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Evangeline’s POV
Daniel started walking toward the two women standing in front of the main gate. Daniel was the exact carbon-copy one of those women and another one looked like some relative. So, I guessed the first lady to be his mother.
“Daniel”, Called the woman, who looked like his relative, and immediately he left my side to walk toward her. He held her hand in respect and turned toward me.
“Evangeline, she is my…”
Too late!
By that time, I was already near his mother. I had no idea why? All I could think about was my mother when I saw her. She held the same warmth and love in her deep eyes. Also, it looked like I had seen her somewhere. I had no idea ‘where?’
“You’re Daniel’s mother, right?”, I asked the most stupid question ever, even though I already knew the answer.
She smiled widely and hugged me dearly. I felt loved after a long time.
‘I agree.’, Ivory agreed with my thoughts.
“You look just as beautiful as your mother.”, She said, after breaking the hug and pinching my cheek. I smiled at her but deep down a lot, many questions started forming in my head.
How did she know that?
Did she know my mother?
But my thoughts were interrupted by my wolf. ‘Our mate is angry.’, Hearing her, I turned my head toward two pairs of angry eyes, glaring at me. But why?
What did I do now?
Daniel was looking at me as if he was going to burn me alive.
Oh, I remember now! He was about to introduce me to that lady and I gave first importance to his mother. I quickly walked toward him.
“I am sorry….”, I tried to apologize to the other lady but then I remembered that I didn’t know who she was.
She smiled at me before speaking, “I am his Aunt.”
“I am so sorry, Aunt.”, I apologized to her and hugged her. I could tell that she was taken aback by my gesture but after a while, even she hugged me back.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. Welcome to the pack.”, She said but I could still feel Daniel's anger. I still couldn’t understand why now? “Daniel, take her to your room. She might be feeling tired.”
“Nora will show her the room.”, He said and gave one hard look to Nora. I could tell that she was scared of him.
Poor girl!
If he didn’t want to show me our room then why wouldn’t I ask his mother to do so and in the meanwhile, I could ask her how she knows my mother!
“No, thank you.”, I immediately replied to him and walked toward his mother.
“Can you please take me to Daniel’s room?”, I asked her softly.
“S..sure.”, Even his mother was afraid of him. Great!
“EVANGELINE”, Daniel roared behind me. Everyone around me trembled at the sight of my mate. But unlike others, I wasn’t the least bit intimidated by Daniel's deep throaty roar. I didn't turn to look at him but judging the sound of his feet, he was most definitely coming toward me.
‘Mate sounds sexy when he’s angry.’, Ivory commented on which I glared at her.
I didn’t understand what his problem was? He was the one who didn’t want to take me to the room and now that I asked his mother to do the same for me, he got angry!
I mean was he for real?
‘Come with me.’, He muttered and grabbed my hand harshly, and started dragging me out of that place. I pressed my lips tightly to control my anger. I really didn’t want to create a scene in front of everyone but he really needed to change his habit of dragging me here and there like an object.
Once we were in his room, he shoved my hand. Unlike last time, I didn’t land on bed because I was already prepared for it.
“Today is the first and last time that you speak to that woman”, He threatened.
“And who the hell are you to decide with whom I should speak and with whom I shouldn’t?”, I questioned back in the same tone. I was seriously mad over this man. I couldn’t understand how I was going to share all my life with him? I turned around to walk toward the window because I didn’t want to talk with him anymore but before I could have taken any other step, I felt his hand on my waist and his hot breath against my neck. I felt my body shiver as he touched me and his deep masculine scent was not helping me at all. I felt rustling in my skin, a sharp electric pull where his skin touched mine.
His hands were on my arms now as he pulled my back toward him so that my ass up against his front while his lips were right next to my ear.
“Don’t ask me who I am because you already know that. Still, I am reminding you that you’re my mat…match, my wife now. You are here, in my pack, in my room because you’re my wife.”, He hissed. “And If I am asking you to do something then you should understand that I am telling it with my personal experience.”, He added.
I held completely still, fighting against the strong attraction like a magnet between us.
“I know that I’m your wife and I am not going to follow any orders until I hear the reason behind it.”, I answered back. “Now, I would like you to leave me. I have to use the washroom.”
Daniel didn’t say anything at that and let me go quickly as he’d reached for me. I immediately started missing the warmth that I was feeling when we were close.

Bình Luận Sách (196)

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    Janice Siwagon

    I did not expect to finish this in just one sitting. It was great story. I’ll read the previous ones before this.


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