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Chương 5 A Harsh Reality

4 years later
“Azaiah. Explain this to me. Why do you have an 89 in your report card?” Her mother Amelia raised an eyebrow to her child. She stand up from her sit and started to move at her own pace, walking graciously. One could hear her high heels clattering on the floor.
“I didn't expect this from you, Azaiah. This grade can be elevated more and you have the capacity to achieve it. But why it resulted to this? What happened, Sigrid Azaiah?”
“Mom. I tried my best, okay.” She uttered her words faintly.
“Tried your best? This is not your best, Azaiah.” There is a hint of sharpness in her mother's voice.
“I will do better next time, Mom. You don't have to stress yourself out. It's just a grade, Mom. I see no point of fussing about it.” A degree of highness can be heard in her tone.
Her mother's movement stilled. Amelia took a step back and walk towards her daughter and using the palm of her hand she suddenly hit Azaiah with a great force and said.
“Since when did you learn to talk back, Azaiah? I don't remember myself harboring that behavior in your mind.”
Azaiah touched the part of her face which received a painful impact. Her mom's slap inquires great strength which causes the area of her skin to sting. What's new? The fact that her mom felt another disappointment because she failed to fulfill her hopes and expectations for her, or is it she couldnt believe that her precious daughter knows how to finally talk back and she's scared of it. Her mom, and her qualities are amazing. She's undoubtedly pleasing to anyone senses because she's astonishingly beautiful, charming, and magnificent. Her mother's appearance looks absolutely immaculate that one would believe that she's clean and pure. Someone who is not capable of doing something profoundly immoral. Her outward behavior towards people is spotless and is full of duality. But behind of all the fake facade lies an unscrupulous, cunning woman. Who is willing to do everything, someone who is willing to go to extent just to achieve anything that her heart desires. She's ready to hurt anyone that gets along her way and her plans. To her family, her unpleasant attitude still applies. She's very critical as a mother. A perfectionists. One single mistake no matter how big or small it is, she will criticize it. She doesn't hold her tongue in terms of doing some criticism. It doesn't matter if she'll hurt you as long as she expressed what she wanted to say, she doesn't care. She's having no concern for how her daughter feels whenever she gave her an insensitive remark. And every comment of criticism from her always hurts her. For years she longed for the day to come where her mother's actions will somehow change and she will soften herself to her. But everytime she hoped that it'll happen, it only resulted to more painful infliction caused by her. She always forgave her because she doesn't want to live her life hating her own mother but everytime she hurts her she can't help herself to wish that she could've been with a nurturing and loving mother.
Inside the Sullivan's residence
“What's your rank this time, Galen?” A striking masculine voice said, and it comes from Mr. Adelram Darcio Sullivan. He is sitting in a deputy chair wearing a distinguished black suit, well-fitted for a businessman like him. He always presents himself with a serious and severe manner to assert dominance with anyone who he is conversing with and his son is not an exception to his behavior. He narrowed his eyes as he looks at his son waiting for an answer, from him.
“I am still in the same spot, Father.” After saying these words to his father, Ajax bent his head as a sign of being under pressure.
“And that girl is still in the 1st place?” Mr. Sullivan's voice rumbled asserting his dominance.
“She is not just any girl, Papa. She's my best friend.” Ajax responded as a defense.
“Why associate yourself to her, Galen? When you could've befriend the sons of my business subordinates. Make used of the connections presented unto you as it is convenient for your future, son.”
“I don't like them, Papa. Their emotional response whenever I am trying to fit myself into their place is giving me off bad vibes.”
His father nods his head briefly showing that he understands what Ajax is been trying to say.
“I will register your name as a trainee for martial arts, Galen. You're lacking the energy and strength, son. You need to step up your physical power. And you need to lessen your time hanging out with that girl. You are slowly obtaining that feminine and elegant gestures of hers. I am not conforming you to continue acting like it. Get it, Galen?”
“Yes, Father.”

Bình Luận Sách (377)

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    Gelie Samonte

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    Carlo Jalique Agustin

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