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Chương 2 The Price For Jennifer

"Dad," Jennifer said, utter disappointment making its way into her voice. She picked the document, and the name was familiar. Mr. William.
Mr. William was a man who was at least 40 years of age. Even though, a little lonely, he was polite during the few times he ever talked to anyone. He had lost his wife due to an unfortunate incident year back and lived alone.
Jennifer had taken up a part-time job at a famous restaurant in the locality during the summer break, to replenish her savings and make a way for tuition and other necessities by the time they resume. That was the one encounter she had with William that stood prominently in her mind.
She had been cleaning a table and taking off the used plates when he walked in. Naturally, she went to greet him and asked him what he would like, while directing him to an empty table.
She would never forget the way he stared at her like he was lost. Like he could not take his eyes off her. She grew self-conscious with every second he spent taking in the details of her small oval face, red plump lips that were shaped like a little rosebud and always stood out even without her applying anything on it, and her fair smooth skin that spoke nothing of the hardships she had gone through. Her long dark hair was put up in a rough bun, with a few strands unintentionally falling to frame the sides of her face.
There and then, he decided she was beautiful. The kind of beauty he wanted to have. Without shame or reserve, he let his eyes wander down the rest of her body, and only lifted it back to her face when she cleared her throat uncomfortably.
"What would you like, sir?"
He smiled, wondering if she would give him herself if he asked politely. He shook the thought out of his mind, however, and pointed at the huge banner that had their menu printed on it.
"That." He said, pointing at the breakfast set.
She nodded and walked away to process his order, all the while feeling his eyes bore into her from behind.
He left the restaurant after eating, but he couldn't take his mind off her. She was one gorgeous woman and was just old enough. He had seen her before and knew vaguely of her father, but he had never been blessed with a close-up vision of her as he was today.
Two weeks later, as if the heavens were favoring him, he heard the news of her father's poverty and desperate need for money, and he knew just the thing. He, himself had, after his wife's death gotten a breakthrough through some construction business he did, thus placing him above her father, and well in the position to use the money to get what he wanted, which was in this case, Jennifer.
"I know you are wondering why I came," William said to Benjamin, Jennifer's father as he kept the cup of coffee, he had taken a sip. Benjamin had offered it to him when he ushered him in.
"Well, yes. Is there something I can help you with?"
William gave a knowing smile. "I just came here because I was wondering why you live under such poor conditions when you have a gem within your possession. Don't you wish to break the chain?"
Benjamin had no idea what he was talking about, but he knew he was hinting at something that would give him money and he leaned closer. "What gem do you mean?"
"Your daughter. Jennifer." William answered. He had found out her name from asking around, and to he thought it was the perfect name for her. It was a name for a woman with irresistible beauty like hers.
"Jennifer? What about her?" Benjamin didn't see how Jennifer could help him break the chain of poverty that he had been afflicted with, and by now, he was convinced William was not making any sense.
"I met her at her restaurant workplace some time ago, and I must say, she is one captivating woman. Captivating enough to keep my heart with her even though I never saw her after that." William stated, then leaned towards Benjamin. "I am willing to pay a sum of fifty thousand dollars if you would give her hand to me in marriage."
Benjamin's eyes widened in shock at the amount. "Fifty?" He asked, putting his palm out, indicating five.
William nodded. He liked the reaction he was getting.
"But...she is in school now...I.."
William nodded, then brought out a small brown envelope, then pushed it to Benjamin. Benjamin picked it up and opened it, to meet wads of cash sitting pretty. He couldn't help the drool that left his lips, and he almost made a fool of himself.
He swallowed hard, clutching the envelope in his hands like he was being chased for it.
"I want her now. I am not willing to wait." William said, his tone decisive. He knew what he wanted, and he knew how to get it.
Benjamin nodded. "Yes. Yes, I will...I will try my very best."
"I want you to give me a promise, and a signed document. Once the marriage happens, I will pay the remaining." William said, causing Benjamin to quickly nod.
"I promise to marry her to you, immediately. It does not matter what she is doing or who she has in mind, it is you that will get married to her. That is a promise."
William had left the house in good spirits, having gotten the object of his infatuation now wrapped around his finger.
Benjamin, on the other hand, knew he would do everything he could to get Jennifer to marry the man, as long as it ensured him the money. To do that, he knew she would have to leave school, and it wasn't going to be up to her to do that.
"Mr. William?" Jennifer asked, looking at her father.
"Yes. He is going to be your husband very soon."

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    its go movie


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