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Chapter Five

She leaned against the wall of whatever room she was in. She didn't care as long as it was far from those idiots. She was okay. She sniffed, trying to reel in the tears.
"It shouldn't matter anymore Tokun. You're not supposed to be affected, idiot. They're jerks. You've always known jerks. You should've listened to the voice of reason Tokun. You can't make friends. You shouldn't make friends. They'll only break you in the end. Literally. When will you learn, Tokun?" she chanted to herself while surveying the room, trying to divert her attention anywhere else.
It seemed she was in a section of a library since she was facing a shelf stacked with books. She stood up slowly and then, walked around, her eyes roaming every inch of the beautiful designs on the walls, and the shelves. Tall high shelves with attached ladders. The ceiling had paintings of different myths.
Sir Arthur in some battle,
The so-called gods casting the Titans and Cronos into Tartarus...
"Wow," she whispered as her eyes fell on the reading area.
Cosy cubicles with wonderful-looking armchairs.
"This is heaven!" she screamed childishly throwing herself on a sofa and giggling like an idiot. She sighed into its plushness.
"Comfy isn't it?"
A blood-curling scream escaped her lips at the sound of the silvery voice. Her muscles acted quickly, launching an innocent book lying on the centre table in its direction.
"Ow! You hit my nose!!!" the figure cried clutching her face.
Oh, fish balls!
"Sorry!..... I thought you were moaning myrtle or something." Tokun apologized rushing toward the girl.
"Oh, greeeeeaaat! A Harry Potter geek." the girl mumbled. Her hands were still holding her nose so her voice sounded funny.
Tokunbo gave a nervous chuckle before frowning. "Hey! You know who moaning myrtle is. You're a fan of HP too."
The girl looked up, narrowing her eyes at her. "You're smart..... And HP?" she muttered before shoving past the latter and flopping on the sofa Tokun had been a few minutes ago. "Much better."
"Who are you then? Since you are no moaning myrtle?"
"Oh, I'm moaning myrtle's sister. What? Can't you see the resemblance?" The answer was accompanied by a too-wide smile.
Moaning myrtle never smiled I think.
"Look harder honey."
She scoffed "Even if I placed you under an electron microscope, you won't turn any paler."
"I am not?" the girl asked checking herself as if she hadn't realized, then looked up with a smile. "Oh... Gosh. I forgot to wash off pale invisibility cream. I haven't had a shower yet know."
Tokunbo shook her head.
"Pale invisibility cream? That makes no sense. In case you didn't know, ghosts aren't real."
"And how would you know that? You're not one of us. And I say they are."
"They are not!"
"Are too!"
"What are you? Five?"
"Who are you sef?"
"I just told you!" The girl shrugged.
"Moaning myrtle didn't even have a sister in the movie."
"Well duh! This is real life."
Tokunbo gave a low hiss, running her hands over her face. "Moaning Myrtle is a fictional character.", he stated slowly as if talking to a child.
"She is real. Now you know." the latter stated smiling like an idiot. Her pools were similar to Vicky's but not as dark.
"You're not telling me who you are, are you?" Tokun asked letting out a whoosh in resignation. She sat on the sofa opposite the mystery girl.
"Fine..... What are you doing here?"
"Duh. It's a library." The mystery girl answered nonchalantly.
"Doesn't answer my question."
"I'll tell you if you tell me why you were crying earlier." the girl stated, her eyes narrowing as she folded her arms.
"Okay," Tokunbo replied.
What's the worst that could happen?
"You go first."
"What? No way. I asked first."
"Who cares?"
"Uh...hello? Me?"
"Well, I don't. Now speak up sister."
"I don't like you." Tokunbo began, frowning at her. "You're bossy."
The mystery girl gave a shallow laugh before sinking further into the sofa. "Feeling's mutual babe."
"Gross. I assure you, I'm not into ghost feigners."
"And I am not into scared cats."
"We rhymed!"
"Oooh, we're a match made in heaven." Mystery girl mocked. "Sooo..."
"Well, I was angry." Tokun sighed.
You're telling your problems to a stranger. A crazy one. Talking to Betty won't be the only thing you'll regret Tokun.
"It's just... I was supposed to have a peaceful lunch and then this stupid guy Elijah made some comment about how thin I was. And the others just sat there -"
"Wait a sec." The mystery girl interrupted leaning forward. "You're with Elijah and the rest?"
"What? No. I mean yes I was, but that isn't the point. Just listen-"
The dark-haired girl rose and stormed off, muttering profanities, leaving a confused and frustrated Tokunbo behind.
"How was your day?"
Timilehin asked as soon as they began the walk home. Their dad hadn't shown up at thirty minutes past two so they got the drill and hoped they knew the way back home.
"I don't even know what to call it. Weird? Definitely. Frustrating? Yes. Annoying? Very. Do I still feel like coming to this school? Nope."
"Wow..... Not new, since you hate everything. But what exactly happened?"
She nudged him. "I don't hate everything."
"Uh-huh. You're making me a believer," he replied sarcastically toying with something on his finger.
"Is that a ring?"
"Yep. Some girl made it for me and announced to the class that I was her boyfriend." he grinned.
Tokun warmed with anger then. Void of thinking, she grabbed his finger, snatched the twisty tie ring, and threw it into the bushes.
"God! I hate you! Why did you do that?!" Timi stomped in tears scanning through the bushes.
"I doubt you'll find it. You're only Ten! You can't have a girlfriend!"
"Because you don't?! Or cause yours stabbed you in the back?!"
"Shut up!" she bellowed at him then turned around walking away. "When you're done looking for your oh-so-precious girlfriend ring, meet me at home."

Bình Luận Sách (348)

  • avatar
    Kak Long

    So good👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🌹


  • avatar
    Loidena Tumlos



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