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You’re not even my type…
“ Let’s call off our wedding “
“ What? What are you talking about ?”
“ I have nothing to say “
“ Hayden let’s talk about it , you can’t just cheat on me and say you’ve got nothing to tell me “
“ What do you want me to say Laura ? That it was all a mistake and I still love you ?”
“Hay –“
“ I’m done with you , you and I … we’re not in the same level anymore . You’re not rich , you don’t even have a frickin job . Laura you’re useless “
“ What ?”
“ I said you’re useless … worthless , yes that is what you are “
“ Rise and shine sleeping beauty “ A voice said waking me up from my nightmare
“ Go away “ I said
“ Get your pretty ass out of bed now or I’ll –“
“ Ok fine , I’m up “ I said getting up from bed
“ Did you have one of those stupid nightmares again ?” she asked
“ Yes Zoey “
“ That stupid jerk , it’s been two years and he won’t stop haunting you , I wish I could find him and stuff a sword up his stupid butt “ she said
Oh that sounds painful
“ please don’t do that “ I said and we both laughed
“ Laura Paley , you’re a strong black beautiful woman , no man can tear you down you know that right ?”
“ Of course I do , you sing it to my ears every morning “
“ Whatever , I can’t believe we’re resuming back to work tomorrow “ she said
“ Arrrgh ! Man why is this holiday so short ?” I asked
“ Rumors have it that Mr Black is retiring , his son is taking over “
“ Wow that’s great news , I gotta hit the gym “ I said walking to my wardrobe to grab some gym clothes
“ Can I come along “ she asked with puppy eyes
Not going to work on me … I’m immune to it now.
“ No “
“ But why “ she whined
“ The last time you came you hooked up with my gym instructor”
“ Well I couldn’t help it , he was insanely gorgeous “
“ Same reason why you can’t come along , take care my child “ I said walking off
“ I am not your child “ she yelled
I fished out my airpods and started going through my playlist , after what seemed like forever I decided to listen to a song that’ll make me feel badass .
I stood on the treadmill and started jogging at a slow pace , my mind drifted off to the events that had happened in the last two years. After Hayden cheated on me I tried to forgive him and take him back but he didn’t give two shits about me anymore , instead he was in love with Aria , my supposed best friend at that time .
Aria and I were friends since high school before we met Zoey in college it was just the both of us , we were pretty inseparable . She was the daughter of a Millionaire and I was an orphan , even with our class differences she was friends with me , she even made her dad fund my college fees until I graduated , she was always there for me … always until she decided to steal my Fiancé and flaunt it right in my face .
What really went wrong ? I had no idea , I was so broken after the heartbreak that I attempted suicide couple of times… I know right that’s stupid , well that was how much Hayden had fucked me up , anyways Zoey was always there to save me though , after few more attempts she took me for therapy .
I got better within months and decided to relocate , Zoey and I left London late last year and started our lives here , we both got accepted in a multi million Fashion company and honestly I can say we’re doing pretty good .
Things may not be so-
I was brought out of my Trance when I saw that the treadmill was going at an higher speed I couldn’t control , I tried to reach the stop button but I couldn’t , I tried to keep up but I lost balance and I was pushed back with a great force , I awaited the impact of my body hitting the cold floor but it never happened , instead I fell into a pair of warm hands .
Dear God !
Laura you always have a way of embarrassing yourself , don’t you ?
I quickly looked up to Apologize to the stranger but –
I looked into the blue orbs staring intensely at me , it was probably the best blue eyes I had ever seen , it reminded me of Billie Ellish’s ocean eyes .
I looked at the strangers features and I couldn’t help but marvel , he must be one of mother nature’s most beautiful creation , his chiseled jaw looked like it could cut through anything , my heart was beating wildly as I kept staring at the Good looking stranger in front of me and for some reason he suddenly looked familiar .
I took a better look at him to try to connect the dots but I really couldn’t tell where I had seen him , my whole body was on fire as –
I suddenly felt my butt hitting the cold floor hard bringing me out of my Trance , the good looking stranger had dropped me on the floor .
Oh shoot ! I must have stared at him like a maniac
“ I’m so so –“
“ who sent you ?” he suddenly asked in a thick British accent
What ?
“ Who sent you to seduce me ?” he asked
Wait what ?
Damn that sexy accent though …
“ oh I think you’ve got the wrong Id –“
“ You’re one of them aren’t you ?”
What the fuck is this man saying ?
“ I’m sorry what ?”
“ How much did they pay you ?” he said
Ok now I’m seriously confused
“ Mister I think you got the wrong idea , I wasn’t paid to do anything , I just accidentally fell into your arms and I’m very sorry for that “ I said
“ really ? Are you this desperate ? I understand that I’m good looking but did you have to follow me here?” he asked
“ listen I didn’t follow you here “ I said suddenly getting angry , Fuck his stupid sexy accent
“ This damn gold diggers , how much do you want ?” he asked
Ok now I’m mad , gold digger ?
The audacity of this jerk ? The only thing I’m going to be digging is his grave .
“ ok listen up I don’t care who the fuck you’re but calling me a gold digger is way out of line “ I said boldly
“ Really ? Then are you here for the sex ? “ he asked casually
What the …
Then he walked closer to me and whispered into my ears
“ you know what , how about we go back there and have a quickie ?” he asked raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow
Looking at him up close made him look even more familiar , I just couldn’t connect the dots … he looked so much like celebrity .
“ what are you –“
My words were cut short as he moved closer to me , I could feel his minty breath on my face and the smell of his cologne flooded my senses .
“ Let me give you what you want “ he said in a very sexy voice
What the actual fuck ?
Ok celebrity or not this guy is about to get a taste of Laura Paley’s wrath … ok that sounds awful
“ How about I give you what you want “ I said back sexily
Well at least I tried to be sexy …
“ what ?” he asked smirking
“ This “ I said hitting him where the sun doesn’t shine
“ You bitch “ he cursed falling to the ground then I walked up to him like wonder woman .
“ Not every woman wants to have sex with you because you’re hot and incase you didn’t know you’re the biggest jerk of all time “ I said
“ And you know what ? Your dick should be a part of your body and not your personality … ok ?” I said before walking off then I stopped at the door
“ Mister whatever your name is … you’re not even my type… “

Bình Luận Sách (319)

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    Everlyn Tinamisan Campit



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