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Fiery Swordsman (3)

"Ms. Ada!"
Ms. Ada was holding a basket filled with clothes. I hurriedly made my way over to her and grabbed the basket off of her hands.
"What are you-"
"Her highness assigned me to help you with your chores Ms. Ada as for not being able to run laps around the manor"
Ada nodded and sighed. She mumbled something under her breath but I wasn't sure of what she said.
"Follow me"
I did as told and followed diligently behind her. We passed by soo many rooms which I am not sure what it's used for until we reached a spacious room with laundry equipments.
"I'll begin washing the clothes now, you wouldn't have to do that. But I need you to grab supplies from the warehouse. There should be a guard there who will bring you our provisions"
"Understood, I shall depart immediately"
I walked out of the manor and towards the imperial family's warehouse. There was a man outside the warehouse, sitting on a chair.
"Good morning, mister. I'm here to collect the provisions for the princess's manor"
"Right here. Take it and leave"
I looked at the two sacks filled with various foods. But the thing was, none of them looked good or were about to turn. The only things that looked good were the flour and tea leaves. I guess nobles do love their tea leaves to not let it ruin.
I was about to protest about the conditions the food were in but the strange man was nowhere to be seen. Where did he go off to?
I sighed and head back towards the manor, carrying the so called provisions. I brought them straight to the kitchen's storage and placed them in order. The bad ones were still kept in the sack incase Ada had wanted to do something with it.
Someone else's footsteps was heard entering the kitchen and I went out to check the source. It shocked me to see the princess grabbing the tea leaves I left on the table. She was making herself some tea.
"Your Highness?"
I must've scared her because she immediately dropped the tea leaves onto a piece of cloth. If looks could kill I would've been dead, she looked at me dead in the eye.
"You should have announced yourself knight"
"Forgive me Your Highness!"
She then continued with making her cup of tea or at least trying to make a cup of tea. She was frowning the whole time making it and gave up. As she was about to leave, I offered to make the tea instead and she stood there watching.
Once that was done, I went back to my quarters to have a short nap before getting ready for my night guard duty.
My mind drifted to another space. It was beautiful and calming. I was surrounded by the woods and lots of greenery. Perhaps I could take the greens here as a substitute for the spoilt food provisions. I chuckled at my own dumb idea but that doesn't mean I did not try.
Right after grabbing one, the whole place lit up. Fire....and it was spreading fast, way too fast. The fire glowed a blazing orange and a dark red. Not like the kind of fire you'd usually see. I don't know what came over me but I held my hand closer to it.
I want to touch it...maybe once I'm actually dead
I retracted my hands back only for the flames to reach forward to me. Engulfing me in it's fury as memories of my past and memories of other....people?
It was too much for me. The burns and the memories, I felt like exploding into pieces. My soul felt as though it was drifting away.
"I....can't breathe"
I let out an excruciating scream only to be shook awake in the real world. I opened my eyes to see Ada, she was concerned. A glass of water was handed my way and I took it gratefully.
Ada did not pry as to why I screamed and left to serve the princess. I too had gotten up to prepare myself for my night guard duty. Except this time, I'm tasked with guarding the surroundings of the manor due to my injuries.
It's a peacef- okay let's not say it this time. There were no suspicious activities and the place was undisturbed. The leaves were rustling and the moon shined bright in the cold night.
"Well well well, if it isn't miss troublemaker. You're alone tonight it seems"
But I said nothing?!
"What can I help you with?"
I questioned them but hey don't seem like they were here to just talk. Their swords were out but the way they were holding it, I could tell that they were strong on an average scale. Four knights stand before me all equipped with a sword and all ready to engage. Although someone was missing, the captain.
"Teach her a lesson. Lord's order"
The wannabe ordered this? Something seems odd but I should focus on handling the five of them first.
I removed my sword from it's casing and grabbed the hilt with both my hand. They might look weak and perhaps they have a bad swing but I was still afraid. My first ever encounter was with the intruder and that too caught me off guard. I seem to be attracting trouble wherever I go.
My left. I blocked a swing coming from my left and pushed him off only to have another coming straight at me with a punch. Now that one I could not block, my wound had reopened and I began to bleed again little by little.
If I want to live, I need to end this right now. Getting hit by the blow, I stumbled backwards and quickly readjusted and rushed towards the one that threw the punch.
"How about we drop the swords and let our fists speak huh?" They were contemplating on the idea but they knew it was a better option than killing head on.
With our swords dropped off, we fought the old fashioned way. It was like an opera, I'm so sure I heard some sort of music playing in the background. My mind was all fired up and I fought with all that I've got.
I took one down and then another and another. They all dropped like fishes out of water except there was no wriggling around. I was finally done with the three of them and felt a stinging pain in-
A strong kick to the back. There was only one person that stood there watching, the lackey. He did not engage not even once yet here he was holding a sword right for my neck. His expressions were going wild just like a starving animal.
"You-you think you could just waltz in here and-and look down on us?!"
His hands were shaking but his kicks had a whole lot of strength. When I did not answer his question he threw a kick towards my abdomen. Hitting right at the spot.
He wasn't using his sword at all which could possibly mean that he's anxious. He must be. But an anxious person is very unpredictable because I was once like that too.
The sword he pointed at my neck had grazed my skin. Blood began flowing out from there, if he were to push the sword a little bit more it would definitely kill me. Deep breaths Christine, you got this.
"Not so defensive now are ya?! Let's end this" He brought his sword upwards, gaining momentum before the swing.
Okay, now I'm panicking. Please I swear to god, have someone stumble onto this place right now. I don't think I could keep my composure any longer. My heart was thumping like drums and I could feel my blood rushing to my brain.
Please just let someone be there, please...
He swung his sword downwards right for my heart and I closed my eyes, embracing the impact, Then I felt it the burn in my heart blooming into something much bigger. Flames?
He did not pierce my heart, it was being held by the flames that surrounds me. The flames were transparent around me but you can see a faint orange hue. Unable to stab me, the lackey got pushed behind with a strong force seeing as he flew away.
I got up and picked up my sword. As I held it in my grasps, my sword produced flames. They were so bright and indulging. When the burn in my heart began to spread, something else had changed as well. I feel weird.
My body unknowingly went towards the lackey and heard him scream. Did I look horrible? Was I terrifying?
My mind felt as though it was not my own. My hands moved bringing the sword upwards, ready to slash him. I swung with all my might and slashed his left leg. I could hear him screaming even louder than before but I couldn't stop
"Please! I'm sorry! It was a m-mistake!" He begged as he crawled backwards, keeping his distance from me.
"Well too bad isn't it"
One final swing and he's gone Christine. Just a little more push. I raised the sword again, the flames glowing brighter than ever. My mind going numb by the second and my heart burning as if I was on fire.
I swung my sword right for his head, determined to finish the job. But I couldn't, my father appeared in my mind in that split second and I changed the course of my sword towards the ground.
Despite my efforts to avoid hitting him, the flames managed to burn his hand a little. He cried out, telling me to leave him alone and I did. I left the place and went back to my quarters as the sun was rising.
What I had not realized were the eyes that were watching me leave the scene. One from someone familiar and the other is someone I'm not acquainted with so well.

Bình Luận Sách (742)

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    KM Adriatico

    ejejwowllddkfnffbfjdslalkrggvhyhbbbvvhhj hggcxzsssksksssddbfbcnclfdjsdddkdkfkfjvfvfllaoV will na ffddl la pa la la la la ma BA ya la la la la la BA la la on TV DC so ma of RC la TV of la all is well to if so it will Mandela I'll TV web RN TV in on on TV in AZ AZ thermal pa ya nga la la la la la TV TV in pa am la am off to bed hair At DC la am la well TV la am La Jolla California United States of America account and I am off to bed hair At DC so I die dyos I am off work at a time when we were we


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