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Chương 2 Getting familiar with the new boss

~ Courtney ~
I got down from the car and took a look at my surroundings.
The house is really big and beautiful.
The driver drove out, leaving me all alone.
I walked to the front steps and raised my hand to knock.
The door opened to reveal a demi god, the CEO himself.
From the internet, I learned that his name is Donald Wilson, he's twenty seven years old and he's stinkingly rich but the internet did no justice to his looks. They need to be sued!
His wavy black hair complemented his chiseled face, he has round blue eyes and an athletic build.
I took note of his pointed nose and full lips, long lashes, bushy eyebrows, in short he's very handsome though his features were chilling and uninviting.
Too bad his looks has no effect on me. I'm sure he would have a lot of girls worshipping his feets.
He threw his head back and studied me, his cold gaze penetrating.
I nearly cowered back but I stood straighter and lifted my chin to meet his gaze.
When he talked, his voice was silky and orotund voice.
"Yes? Who are you?" He curled up his lips.
"Your new maid" I said simply.
He narrowed his eyes at me, I felt the need to introduce myself further.
"My name is Courtney and I was employed by your mother to be your maid" I smiled a little when I remembered mum's words.
"Get out" he said coolly.
I raised a perfect brow, "Make me" I replied coldly.
~ Donald ~

I fixed bacon and eggs for breakfast to eat.
I opened the door to leave for work only to find a young petite lady.
Her long chestnut hair packed in a ponytail, she has green eyes and round face.
I noticed how she looked at me with calculating eyes, giving me a quick once-over before meeting my gaze.
When I saw she was through studying me, I asked the question that was at the tip of my tongue since I saw her.
"Yes? Who are you?" I curled up my lips.
"Your new maid" she said nonchalantly.
Huh?? New maid??
I can't remember asking for one.
I narrowed my eyes at her.
"My name is Courtney and I was employed by your mother to be your maid" she introduced further, smiling.
I stiffened when she mentioned my mother, I should have known she wouldn't listen to me
"Get out" I said coolly.
She raised an eyebrow and looked at me squarely in the eyes "Make me."
She isn't even scared of me, doesn't she know who I am??
"Who the h*ll do you think you are?" I was loosing my cool.
"Courtney, your new maid."
"You are from her and I don't accept anything from my mother."
"Oh, really?"
I squinted my eyes at her, indicating she should go on.
"Looks to me there's something going on between you and your mother. I smell bad blood"
Continue smelling little wolf.
"So?" I was getting impatient.
"Your moh-dar is offering to pay a lot of money and I need money. If after three months and I've saved enough money, I'll leave you to your solitude" she flashed a smile, her eyes glinting.
"I'll give you a signed check, write any amount you want and leave"
"Hmmmm" she put a finger on her lower jaw and pretended to be lost in thought.
"So as tempting as that sounds, I'm going to say no"
I was shocked.
Who wouldn't jump at the opportunity??
"I want to work for my money" she added.
Who's she??
I fixed her a steely gaze.
"Now if you'll excuse me" she rolled in her bags like she owns the house.
This is my damn house.
That woman has given me another reason to hate her!
I was about going in after her when my phone rang, reminding me of the meeting I'm to attend.
I glared hard at the house before walking to my Bentley and driving off.
I'll drill sense into her head when I come back.
~ Courtney ~
My heart was thumping wildly in my chest, I thought he was going to follow me in.
I breathed out on relief when I heard him drive off.

I don't know what got into me, why didn't I jump at the opportunity to write any amount on the check, maybe because I want to know how it feels to live in a house worth millions of dollars.
First, where's the kitchen? I need to calm my nervous self down. I eat a lot when I'm angry, sad or nervous. It's the only thing that calms me.
His kitchen is very big and could fit in about fifty people freely. It was hard to locate the ingredients for cooking. After a voluminous meal, I gave myself a tour of the house, visiting every nook and cranny.
I chose a room myself, it's five times bigger than my former room.
Everywhere is neat and spotless. What's here for me to clean again??
This is the best work ever.
I fixed myself another meal and unpacked, feeling very much at home.

Bình Luận Sách (180)

  • avatar
    Lyka Cleto

    that's what I was thinking too much about it and I will be there in about it and I will be there in about it and I will be there in about it and I will be there in about it and I will be there in about it and I will be there in about it but it's a little bit of an object to another place that you can do it and then it and then it was a little late but I love you so so so I have no idea what was the Greatest you want it to be a good person to be a little late but it's


  • avatar
    Esdras Lima

    muito bom essa istoria


  • avatar

    mas ou melhor que a outra parte da vida e que eu pos o meu amor e a crescer e o de hoje eu vou ter de ver a vida e ver se é possível ir na sexta ou no domingo a tarde bem cedo ou domingo à tarde bem mais tarde bem cedo ou cedo e a crescer mais rápido do sul e a partir do ano de um amor de criança em um dos dias mais importantes da história da humanidade é o que vc o coração do homem e o de todos nós sentida o nosso Deus que nos ama vc e nos faz feliz por nós mesmos que a vida nos faz bem.


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