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A Midnight Dream

A Midnight Dream



Everyone falls in love sometimes
i don't know about you but it ain't a crime
need to let me love you love you love you -
" wait how many love yous ?"
" i don't know ? why don't you ask Tory himself " I replied
" Your character got even more nastier , is it that time of the month ?" she asked
" No it's not that time of the month and you know damn well I'm on my tipppy toes right now " I Laura said
" boo it's just one stupid birthday gift don't disturb yourself "
" First , it's not stupid and second you know Hayden appreciates gift , he literally adores them " Laura said
" whatever lover girl " she said which made Laura chuckle .
“ Surprise party or An exclusive date in Dubai ?” Laura asked her roommate Zoey
“ Dubai , definitely Dubai “
“ I think I’ll go with the surprise party , Hayden loves suprises” Laura said
“ So why ask if you were going to make the decision yourself ?” she asked throwing a pillow at Laura which she managed to dodge .
“ So are you going to help me set up ?” She asked
“ Laura Paley , I’m on my day off , I don’t want to lift a finger unless I’m devouring the chocolates in the fridge “ Zoey said
“ Pretty please “ Laura said giving her puppy eyes
“ Pretty No “ she replied
“ Pretty please with a pie on it “
“ fine I’ll help you set up ,only if you do the dishes for a week “
“ Deal “ Laura said happily
“ Girl you’re totally whipped “ Zoey said mocking her
“ Whatever , Hayden will be back tomorrow so we have to go to his house today and set up “
“ Whatever … I knew I shouldn’t have spent my day off with you “
“ I know you love me “ Laura said
“ No I don’t “
“ I think I left the keys to his apartment at home “ Laura said immediately they got to Hayden’s house
“ What ? You did not –“
“ calm down girl, I know his passcode “
“ Phew ! I could have murdered you right here “ she said
“ Have you heard from Aria ? For some unknown reasons I think she’s ignoring me “ Laura said typing in the passcode
The door opened and they both entered
“ I don’t know , She’s gone AWOL for about –“
“ Holy shit “ Laura said dropping the bags in her hand
Her head was spinning as the scene unfolding in front of her seemed impossible .
Her best friend was naked in her Fiancé's arms
“ W-what th-the …” she stumbled on her words
“ Laura we have to go “ Zoey said dragging her along
Her feet stayed rooted to the ground as she couldn’t believe her eyes .
She watched Her Fiancé and her best friend as they tried to cover their bodies , goosebumps arose on her skin and she fought hard to keep the tears from falling down her face .
“ Hayden … w-what is ha-happening ?” she asked
“ Baby I can explain “ he said
explain ? what does he want to explain ? that he was checking what her mouth tasted like ?
“ Explain ? Explain what ? Aria you. Know you’re a bitch right ? How could you do this to your best friend?” Zoey asked walking up to her , I quickly held her back to stop any more damage .
“ Zoey let’s go “ I said dragging Zoey along with Hayden following up saying things like I can explain , don’t do this Laura , I love you , it’s not what you think
She immediately entered her car and rested her head on the steering wheel , she felt her breath seizing as she was going through a panic attack
“ Calm down , just breathe in … breathe out “ Zoey said
Laura stared at the picture of Hayden and her on her phone , she couldn’t help but feel like a fool .
Her heart was just shattered into a million pieces and she couldn’t help the tears that ran down like a waterfall .
“ He fucked me up Zoey , he fucked me up pretty bad “

Bình Luận Sách (319)

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    Everlyn Tinamisan Campit



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