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Chương 7 Their Sensibility

Galen and I are sitting comfortably in our seats when we saw Rachel from a distance and it looked like she’s going towards our direction.
“Rachel. Brace yourself, Ajax. I am sure this girl will pull another surprise stunt on you.” As soon as I finished my statement, I saw Galen pursed his lips and sneered at me.
“Well, don’t tell me I’m wrong? Because in terms of having a guessing game with what Rachel will be doing just to get your attention, I can confidently declare that I am a pro at this.” I reached for my backpack to get my newly purchased book from an online shop. I wasn’t able to read this at our house because I just can’t find the right moment to indulge myself to this. The energy is chaotic these days, especially the fiery treatment my parents dispensed to each other. It’s tiring. They just can’t have a normal conversation as a couple. They are always at each other’s throat and both cannot handle their issues together. I cannot have my peace inside my own room either. Because Mom will go walk in and starts running her mouth off discussing her plans mandating me to engage to every single activity that she prepared for me.
“Azaiah, you need to do all of these. I want to see you bloom and flourished. My amigas daughters are satiating themselves to their so- called hobbies and I want you to do the same too. I want you to develop more hobbies as much as possible. You need to integrate all of those so you can have multiple talents. I’m planning to get you trained by a professional instructor for your first ever ramp on stage.” She splendidly put an end to her words to catch her breath. And walked towards the edge of the bed and sat there. She surveyed her daughter’s face and nodded as a sign of her approval to what she’s currently seeing.
“My beautiful daughter, all I ever want is to see you shine in magnificence.” She held Azaiah’s chin moving it upwardly so she can have better access of her daughter’s face.
“But Mom. I think I can’t do this. I’m too young.” Azaiah calmly responded to her mother’s speech.
“That’s why you’ll join, Azaiah. For you to have an experience.” Her mother replied back at her. Hands are still holding her chin and she can see in her mother’s eyes that she’s starting to find their conversation irritating. She doesn’t want to cause a provocation that will add fuel to her mother’s flighty nature so she disregards the side of her that’s been wanting to disagree and force herself to flash a smile to appease some coolness in her mother’s mood.
“Alright, I will do it. I will do it for you, Mom.” As soon as she finished her words her mom withdraws her grip on Azaiah’s chin and quickly pulled her for a hug. She can feel that her mother felt delighted because she heard a reply that is in accordance to what she has in her mind.
“I will arrange your schedule for your training, okay?” She pats her head and graciously walk outside Azaiah’s room. Sigrid heaved her chest and release some deep breaths. She’s been holding her breath a while ago when her mom is still inside her room and now, she can finally take her normal breathing.
She shook her head because of what she remembered and decisively flip the page of the book that she’s been holding for a little while. Galen mindfully stared at his best friend and he can’t help but wonder. He is interested to what’s been disturbing Azaiah’s mind.
“Erhm, excuse me?” It was Rachel. Standing in front of them. She looks innocent and soft. She looked at Azaiah first then looked at Galen next. Azaiah Sigrid busied herself with the words she read from the book that shes’s holding. She doesn’t want to stick her nose to whatever thing Rachel gotta say to Galen. She doesn’t want to make her feel that she’ll be getting in the way of Rachel’s desire to make a leap towards befriending Galen. Although she’s aware that whatever this girl’s plan not only involve making friends with his best friend for the sake of being friends with him. She knows it’s more than that. Because Rachel Sui likes Galen. It is too obvious. And besides half of the class know about it. Galen? She wasn’t sure whether he knows about it or not. He doesn’t talk about her during their conversations. There is a possibility that Galen knows that Rachel likes him but he just doesn’t care. Galen is not dumb. He doesn’t just have a high IQ. He is also good at observing people. So maybe Galen knows. Azaiah wants to looked at her best friend’s reaction but there’s a part of her that’s been stopping herself from doing that. She continued reading the content of the book although she’s having a hard time processing and understanding what she’s reading because her mind is also focusing on the other thought she had in mind.
“Yes? Is there anything we can do to help you?” She heard Galen speak to Rachel. Azaiah then decided to put the book on her table and shifted her gaze towards the girl that’s been standing in front of them for a little while now. She saw how Rachel smiled at Galen. That smile. That’s the smile of a girl that she shows to the guy she likes. Or maybe that’s the way Rachel smiles at people. Maybe she watched too many movies that involves princesses and their princes. And what? Is she witnessing a real-life situation that’s inspired from a fairytale? Reality’s far more different than what movies looked like. She glanced at Galen. Her best friend and his calm and collected demeanor can always be felt by her. His expression is neutral. He’s neither smiling or trying to act like he is some kind of douche. It is just Galen and his resting calm face. He’s patiently waiting for an answer from Rachel which was having a frozen moment in front of them. She looked like she’s holding breath and trying to suppress herself. But why?
“Uhm. It’s nothing. I just wanna tell you that you looked more handsome today, Galen. And your shirt looks good on you.” Rachel stated and smiled more widely. She’s proud of herself. She’s been wanting to do this for a long time but she only has the courage to it this time. She doesn’t care what the people inside the room may say towards her. She only cares about Galen and his reaction.
“Thank you, Rachel.” Galen doesn’t know what to add to his words. He could’ve said something more to Rachel but his mind just went blank. He doesn’t feel like smiling at her either. After hearing her words, he just doesn’t want to add something that will ignite the fire within this girl. He knows about the rumors that’s been circulating lately. Rachel is a sweet one. She’s also well-mannered. And he doesn’t want to do anything about her feelings for him. He doesn’t want to give her some false hope. Because he is not that kind of boy. Besides, it is a passing fancy. Give her time and her adoration towards him will somehow fade. That’s one of the advantages of being young. You’ll not experience some difficulties in love. Way different on adults who love to overcomplicate their love lives. Just like his parents. Adults. Will he have to go through the same thing that his parents are currently experiencing in their lives? He doesn’t want that. It’s too burdensome. He doesn’t want to deal with the problems they have when he’ll be older.
“Galen?” Rachel said. Eyes still glued on him. She’s maybe waiting for another response from him but he wants to put an end to the conversation right this instant. And the only way to that is to pull himself and Azaiah out of their spot. He looked at Azaiah who’s still reading her book and gently pulled it away from her. The moment he had the book in his hand he immediately closed it. He then looked at his best friend. He’s showing that “Help Me” looked in his eyes hoping that Azaiah can get it. Which she quickly understands what his eyes been trying to tell her. She brightly smiled at his friend and stood from her seat to get her backpack and looked at Rachel in front of them and said;
“I’ll be going to the library. So, I can have some more time to read my book in a quite area. You can sit in here, Rachel. Beside Galen.” She reached for the book on Galen’s table and decided to open her backpack to put in there. She did that because she thinks it’s more convenient for her to do it that way.
“I’ll go with you. I want to read a book too. To prepare myself for our History class quiz later.” Galen grabbed his backpack.
“Give me your bag, Azaiah.” Galen commanded.
“Why?” She looked at him with eyes full of confusion.
“I’ll hold it for you.” Galen answered.

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    Gelie Samonte

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    Carlo Jalique Agustin

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