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4. pov Senja

Since the time of the words of sis Langit at that time, now my days are more colorful.
Sis Langit's caring and mature figure makes me feel comfortable when I'm around him.
Today is Monday which seems like the longest day , because Monday 's lesson really drains my brain .
.Well, counting, this makes me dizzy the most, although lately my grades have gone up quite a bit because of the teachings of my private teacher who doubles as a girlfriend, uuh happy.
."Senja, how is your relationship with sis Langit." asked Nunu, well I told everything to Nunu and Nunu supported me while sis Langit didn't betray me, even though it would break up but it was good, said Nunu
"It's fine, NU." my answer
.this time I came home from school with Nunu because Nunu was not picked up, so I immediately contacted sis Langit so he wouldn't take me home.
Arriving at his house, I immediately cleaned up, my mother came home in the afternoon.
After cleaning I took a short break.
.Tonight I'm studying as usual, suddenly I heard a message from my cellphone
[Night of Langit] the contents of the incoming message I opened
[Night too sis,, have you eaten bro?] I reply
[It's okay, honey, you're still learning, are you excited, you can do it].
.reply sis Langit again
Uhh being called dear, it feels like my cheeks are hot, even though I've often called him dear, but I'm still shy..
.day turns to Sunday, week turns to month, I don't feel my relationship with sis Langit has been a year,, during this year my relationship with sis Langit is still sweet and smooth, even though I don't know about his family yet. All I know is kak Langit from people who are.
.and now I'm going up to the twelfth grade, that means sis Langit has also graduated.
Tonight I will meet with sis Langit, who said he had something he wanted to talk about. And I have also prepared a gift for him, even though the price is not much, I hope that sis Langit will like it.
.at seven o'clock sis Langit has picked me up at home, as usual sis Langit asked permission from mother.
"Night ma'am," said sis Langit
"Night, oh son, Langit has come, okay?" mother replied.
.I heard the faint voices of Sis Langit and Mother, meaning Sis Langit has come, I immediately rushed to get my bag and I put my cellphone and then the gift for Sis Langit that I just wrapped.
We arrived at a fairly fancy restaurant after a few minutes .
.since I dated sis Langit, I often eat well and every time I go home I don't forget sis Langit always bends down for mom.
It's his attitude that makes me happy.
.We sat opposite each other while eating in silence. After we finish eating, we will talk about something, to be more precise, Sis, Langit, who will convey important things, whether it is what it is. And that makes me nervous...
After a while we were both silent,
.I dared to open my voice, even though it's been a year in a relationship with him but I'm still a little embarrassed and awkward to him, I don't know.
."Hmmm sis, here I have a gift for you, I hope you like it, for a keepsake." I said as I handed him a square box wrapped in wrapping paper.
."What are you talking about, honey, do you really want our relationship to be just a memory, remember, bro, I'm serious about you, brother, I really want to say goodbye to you because my sister will continue my studies abroad, but brother I will continue to be in a relationship with you, my dear brother.serious with you. So, wait for your brother to come home, then brother will marry you, even though now you only have a small company, but you will try even harder so that you can move forward," said sis Langit at length.
.For a moment I was stunned by his words that he was going to marry me, is he really that serious,, I feel like I don't want to believe it but judging by his speech and eyes that say if he is serious I love it even more.
.but what was it, he wanted to study abroad, that means I will part with him
"Brother is going to study abroad, does that mean we're going to separate?" ask me carefully
."Separate?, why do you keep talking like that, Yank, it's as if our relationship is going to end, listen carefully bro
We will continue to be in a relationship but long distance, my dear, and brother, I hope you are willing to wait for my brother, "said sis Langit
.Senja was again stunned by the words that came out of Heaven.
As if enchanted by Heaven's words, Senja nodded her head.
"Yeah, I'll be waiting for you." Say Senja
.Don't you know Senja that waiting is boring, especially without the certainty of a bond. only with a sweet promise made by the man in front of him Senja is willing to wait for the uncertain, moreover we don't know what the future will be like.
May fate be on your side.
."Oh yes, thank you for the gift, brother also has a gift for you".Langit Words
Then Langit reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a blue velvet. He opened the velvet and handed it over to Senja.
."This is for you, sorry, brother, I can't give you a ring, but instead of a ring, give me a bracelet, here you can wear it." Langit continued.
"Thank you, sis, I like it, I will always wear it," muttered Senja
."It's late, we should go home, brother, you don't want your mother to worry if we come home late." continue Langit again
"Yeah, we're going home." Answer Senja
After traveling for a few minutes, finally Langit and Senja arrived in the courtyard of Senja's house.
."Yes, Sis, I'm home, okay?" said goodbye,Senja
"Wait, honey," said Langit, stopping Senja's hand, which was about to reach the car door handle
"What's wrong, bro," asked Senja
Cups ,,,
Langit briefly kissed Senja's lips, while Senja, who didn't know what was happening, was just dumbfounded.
."Hmmm, well, see you later, dear, tomorrow morning you have to fly.
Wait, brother," Langit words broke Senja's daydream who was still in shock at the kiss that had been given by Langit.
"yes sis,, be careful ok".
."Yes dear,, you too huh". Langit replied while gently caressing Senja's cheek...

Bình Luận Sách (501)

  • avatar

    so beautiful 😍


  • avatar
    Rones Erich Dawn

    l love this story full of happiness ang full of love


  • avatar
    April Jhoy Valdez



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