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Suffocation of one

It was getting closer to the water surface, I dont think I can hold on much longer.
I didnt mean to offend her. I just wanted her to understand how I truly felt. It didnt have to end the way it did. I never really wanted to be in a relationship.
I suppose it was my fault for getting straight to the point instead of letting her down slowly. Although it would sound really absurd coming from someone like me. I never realized how much attention I attract from people.
After all the hell I put her through with my alcohol addiction, I knew I wasnt the right person for her. When I told her I wanted to cut things off, she cried.
My heart ached seeing her like this but I couldnt take it back, the damage had been done. I told her that I fell out of love and felt nothing for her anymore. Despite being angry with me, she never screamed at me. She just stood there taking it all in, letting her tears flow.
And here I am now stuck in a high ceiling room which slowly getting filled with water. I tried opening the door but it wouldnt budge. My colleagues have left after completing their work and i was stuck here doing my work overtime.
But somehow one of the water pipes broke and the water started filling the whole place up. Usually, when something like this happens we use the door but it was locked from the other side. I found this strange. Could someone be trying to get rid of me? But who?
I had an unreasonable thought and shook it off. Theres no way its her, she wouldnt do something like this. I had to push my thoughts aside. What worried me wasnt just the water flowing in but the lights at the top. Once the water reaches the lights I would be done for.
I had my old button phone with me that I kept for emergencies for when my work phone dies. I fumbled with it in my hands trying to see if it still is functional. It worked! The phone screen lit up and the wallpaper was of her. Seeing her face again after a month brought me to tears. But I pushed my feelings aside and went through my contact numbers and there were none.
I dialed whatever number that was on it and hoped for the best. With the water rising even more, I hoped whoever it is would answer the call.
"...hello?.." a voice I thought I would never be able to hear again. Her voice sounded tired unlike her usual cheerful voice. Although I understand why.
"....sam?...if you arent saying anything I'm hanging up now " Oh no
"Wait!...uh I know we arent in good terms right now an-" She cut me off.
"Im hanging up now"
I could hear her sniffling but I couldnt let her hang up. I wasnt able to call 911, right now she is all I got. Man, I'm asking her to save me once again just like the past. The water keeps on rising and my limbs are slowly starting to give up on me.
"Please wait! I beg you!"
I dont think I have any time left. The waters already at the same level as my neck, soon there wont be anymore room to breathe in. At this point, calling the authorities really isnt going to help me much. I might as well just.....accept my fate.
"Listen to what I have to say carefully, I dont have much time"
I gasped for air. My breath quickening as my heartbeat increases. No matter what, I want her to at least know that us separating wasnt her fault. I want her to know...no. I need her to know how much she meant to me.
"...." She did not respond back but I knew she was listening.
"Amelia,....I want you to know you mean the world to me. There hasnt been a single day where I had stopped thinking about you. I know! I was foolish and stupid to let you go, but I need you to know that you are the only one for me and the only one I will ever need"
I couldnt hear a word she was saying as the water level rose even higher. I could only hear muffles as my ears went below the water. I went back up again taking one last breath.
"I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I love you"
That was all I managed to say. As I feel my limbs giving up completely and felt my body slowly descending to the bottom. Suffocating was painful, knowing that I had nowhere to go anymore. This must have been how she had felt when she cried that day. Suffocation
Words that you want to say but arent able to form them in a sentence. All you could do is stand and watch until it consumes you whole. How poetic. I'm glad I managed to tell her the truth about how I feel. I hope you live a wonderful life and find someone better than me. I hope you never have to feel this way again. Suffocated...

Bình Luận Sách (742)

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    KM Adriatico

    ejejwowllddkfnffbfjdslalkrggvhyhbbbvvhhj hggcxzsssksksssddbfbcnclfdjsdddkdkfkfjvfvfllaoV will na ffddl la pa la la la la ma BA ya la la la la la BA la la on TV DC so ma of RC la TV of la all is well to if so it will Mandela I'll TV web RN TV in on on TV in AZ AZ thermal pa ya nga la la la la la TV TV in pa am la am off to bed hair At DC la am la well TV la am La Jolla California United States of America account and I am off to bed hair At DC so I die dyos I am off work at a time when we were we


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