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chpt 5.

The following morning the birds sang and the day was beautiful but a sorrowful mourn woke Erik up, he got up looking tired, his facial expressions had said it all, and he walks up to Susan and Nasak in the opened scene.
“how are you guys doing”.
Nasak crying and his tears dripping on his hands.
“what happened here”.
Susan what happened here.
“am sorry”.
“you're what!!”.
Suddenly a loud *spark*, and a being contracted from Susan's body, it was a figure like creature.
It was the spirit of the Fox, some part of it was still attached to Susan.
“enough!!!”,in a high tone.
A tremendous force shaked the peaceful forest, her voice chased away the birds from the forest and everywhere became quiet as a grave yard.
Nasak was paralyzed in fear.
“tch, Grena”.
“Grena, what the hell did you think you're doing”, in a high tone.
“am here to tell you what happened”, she stared at Nasak and said to herself ( sralee's host ), she could see Sralee sleeping inside of Nasak's body.
“shut up Erik, you saw them taking him away but you couldn't stop them”.
“them, who are the they”.
“they were warriors from the iron village, they came for us but i ran into the bushes immediately i sensed them but..”.
“but what ? ”, in an aggressive tone.
“he went too far for his voice to reach, you shouldn't blame him, i could have stopped them but remember you said i shouldn't take over your body like that”.
“but you should have done something, arrhh, you're right it's all my fault”.
Saris was seriously injured and was chained up to the ceiling.
He slowly opens his eyes and sighted group of men then immediately he shut his eyes.
“is this the great Saris” one of them said, and the other replied “i think so”,“ when are they coming” the first person said, and the other person replied,“maybe later”.
And they all left the scene, locking him inside.
Then Saris opened his eyes.
( Who wants me dead, mmh, urgh, Fang ).
Susan and Grena stood by a tree.
“is that boy”.
“my son, yes”.
“am not talking about that, is he Sralee's host, don't even think of lying to me i know everything, he isn't your son Susan”.
“yes, his Sralee's host”.
“tch, what did you think you're doing, his a beast, he can't be controlled”
“but his asleep, half of his mana is drained it will take time before he wakes up”.
“you don't understand me, there is a reason why he was sealed in the first place, he feeds on rage and anger, if Nasak lose control of his emotions, he will take over his body”.
While Erik was paying attention to their conversation.
Flash back.
Erik was by the door paying attention on Saris and Susan conversation.
“that dragon is still inside of Nasak huh”.
“yes, but i have not sensed his energy for over sixteen year now”.
“we hope the seal doesn't break one day”.
Present scene.
“so Nasak has the elder gods beast inside of him, tch, i wish the beast never wakes up”.
String was inside a dark room, staring at nothing but darkness in and out, when suddenly a light appeared inside the scene.
String sighs,“what do you want Fang”.
“ I want something inside of you”.
“tch, i won't be your play toy Fang, go get Nasak”.
“you see that's were you are wrong, there is something inside of you i want and if i can't have it”, and then the scene became dramatic “no one can”.
String huffs, ( what does he want from me, “ is it what i think it is, no it can't be ”).
Fang turned his back at String.
“ there is a power you possess that I seek........”.
Immediately string intruded.
“ kiro”.
( Is that what it is called, kiro ).
Fang smirked and walks out of the scene.
At the kidnappers hideout.
It was morning, and a dark figure stood on top a roof of a building.
“ is that where they are now hiding him, they are more stupid than i presume ”.
The dark figure vanished from the scene, while on the ground, the kidnappers are smuggling Saris body into a small shack.
Kidnapper 1;
“ I don't trust that guy, i think we should just........”.
Kidnapper 2;
“ just what huh, am gonna get paid no matter what get that, now get out of here and tell the others to get back to work ”.
And they both left the scene, while Saris is tied up and his eyes are covered he couldn't see but he could move his hands.
( I need to get out of here, and I need to trick one of them to open my eyes but how ).
The iron village.
Susan, Nasak and Erik entered the iron village, they sighted men, women and children patronizing the roads of the village, Nasak was amazed and almost wondered off before Susan held him.
“ mmh ”.
Susan smile and said to him.
“ okay, but don't run out guffing around alright ”.
Nasak responses by nodding his head.
They walked into the iron village and approached a house in an area filled with animals, it looks like a farm, as they got to the door, Erik hesitate to knock on the door, when by accident Nasak mistakenly hits him making him to knock on the door.
“ tch ”.
“ am sorry ”.
They all heard large foot steps approaching the door, it became louder when he approaches the door, later the sounds stop, and they heard a loud push.
Suddenly it was a male figure standing at the front of them.
“ Erik, Susan and I believe that must be...........”.
“ his”.
“ no, don't mention a word i remember his name, his Nasak right ”.
“ yes he is Nasak ”.
” so...... Where is Saris ”.
“ tch”.
At the kidnappers hideout.
One of them entered the scene and brought a bag, inside that bag was food, he walks up to Saris and removes the cloth used to tie his mouth, he feeds Saris slowly.
Kidnapper 1;
“ open up and eat ”.
“ wait i wanna ask you something ”.
Kidnapper 1;
“ am not met to talk to our prisoners ”, he ignores Saris.
Saris struggles to talk but he kept feeding him.
“ I can see you are not trusted by your colleagues ”.
The kidnapper kept quiet for a while and he had thoughts running through his mind.
Kidnapper 1;
“ yeah, you're right ”.
“ I over heard your conversation with him earlier, talking about .....
, I think you were the one he was talking about, right ”.
Kidnapper 1;
“ yes, am sick and tired of him always trying to boss me around, like seriously am not a dog, even dogs are treated well right ”.
“ yes, do me a favour ”.
Kidnapper 1;
“ that is ”.
“ remove this blindfold from my eyes ".
Kidnapper 1;
“ tch ”.
Kidnapper 2;
“ one more thing ”.
Kidnapper 1;
Kidnapper 2;
“ don't ever remove his blindfold ”.
Kidnapper 1;
“ why ”.
Kidnapper 2;
“ he has a power on his eyes, like a mind controlling ability, with that ability he can hypnotize anyone or anything, he can create mind illusions, or even worst he can throw anyone into a trance, like a forever nightmare, so no matter what don't remove his blind fold ”.
Present scene.
The kidnapper was lost in thoughts.
“ I know your colleagues told you my secrets, about my eyes ”.
Kidnapper 1;
“ tch ”.
“ if you free me things will go back to normal but if you don't, am sorry I will die and my people might come for you love ones ”.
Kidnapper 1;
“ are you threatening me or something ”.
“ I wish i was but it's for real ”.
The kidnapper left the room.
( Why did i have to be so harsh, now am gonna be ).
Suddenly he entered the scene and went up to Saris and untied the cover immediately he did he went back and was facing the floor, and Saris walks up to him and taps his shoulder.
“ thanks for saving my life, now ”.
He rubs his hands.
“ now run ”.
And the kidnapper ran out from the shack, the dark figure was on top a tree, observing what was going on, when suddenly a some group of men appeared, holding weapons, Saris came out from the shack and smiled at all of them, as they all ran onward towards his direction he closed his eyes for a while, they were already close enough to make an impact when suddenly he opens his eyes and sends them into a trance, they all scattered, some of them were fighting each other while some of them fell down.
“ my mind style never failed me ”, he walked pass under the tree the dark figure was.
“ mmh, i think he's more stronger than they say he is ”.
At Fang's hideout.
A gas was released inside the room where String was, slowly string loses himself and fell asleep, while he was asleep a new being took over his body, Kiro.
Fang's monks entered the room, each of them holding a lantern and suddenly they heard a *mental sound* and they were all distracted for a while, when suddenly.
*Blood gushing sounds*.
One of the monk held his neck and his body dropped immediately, they all sighted the figure, he was tall and had long limps, scales for skin, long fangs and claws capable of breaking bones, he rose up and stares at them, he was over six feet tall, he separated his hands from his body and contracted his claws, he displays his fangs, and when he opened his eyes, it was green, only his eyes colour were seen in the dark, he swiftly went through their body parts chopping off their heads, legs, hands and eating it, only one body part was thrown out of scene.
Fang stood outside the room, hearing the sounds of agony, he smiles in a mischievous manner.
“ come with me or you die”.
“ hey, what's up with you guys, why do you'll wanna kill me huh ”.
“ just come with me ”.
“ tch”, ( what the hell is a kiro ).
Few minutes ago.
The kidnapper ran as far as his legs could carry him, while on top the trees was a dark figure, running after him in full speed, the kidnapper ran behind a tree and sighs heavily, the dark figure ran past him and the kidnapper sights him as he slowly turns his back to escape, a dagger was placed on his neck by the same dark figure.
“ don't move ”.
( How the hell did he get here ).
“ you have failed the mission and master have no use of you ”.
He aggressive pierced the side of the knife on his neck.
“ arrgh ”.
“ am sorry i have to waste you ”.
Suddenly the kidnapper slowly reaches for his pocket and brought out a dagger, he swiftly strikes the figure but he did a backflip and avoided his attack, immediately the kidnapper ran from the scene.
“ arrgh "( he almost got me unaware ).
The kidnapper kept running, *wind sounds*, he appears at the front of him and held his neck.
“ urgh ”.
“ any last words ”.
“ no, let him go ”.
The figure stared at Saris and threw the kidnapper away, the kidnapper flee the scene.
“ you will make a good leash for kiro ”.
Present scene.
“ what is a kiro punk ”.
" I don't have much time to waste ”.
The figure dashed towards Saris, as soon as he got to Saris, Saris lost balance and shoved back.
“ time for you to meet my own pet ”.
He closed his eyes and opened it, looking at the figure, he dashed into action, clenching his fists when suddenly a *spark* occurred, the figure held Saris fist, crushing his bones, *bone crushing sounds*, he aggressive punched Saris, the force was so tremendous that it sent Saris crashing into several trees, Saris manages to raise up his body when suddenly the figure appeared and uses his leg to smash him against the ground, the force alone sent dust ascending into the sky.
Saris stared at the figure.
“ who the hell are you ”( how come, why did my mind manipulation techniques fail me ).
The figure looks fro.
“ I can't bring you in looking like this, my master will kill me ” he removed his feet from Sari's back.
“ go and i might come for you later ”, the dark figure ran out from the scene.
“ master............” slowly he blanked out.
Fang widely opens the door, he walks in and saw trail of blood and some body parts, in the darkness a monster figure hides himself from the light.
“ kiro”, in a low tone.
The figure rushed out from the darkness to him raising his claws above Fang's head.
“ it seems you're not scared of the light ”.
“ fang, what do you want from me”, in a deep tone.
Fang had a frightening look on his face.
“ I want your powers ”.
At Gacrio's place.
They were all at the dinning room eating and having a conversation.
“ Soo..... Saris was kidnapped,
and Grena revealed herself to you guys and no body died ”.
Nasak was eating so fast.
“ yeah ”.
“ that's good to hear ”.
Slowly the day faded away and they all went to bed as Nasak was about walking out of the seen, Gacrio said to him.
“ get ready for tomorrow, is gonna be a long day, cause am gonna be training you ”.
Nasak nods his head and walks out of the scene.
At Fang's hideout.
The Dark figure emerged from the shadows.
“ what happened ”.
“ Saris murdered everyone, and i caught him but...... ”.
“ you had to let him go ”.
” yes master, i did ”.
“ leave before, just leave ”.
Unknown to him that the figure has flee the scene.
“.....”, ( Saris is the only one that can control kiro's consciousness with his eyes, without him kiro will be a wild animal i have to look for Blex ).

Bình Luận Sách (341)

  • avatar
    Ericson Indico



  • avatar
    Norayah D. Hadji Abdulhalim



  • avatar
    ChavezClaire Ann

    very good


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