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The first guests arrived punctually in the evening and gathered around Nila in the dining room. Amaya helped the other slaves in the kitchen and prepared the trays that she would later take to the guests.
Unobtrusively, she kept looking briefly into the room, which was filling up more and more with the most important people in Rome by the minute. However, they are of little interest to her, because her deep blue eyes were looking much more for her mistress' nephew. Since meeting him in the marketplace, she couldn't get him out of her head and the thought that he would be here today and could watch her serve him and the guests caused an uncomfortable tingling to wander through her body. "Amaya concentrate. We must be finished soon." The slave who had finished her earlier
Then a loud laugh filled the room and caught Amaya's attention. A group of young girls had entered the room and Amaya had immediately recognized the girl in their midst. They were there. She quickly let her gaze wander over the crowd and finally found her brother, surrounded by some young women, entering the room with his father. Amaya's heart began to beat faster and she carefully stepped behind the other slaves who had now lined up.
"What you are doing? Stay here!” Her hand was grabbed and she was pulled forward again to form a line with the other slaves. Amaya wanted to hide away for the rest of the evening, but Nila would never allow it. She now rose from her seat and gave a short speech to welcome the guests. Then she nodded to the slaves, ordering them to bring in the food. The slaves disappeared orderly into the kitchen and Amaya could finally breathe easy. He hadn't noticed them yet and none of the guests had paid the slaves their attention for even a second. Confident for the evening, she took her tray and joined the other slaves in the kitchen who would also be serving the guests tonight. He hadn't noticed them yet and none of the guests had paid the slaves their attention for even a second. Confident for the evening, she took her tray and joined the other slaves in the kitchen who would also be serving the guests tonight. He hadn't noticed them yet and none of the guests had paid the slaves their attention for even a second. Confident for the evening, she took her tray and joined the other slaves in the kitchen who would also be serving the guests tonight.
Terra looked around for the slave, but apparently they had already gone into the kitchen. She was annoyed that she hadn't paid attention to the slaves earlier when she came in, but she wasn't used to looking at the slaves and in her nervousness had finally forgotten it. Lana had sat down next to her and was talking excitedly to her brother, who was trying to be polite and give her his attention. However, Terra knew him too well and saw that her friend was only bothering him. Also, how could Lana think that her brother would ever want anything from her? He was better looking than any Roman man she knew and was well respected. She was proud that she was his sister and that she got the daily attention from her brother that all other Roman women only dreamed of...
"Where's the slavin, Terra? You said she was here. But I don't see her." Lana looked around and then looked challengingly at Terra. - ,,Luca brought her here personally! Ask him. right Luca? Why should I lie?" Luca nodded and suddenly seemed interested. He also looked around and then just shrugged his shoulders. Terra narrowed her eyes and looked at him from the side. But before she could interpret his behavior, she grabbed Lana took the floor and spoke to her aunt, who was sitting on the other side of the table, "I heard the daughter Festizius is also present?". Nila smiled slightly and nodded. "Yes, that's right." - "You're really lucky. I would love to have her as a slave." "She's almost a friend to me, if I may put it that way." Nila noticed Luca smile while the other guests exchanged indignant looks. A slave girlfriend was unimaginable in Rome. But Amaya was so much more to Nila than just a slave. "I would love to see her. Will she serve us tonight too?", Lana deepened her conversation about Amaya with Nila. "Yes. You can see her immediately, Lana. I just see that the slaves are coming with the food." Nila nodded towards the kitchen, from which the first slave just stepped. Excited, the guests turned their heads in the direction of the kitchen and an awkward silence spread through the hall, carried by the held breath and the strained eyes of the guests.
Amaya was the last slave to leave the kitchen and felt burning eyes on her as soon as she left the kitchen. Almost every one of the guests present had interrupted their conversation and followed their steps with their eyes. Unsure, she let her gaze wander over the large table and got stuck on one person. He looked at her penetratingly and compassionately with his dark eyes. Amaya quickly lowered her head and felt her face flush. She tried to concentrate on not dropping the tray and walking upright. Finally she stopped next to Nila and first handed her a vessel. The young Roman sat across from her, but he kept his head down and no longer looked at her. Grateful and disappointed at the same time, she turned to leave, but Nila held her arm. "Thank you Amaya." She said lovingly and squeezed her hand briefly. Apparently she had noticed how uncomfortable she was feeling and wanted to encourage her. Amaya nodded curtly and smiled politely. "So you're the daughter of Festizius? People were right. She looks very beautiful," Lana admitted, talking more to herself and Terra than to Amaya.
Terra looked at her speechless with a half open mouth. How could that be? Amaya returned her gaze. She recognized Terra and looked at her with a sure gaze. Far too safe for a slave, for Terra's tastes. Anger welled up inside her and she clenched her fists under the table. How could she look her in the eyes so boldly? As if she wanted to pay her back! This slave could now have been hers alone. And Lana and her other friends would have envied her and not her aunt! As if Luca could read her mind and sense her anger, he grabbed her clenched fist and wrapped his hand around hers. Terra looked at him and thus lost the gaze duel with the slave. His eyes rebuked her and commanded her to behave politely. She took a deep breath and forced a smile. ,, You're right my dear friend, she really is a very beautiful woman - but a little too self-confident if you ask me. But her beauty doesn't do her much good as a slave either. She'll never be worth more than a few dirty sesterces."
Some guests laughed at Terra's remark and others frowned uncertainly. Amaya herself winced painfully. Her forced smile faded and her beautiful eyes grew sad. She looked down and ran a hand uncertainly down her arm. Luca would have loved to hug her. How awful did she have to be feeling right now? Especially since she wasn't used to such derogatory remarks from her previous position. However, there was nothing he could do but sit there and look at her and be ashamed of his cowardice in not defending her. Terra's face was adorned with a victorious grin and Amaya left the room with quick steps after Nila had given her consent by nodding her head.

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    Lanie Sarito



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    ele e muito bom obrigado por esse livro lindo


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