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The Mafia's Contracted Woman

The Mafia's Contracted Woman

Vivi Anna

Chapter 01_ Saw news, and Fate.

Chapter 1
A great lightning struck, accompanied with great storm. The sky became cloudy and unclear, then the rain began pouring heavily making every where wet and cold. Alyssa legs kept on pacing to and fro with extreme tears clouded in her eyes. Weak, she staggared backwards as a doctor finally broke the news to her for the second time.
" I have little time to live ? Just how many months? "She asked trying to be strong and control her tears.
Her weak legs dragged her towards a fate which she wasn't even aware of, but damn she never cared less to check the surrounding . She only gave her legs the full control to keep taking her where it wishes to.
What's the use ? Even if it takes her towards her death or a cliff it wouldn't even matter one bit, after all death might come in some months duration, not now but later in the future.
As the cold rain touched her skin, her tears increased making her whimper really low with arms encircled around herself.
" dad, mom, do I really have to join you both. Must it be at a time like this when I haven't even experienced anything, no love, romance or affection from anyone" her weeping increase and her sight blurred.
Everywhere became dark but at that moment she couldn't notice as a result of being lost in her emotion. Like her legs had eyes, it only kept on walking without making her bump into anything. She came back to her senses looking around as she could hear noises around the underground garage especially the fierce voice of a man.
" Please I'm sorry I'll give you all the money, I promise"a man's voice echoed in the dimly-lit cold concrete underground garage startling Alyssa which made her phone almost slip from her hands.
" Really? You were warned before, now I can't give you any more chances" Alyssa overheard a cold husky and deep voice as she flinched even though she was not the one the man was talking to. Maybe she had actually reacted that way because his voice felt so damn cold and heartless.
" Please I said I'm sorry, I'll have my men back down I swear I won't come close to you or any of your family again I swear. I will even leave the country and go far away from here, leaving most of my properties to you."The man being tied to a chair said with his voice shaking.
Alyssa held her breath waiting to hear his feedback, but he only remained silent, presumably thinking.
" Are you done? "This was the only response he gave causing Alyssa a to gasp in shock and disbelief.
" What ? Like seriously? Why the hell is he so mean "she asked herself coppled with an unknown feeling.
What?? Wait..alright tell me, tell me, what do you want? The man on the chair asked hoping he would be given another chance, but deep down maybe he had other schemes. unfortunately Alex could see through him being so smart and always ready for threat.
After listening to him speak again, Alyssa could tell from the voice of the man that he was actually gonna go back on his statements, she could tell he was being hypocritical and rather she carved a light smile willing to stay and watch till the end .
His pleadings were exact and believable and she had actually expected the other man to agree as she couldn't hear his voice any longer . " Only a really smart person would be able to see through his fibs, he would be a fool if he agrees "she muttered to herself.
" Alright, we're done here ". She heard his deep voice which sounded intimidating and menacing as he responded rolling his gun with his left hand, then he bent to take a knife on the ground.
" 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5... They're all down and you'll join them soon. Your fucking brains or heart?
Hearing him say this, she widened her eyes in disbelief " he's a smart one ". she chuckled tingling her pinky finger while smiling and waiting for the next scene.
Alyssa could tell the situation was getting worse and the man being tied was at the verge of loosing his life she really wanted to leave instantly but if she moves he would see her . Without having another choice she stayed hidden and continued listening and waiting for the worse to happen.
Suddenly, Alyssa heard screams which were so loud that it was beginning to hurt her ears . Using her palm to cover her ears, she heard the gunshots of two bullets instantly, whichh made her stagger backwards making some noisy movements.
Alyssa was so shocked as she couldn't even stop herself from taking a peek at them again, and curious to see the face of daring ,bold ,smart ,yet dangerous and heartless man .
" I warned you long ago, I do not take pity on any of my enemies or let them go scot independent . You of all people should know me best and know exactly how I deal with people who messes with me". She heard his voice as he finally released four more bullets.
Alyssa shuddered in fear hearing those words forgetting she had actually been in pain a while ago.
being a little dark she couldn't see his face properly but she could feel his atmosphere of danger even as she stood a bit far from him.
More than anything, she badly wanted to get a clearer view of his face. Dangerous and smart men were her type. she could tell just by looking at him he was a no-nonsense kind of person with a short temper.
Still hidden, she could hear his footsteps progressing closer to her, then and there, she realised she had actually been lost in her own thoughts of describing his personality that she had forgotten to leave. The thought of what exactly he would do to to her when he finds her there increased the pace of her heartbeat. She isn't a thief or a murderer so dying like one wasn't an option.
As a heart kept on leaping at every steps he took, she also wobbled backwards carefully without making too much noise while silently praying.
Just like someone had answered her prayers, hs phone rang which made him stop walking standing at the spot to pick his call. Unable to hear his loud footsteps anymore, Alyssa took that as an opportunity and for her dear life, she walked faster, this time in full control of her legs pacing them faster, slowly and carefully.

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