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Trying Something New

I'm bored. I've read all the books I had bought. I suppose that's one of the disadvantages of being a book lover, you read too fast. You must be thinking, why not just buy more books? Well the things I'm broke like really broke. I spent all of them on the books I bought before.
My best friend Jamie always nags at me for reading too much and spending a huge amount on them. I disagreed with him although he was right, I can't admit it. Reading made me understand soo many things and discover tons of interesting things. It's like I can escape to another world when I read them.
I supposed to join the sports event today at school but I didn't really feel like socializing with anyone and I'm glad Jamie didn't come over and drag me there. But then again, I really should make an effort in going out more. The last book I read was about an adult who prefers keeping to themselves, Claire Roone.
They weren't really used to the idea of socializing with random strangers. They felt I suppose you could say intimidated and judged by their stares. They did everything they could just to stay at home. Then again, the hopes of not being the talk of people came crashing down.
When society finds something out of place, they pay more attention to them. Sometimes for a good cause but most of the times the worse. When people notice how closed off you are, they would start talking. Asking questions like why aren't they talking with anyone or maybe their lonely.
Claire wasn't really lonely, she just preferred doing things on her own. I mean would anyone join someone who's just trying to enjoy reading a book. Ever since Claire faced this incident in school she became really closed off. The book was really heart touching and relatable. There's only one thing that Claire regretted, is for not smacking them in the hea-
I'm just kidding
Claire regretted letting her feelings overflow and become a burden to her but even so, Claire did her best to make amends. They weren't all in her favor but she did her best. The book ended with her taking her own life which was really confusing at first. But then I understood
I got out of bed and started to get dressed to head out. I went to the living room not expecting anyone to be home but my mom was sitting there drinking her cup of coffee. She looked at me and was surprised to see me dressing up a little more than I used to.
"Well aren't you cleaned up well today" My mom chuckled and I stuck my tongue out at her
"Nice to see you switching things up finally. Here's a 100 bucks" Oh my goodness time to buy more boo-
"If I see a single book passing through that door when you get back, you ain't getting in the house"
My hopes and dreams shattered. My life has no meaning anymore, without books I am nothing. Nothing but a slave to boredom. As horrid thoughts came to me, I realized I'm going to have to do something I absolutely hate. SOCIALIZING
"Stop acting like you're gonna die. We can go to the bookstore next month"
I have been resurrected, all meanings of life began to shine bright like a bookstore's signboard.
"Thanks mom. I'll be off now"
After my little dramatic scene, I head towards the school. I called Jamie asking if he was still there. He said that he was and asked if I was coming to which I agreed. The next moments were of me losing my eardrums. I think it bled a little.
"You're not pranking me are you?!?"
"No I am not!!"
"Well then hurry up and get here!!!"
"Does it look like I own a car!?! My legs are dying already!!"
"Well sucks to be yo-"
Did he seriously just hang up?! Oh well I'm just gonna take my sweet time getting there hehe.
When I arrived, I must say it was full like when those milo trucks come over handing out free milo. Unless there is a milo truck here today.
"RILEY!!!" Oh no. I was hit by a huge amount of force and weight and landed on the ground.
"I'm suffocating Jamie!" I pushed him off of me and got up
"You've never been to this kinds of events before. You're finally taking a step!"
The whole day I was with Jamie and it was amazing. It felt like I was in those books I have read. I was soo happy, we were cheering on for our team. We ate all kinds of foods there. I even met more of Jamie's friends which were Alana, Mike, Vina and Kevin.
You'll never know how much a step can change your whole life. Well I did not, not until now. Then again, this was all possible thanks to Jamie. If he weren't here I don't think I would have even come out of my house heck go to an event like this.
In the end of the day it's all up to you and me...

Bình Luận Sách (742)

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    KM Adriatico

    ejejwowllddkfnffbfjdslalkrggvhyhbbbvvhhj hggcxzsssksksssddbfbcnclfdjsdddkdkfkfjvfvfllaoV will na ffddl la pa la la la la ma BA ya la la la la la BA la la on TV DC so ma of RC la TV of la all is well to if so it will Mandela I'll TV web RN TV in on on TV in AZ AZ thermal pa ya nga la la la la la TV TV in pa am la am off to bed hair At DC la am la well TV la am La Jolla California United States of America account and I am off to bed hair At DC so I die dyos I am off work at a time when we were we


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