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The next day.
I woke up very early in the morning as soon as the cock crowed, I checked the old wall clock and saw that it's just 4:00 am.
   ' 6 days more to go. ' I thought sadly.
The morning was a little colder than usual just like my mood, who would be happy to know that they'll get married off soon to an old geezer.
  ' What a life! ' I mumbled.
I then decided to do some meditation before going back to bed as it's too early to be awake.
I stood up from my bed and walked towards my cupboard and after searching briskly for minutes I finally found what I was looking for.
It was a book with a black hardcover.
  It's The Bible.
I kept it in a secluded place because I knew that I'll be dead meat if my mom or dad should find it there.
   My village Served Idols, They don't believe in God so anything about Jesus Christ or the Bible is completely forbidden.
I was once an unbeliever like them till I got converted after encountering Christ after listening to the Salvation message by one of the foreign Missionaries three years ago when My Friend was still here.
I was aware that for now, there's nothing I could do to prevent the marriage and circumcision from happening though I badly want to.
There's only one way and that's to hand over my burden to the Lord.
His word says.
* Cast your cares upon the Lord for he shall sustain thee. *
I opened my Bible to my favorite verse which is the book of Matthew 6:33.
It says.
* Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and other things shall be added until it. *
After reading this, I felt calm and reassurance.
I closed my Bible, kept it safe again, and lied on my bed to continue my sleep.
My lifestyle is boring, I know it, all I have been doing for the past two weeks is to, Sleep, Eat and Meditate.
Well, young girls are told to cherish the little time they have left as that might be the only one they'll have before marriage, I didn't for once doubt that.
   I'll just have to keep believing and see the way it goes after all it's not in my power to stop all of this.
' Whatever happens, happens for the best. ' This was the last thing I said to myself before I fell asleep.
The next time I woke up it was already morning as the blinding lights of the sun shone through my room.
I checked the old wall clock and wasn't that Suprised to know that it's already, 8 am.
' No wonder the day is already bright. '
' Waaah!  I wish I could find a way out from all of this! ' I cried inwardly.
I stood up from my bed and was about to head into the bathroom to take my bath when a knock was heard at the door.
After making sure that my Clothes were okay, I went ahead to open the door, and almost immediately my Mom's face came into view.
From her expression, she looks displeased.
' What now! ' I thought.
" Good, Morning, Mom. " I greeted as I got on my knees.
" Morning, do you know what time it is? " She inquired Angrily.
" It's just 8 am. " I replied.
" What do mean by just 8 am?, You are just waking up at 8 am when your mates are already on the farm, When did you become this lazy, Lisa! , I didn't raise you this way! So why did you want to bring shame to me and your father? " She ranted nonstop.
" But mom, I don't have anything much to do today So I don't need to wake up that early alright? " I reasoned.
" Really? And you still have the guts to say it? , Have you forgotten that your Husband is coming to visit you today or don't tell me that you are waiting for him to arrive before you start Preparing? "
' He's not my Husband! ' I ranted inwardly.
"  I am sorry mom, I'll get prepared soon. " I replied in a relenting manner, as I couldn't find words to refute I could only relent.
" Good, and yes don't forget to apply some makeover. " She said.
" Alright, Mom. "
" By the way, you aren't allowed to leave your room today till your husband arrives. "
" But mom, What about my breakfast? " I asked.
" Imagine, all you ever think of is food, I wonder how you'll survive in your Husband's house, anyways your food will be brought up here for you. "
" Oh... Okay, Mom. "
Soon, she left my room and I was left alone in deep thoughts.
Judging from the way Everyone is acting, it seems like they don't trust me enough to allow me to move freely.
' Are they probably thinking that I'll run away? '
I don't think so because where will I run to.
I am very sensible to Realize that running away isn't an option at all as it will only worsen my situation.
But what to do?
I can't just seat here idling away doing nothing while some people decide my future for me.
This is my life and I have every right to decide for myself but what now?
Where are my fundamental Rights?
What now?
Am I just going to go with the flow or what?
I wish I knew what to do.

Bình Luận Sách (294)

  • avatar
    Milva Limbaga

    The story is nice


  • avatar
    Gilvana Vieira Sousa

    😍y Love you


  • avatar
    Ni Co Le

    cool tho


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