can do it from my self ,and I was realized when I was enough old ,that things I can do it for my self .ahmm this story he gives me an expectation that's all thank you


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  • avatar
    Bado Mecoyco

    ang gandan


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