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10 Years Later

*Knock Knock*
"Yes..please come in"
A comforting voice replied in return. I twisted the doorknob and stepped inside the room.
I was overwhelmed by the smell of lavender. How nostalgic...
"Welcome, thank you for reaching out to us....Ms. Naomi"
A was woman sitting behind the big desk. She seemed to be around my age? Maybe 28 or so.
"Yes, hello..."
I looked around, scanning the room. There wasn't much but I did notice a few picture frames and a badge?
"Well then, please have a seat"
My attention was focused back on her. She had a really nice smile. I felt at ease maybe too much at ease? I mean it is the first time I'm meeting her.
I took a seat as she grabbed a file and started writting down something on there.
"....Alright then Ms. Naomi, I'll just ask a few simple questions before we begin"
"Got it"
She smiled and took out another document. Perhaps to confirm my identity? I heard that's how it always starts off.
"So Ms. Naomi, you're full name is Naomi Sanders and you are currently......25 years old?"
She glanced up at me
"Yes that's right"
She asked a couple more questions before she put the document away.
"Well Ms.Naomi, would you prefer us continuing our session here or would you like to move to any areas over there?"
Something did catch my eye when I came in and it was the couch. It looked comfortable to sit in so I suggested if we could go there.
She grinned and nodded. She took a small notebook and a pen.
We're both seated facing each other. There's quite a distance between us which makes me feel less concious of myself.
"You can start whenever you're ready.."
"Do- do I start anywhere? Or-"
"...Oh...well Ms. Naomi, you can start anywhere you'd like. Even if it sounds unrelated or it doesn't sound like a serious problem. Remember every little detail is important d- Ms.Naomi"
"....I- Alright. Okay well......."
*Flashback* (Important part of the story)
"Hey! Nao, slow down!"
I giggled as I paddled my bike faster. The roadside is clear in the mornings and it doesn't seem like anyone would be up at this time except the students.
"You're just too slow Jane!"
Hehe, I'm about to beat her after all this time!
"Hey! Come on- Naomi! Watch out!"
A rock I had hit sent me flying forwards. Since I was about to go down on a downward slope, the impact of my fall is far greater than normal.
"Nao! Hold on!"
I should have listened to her. I layed there helplessly crying out.
Jane tried consolling me but it did not work as I only cried out louder.
A nearby person heard the commotion and came over. I turned to look at the person and they had long black hair.
They seemed worried as they held me in their arms. I could feel myself slipping away probably due to the amount of blood I had lost.
And with that I passed out.
I awoke back in the hospital, I saw my parents profusely thanking Jane's parents and the other figure.
Now that I think about it Jane had a sister named Grace. Perhaps she was the one who saved me.
Jane had noticed that my eyes were open and gained the others attention. They all rushed to me my dad scolding me for not being careful but glad that I'm safe.
My mom was glad I had opened my eyes and kissed my forehead over and over again.
After a few minutes of talking, my parents and hers left the room leaving for us to talk.
Grace too was about to leave but I stopped her.
She turned around and came closer but kept her distance. She looked at me waiting to say something but I was struggling to say anything.
She must have noticed as she moved closer to me.
I gave her the best smile I could but seeing Jane's expression tells me it was a bad effort.
Grace smiled and kissed my forehead before she left
"...Get well soon, Naomi"
After that me and Jane chatted more although it was Jane who did the most talking. She was really angry at me for doing the stunt I did.
She was really pissed. I had never seen her like this before.....it scared me a little
A few years has passed and me and Jane were in our final year of highschool.
Jane....something changed about her. She's the same person I know but something feels out of place like there's something I'm missing.
Oh well, people change dont they? Maybe she's in some kind of faze?
Something came tackling me from behind.... more like someone
"Morning Nao!"
"Good morning"
Everyone still seem to avoid me. They must be confused as to why Jane is still talking to me.
Honestly the biggest question is why do they hate me. I understand why half the girls do but not the others.
A few days ago, the popular guy had confessed to me. Well, not a lot of people were happy about it and they started ignoring me.
I told Jane about it and she seemed to be disgusted for a moment? She told me that he wasn't a good guy and asked me to stay away from him.
I did as she was told since she was the social butterfly which means she might know something.
But he did continue pursuing me, trying to get an answer from me until one day he came to me when I was with Jane.
Before he could even say anything, he kept his mouth shut. I looked towards Jane but she seemed to be smilling
As I looked back at the guy, I noticed he staryed moving away.
I should give him an answer to stop him from pursuing me any longer. It must be frustrating to be lead on like this.
As I was about to move towards him, Jane grabbed my wrist a little too tightly.
"....Where are you going?"
"Well, I should really give him an answer-"
"What answer? If a girl is avoiding someone who confessed it means they dont like them!"
She dragged me closer as we head towards the cafeteria.
She's mad again. As we grew older, Jane started developing quite the temper but she'd calm down almost instantly.
Something must have happened to her for her to be like this but I decided it was better not to ask. She seemed......hurt the last time I tried asking her about it.
She took a seat beside me and laid her head on my shoulder.
"..I'm really sorry for.....how I acted just now"
Her voice was small and I felt bad so I told her it was alright. She kept rubbing and looking at my wrist that she gripped earlier.
"Hmm...well would you like anything to eat? I can go grab something"
"Are you sure?....I can come with you"
She kept insisting that she was fine going by herself and even said that she'd buy it for me. I couldn't decide because I kept on refusing her offer and she went off saying she would buy something for me either ways.
I sat there sketching through my book. I liked drawing flowers, it just felt right to me. I really liked lavenders although there isn't much to draw of it-
Huh? I looked around me, seeing if anyone was looking at me. It didn't seem like it so why did it feel as though I was being watched.
"Who exactly......"
"What are you pondering on about? You seem distracted even whilst..... I'm here"
She traced my cheek with her fingers and felt shivers run down my spine. But i'm not sure if it's the good kind or the bad one.
"Here you go! This is all for you!"
She placed all the food and drinks she got onto the table and I must it is a lot. Enough to feed 5 people!
"Look at that girl she must've forced Jane to do her bidding. Just look at all the food piled up on the table!"
"Right!? No way, do you think she's using her for her money as well?! What a cheapskate!"
....Now I'm really uncomfartable. Why do I have to go through this all th time. Just where did I go wrong...
My eyes began tearing up and I fiddled with my fingers. I couldn't hear what Jane was saying to them. I just didn't want to be there anymore.
I just ran the opposite direction and into a more secluded area. It was a small opening that led to a private spot surrounded by tall trees.
It's my secret hideout. Nobody ever comes here because the way over here looks quite haunting. Even I was hesitant to come at first but it helped me escaped when I was being chased.
"Why am I always the one who's being targetted! What did I even do?...."
I weeped and fell to the ground, hugging my knees close to my body. I felt a soft breeze passing by as if it was comforting me.
A few days later....
I avoided Jane before she could see me. I didn't want her to be seen with someone like me. It's better this way.
I managed to avoid her for a few days and left a note for her. I saw her looking for me in the hallways during break and how she watches me in class.
Until one day she stopped, she did not come looking for me at all and I was glad. Since it meant that I wouldn't have to try so hard in hiding.
Classes have finally ended for the day and I made my way out from class with stares coming from my classmates. Jane was with them today, seems like she is finally able to make better friends.
Thoughts aside, I made my way down the stairs heading for the front gates.
I was pulled into the janitor's closet. The lights were turned off and I could only make out a few features of the person.
"W-what are you doing?" I questioned, even in the dark I could feel her anger towards me.
"Why are you avoiding me"
"I-I'm not, I thought you would be happier...without me"
Her gaze soften and she told me words she used to say before. Comforting words, so sweet and non malicious. Although, that wasn't why I was avoiding her. While I kept my distance, I went around keeping a close eye on her. It just seemed odd that I'm being targeted for no reason and when I did find out why, I couldn't breathe.
"That's how it all began, ever since then I couldn't help but be wary of her. Only once I came out that I knew what she did wasn't normal and... I suppose it still haunts me till this day" I said in a small voice.
"...Thank you for sharing, Naomi"
Hmm did she drop the honorifics? Well it could have been a slip of tongue...
"Oh my and here I thought my plan had no flaws" It can't be...
"...J-Jane!?" I fell from the couch, pushing the vase off from the table.
"The one and only...hmm"
She had a suit on which means she doesn't work here. Then how and why is she here!? Why now of all times!
I hurriedly grab the phone from my bag and tried dialing one of my friends. Before I could dial the number, my phone was yanked away by Jane. She began looking through my phone.
"Oh my...., who could Lex be?" She looked beyond pissed.
A million thoughts ran through my head. Should I make a run for it? Should I just jump out of the window!?
"...Whatever you're thinking it won't work"
My therapist told me, approaching me and lifting me off from the ground, placing me back on the couch again.
"...Why are you...?" Jane chuckled.
"Who do you think caused this whole thing. ME!? HAH! and here I thought you would finally get a grasp of your situation"
"...what....what do you....mean" I was really scared. I felt my heartbeat racing and the sweat forming on my face.
"You really don't know" Jane looked towards the therapist in hopes she would continue explaining.
"...It's me, dear Naomi...I'm sadden to know to know that you had forgotten about me" She traced my cheeks harshly.
Just who is this woman?! I just got to know her today! Just where and when have I seen here?! I feel like I'm going crazy!
"...Sheesh...you still don't know. Well then let me tell you"
Jane placed her hands on her shoulders and laid her chin on her shoulder.
"This person right here is my dear the sister. Remember the accident that happened when we were younger?"
"Why...Why would you....do this to me"
I had not interacted much with her at all! But what could be the reason she's doing this to me?! Is- is it because I caused her sister harm!? That- I don't- I don't know!
I broke down, tears falling from my eyes. My sobs were loud and my breathing was heavy. It felt like I was suffocating.
"Don't cry..." Grace stepped forward and wiped the tears away. I fought back and pushed it away.
It was silent yet noisy. But the two of them were very quiet. Out of curiosity I looked up to be met with a furious looking Jane at the back. Grace on the other hand, had an expression I never thought I would ever see.
They were filled with an emotion, I can't quite put my finger on. Thinking back...wasn't this how she used to look at me...
10 years ago....
There is no ending as it's an open ending. Feel free to comment on what you think would have happened right after!

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    KM Adriatico

    ejejwowllddkfnffbfjdslalkrggvhyhbbbvvhhj hggcxzsssksksssddbfbcnclfdjsdddkdkfkfjvfvfllaoV will na ffddl la pa la la la la ma BA ya la la la la la BA la la on TV DC so ma of RC la TV of la all is well to if so it will Mandela I'll TV web RN TV in on on TV in AZ AZ thermal pa ya nga la la la la la TV TV in pa am la am off to bed hair At DC la am la well TV la am La Jolla California United States of America account and I am off to bed hair At DC so I die dyos I am off work at a time when we were we


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