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Chapter three

The two looked down at Chester, while Chester looked back at them with a questioning look.
“ Is this by any chance Louis Boyd and Andrea Boyd's house? ” The first police officer asked.
“ Hmm, yeah? ” Chester replied.
“ You must be their son, ” the second police officer said, with a concerned look on his face.
“ Yes I am, ” Chester replied, with an uninterested look on his face. The two police officers looked at each other then turned to look back at Chester.
“ I'm officer Jones and this is Jason, ” the first officer said.
' I don't care,' Chester thought.
“ If you're here to arrest my dad, he's not home yet, come back tomorrow” Chester said bluntly, about to close the door but officer Jason stopped the door from closing.
“ We are not here to arrest anybody, kid” Jones said, as he brought out some pictures and showed it to Chester. Chester stared at the pictures with a shocked expression.
“ It turns out your parents were in an accident. It didn't seem like someone was trying to kill them, it looks like they ran into the tree accidentally” Jones explained.
' My dad isn't a careless driver even when he's drunk, so this can't be a mere accident,' Chester thought.
“ Why is it only my mom's dead body that is in this picture, what about my dads? ”Chester asked. ' What kind of question is this kid asking? And why does he look so unfazed about the situation' Jones thought.
“ That's the problem, we can't find his dead body,” Jones replied. And Charlie walked in after hearing the whole conversation.
“ So, are you saying you can't find Louis's body? Are you saying only my mom died!!!” Charlie yelled, ' ugh! Just when I got her to sleep' Chester thought as stared at her with an expressionless face.
' Truth be told, even if dad tried killing mom deliberately, he would have died too or sustained a massive injury, there's no way he could have left the car without being caught. For now, let's get Charlie to go back to sleep' Chester thought.
“ Charlie, go back to sleep” Chester said and Charlie glared at him, as tears rolled down her cheeks. ' See he doesn't care about you, no one does, how can he tell you to go back to sleep at a time like this?' her inner consciousness spoke (also the monster she encountered in chapter two).
' Shut up!' Charlie thought, replying to the monster. Charlie calmed herself and decided to go back to her room but as she walked back she glanced at the two police officers at their doorstep and the second officer, officer Jason didn't look normal in Charlie's eyes, He had the same look as the monster she saw but a bit larger,
' he's not human but how am I the only one seeing this' Charlie thought, she looked away and covered her mouth and nose with her hands,
' that smell! Am I the only one perceiving this disgusting smell,' she thought again. She then glanced at the officer again, and this time he glanced back with a creepy smile on his face.
Chester noticed Jason was smiling at something behind him, He glanced at the direction Jason was looking at but saw nothing.
“What are you looking at?” Chester asked, Jason turned his attention to Chester and said, “ oh! Nothing”
“ Alright, thank you for your time ” Jones said with a faint smile, collected the pictures and left.
“ *Sigh* I need to get some sleep” Chester mumbled to himself and walked back to his room.
In Charlie's room…
“ I managed to snatch one of the pictures from Chester's hands,” Charlie said to herself. ' How?... This is my fault, ' Charlie thought as tears rolled down her cheeks.
' Do you want to know how your mother died?' it asked. Charlie raised her head and found herself in a space full of darkness,' this isn't my room' Charlie said as she looked around.
' Yes, this is where I live, this is your inner consciousness' the monster said as it appeared in front of her.
' Do you want to know how your mother died? ' It asked,
' well yes' Charlie replied
' I can only show you a small amount of it for 30 seconds since you haven't completely accepted me yet' it smirked, Charlie stared at it for a while.
' If I choose to use your power for 30 seconds, what will happen?'
' You will lose a lot of blood, remember when you had a nose bleed that was because of me but if you accept me completely, there will be no bleeding' it smiled.
' I will never accept you, 30 seconds now' Charlie ordered.
' Tsk you're one tough human, *chuckles* I like that but for how long will you resist me' it said.
' Just do it,' Charlie said with an angry expression on her face.
' Fine' it said as it snapped its fingers. Charlie found herself in their car. Charlie's mom and Chester's dad weren't having any kind of conversation, everything seemed normal.
“I think it's best if we buy new gaming equipment for Charlie. We can't force her to be a part of the family, can we?” Her mother said with a faint smile on her face.
“Mom” Charlie called with a quavering voice.
“ Shit, just shut up, instead of that, why don't you teach your daughter some manners!” Her stepfather yelled.
“ Louis, Charlie is a well-behaved child, I've taught her everything she has to know.” Her mother yelled.
“ It's not like you're doing a good job as a father, you think I don't know what you do to my daughter behind my back? ” Her mother said again. Charlie's stepfather glared daggers at her mother.
“ Just you wait, when we get back I'm going to kill you and that little daughter of yours, b*tch” her stepfather yelled. Suddenly, Charlie's stepfather began to bring out blood from his mouth, soon after he slumped and hit his head on the wheel.
This made the car go out of control and caused it to run into a tree.
Charlie opened her eyes, breathing heavily
“ Huh? Is that all?” Charlie asked' that's not all, you can't exceed 30 seconds, remember?' it said.
“ I will find out the rest of it ”Charlie said to herself.

Bình Luận Sách (338)

  • avatar

    that's fun


  • avatar

    Very interesting


  • avatar
    Edwin Cabrera

    very good


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