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Chapter 4

After telling them what news he received today, they somehow got panic and shocked. However, it was easily replace by anger and hostility.
"How dare King Jefferson conspires with the other nobles and officials against us!"
"After all we had done to the kingdom, this is how we get treated by them?!"
"Does they think we have no power to resist?!"
The elders and clansmen had the same opinions towards the kingdom. They had more power, status and dignity throughout the Feronia Kingdom so there wasn't any reason for them not to protest.
"Honey, should we really fight back with them?" Marquis Cyril's wife, Niña, talked with a concern face, "We didn't even do anything to them except all the breakthroughs of the warriors and yourself into another level."
"You're right, Honey. We didn't do anything, so we don't need to surrender to them. We are more powerful than what they think," Marquis Cyril reassured his wife while he took a glance to his youngest daugher, Lucelle, who was standing beside her mom, "Come here, Lucy."
As Lucelle heard his nickname pronounced by his dad, she quickly went to him, "What is it, Dad?"
"I have something to whisper to you." he answered, but before he could whisper to Lucelle...
Out of the sudden, a warrior entered the room with deep breathe, "Reporting to Marquis!"
"What is it that made you entered without knocking first?"
"E-eunuch Randy declared with the king's decree that we, the Esclamado Family collided with the Merica Kingdom, the rival kingdom of Feronia Kingdom. Not only that, they also announced that we are using black magic and forbidden spells to increase our magic power!" the warrior voice out what he had heard, "All the powerful figures of the Feronia Kingdom, royal knights, warriors, magicians and other forces are already marching towards here!"
"H-how dare them?!" Marquis Cyril bursted out his magic aura with a killing intent that made the clansmen pressured.
"C-calm down, Father!" Marquis Cyril's eldest son, Junrill tried to stopped his father, "We need to make solutions as soon as possible. We can't neglect our duties, especially yours as the marquis of the Kingdom and the leader of the family. Whatever your decision is, we will support you no matter."
"Y-you are right, my son," Marquis Cyril stopped releasing his magic aura after realizing the situation he was in, "Our enemies this time our not the Merica Kingdom, but our own kingdom, the Feronia Kingdom itself. Many lives may be sacrificed in this battle, but it is a matter of survival of our family. So will you join me in defending our safety and fighting all the enemies?!"
"Of course, we will fight back!" the second son, Darren with his fellow magicians shouted.
"That's already a given, Father!" Junrill replied and took a glance to the warriors under his command, "Right, guys?!"
"Of course!"
The Council of Elders spoke out in unison, "We will follow and support you, Marquis, with all of our lives!"
"Thank you," he smiled and raised his swords engulfed with fire magic, "For the honor of the family, we will fight!"
Then all of them shouted, "For the honor of the family, we will fight!"
After some time, all the powerful figures of the Feronia Kingdom as well as some unknown forces arrived 20 meters away from the Esclamado Family's residence.
"Marquis! In the name of the Feronia Kingdom's ruler, King Jefferson... I, the General of the Kingdom, command you to surrender yourself including all your clansmen or else, we can't guarantee your life into safety!" General Rayven shouted while riding a horse along with his cavalry.
"Why should we surrender if we didn't do anything that may harm the kingdom's peace? Do you think I, the Marquis of the Feronia Kingdom, doesn't have the right to know the reasons why you're doing this to us?" Marquis Cyril replied in a calm tone while he was wearing his battle armor and a sword that was sheathed on his waist.
"Hahaha! Are you kidding me, Marquis?" Duke Melchizedek said with a sarcasm, "After colliding with Merica Kingdom to overthrow our kingdom and performing a forbidden spell, you need an explanation? We need your explanation instead!"
"Those are just fabricated news the King and you, Nobles made to decieve the crowd, Duke. They're nothing but baseless rumours!" Marquis yelled with anger, "With the warriors of my family, we protected the Feronia Kingdom will all our lives at the frontline!" then he added, "Furthermore, can you give me an explanation why there are unknown forces here that didn't belong to the Feronia Kingdom?!"
"What's the King Jefferson trusted, is what we also trusted, Marquis. There's no need for you to think whoever they are!" the Duke replied, "If you don't surrender and give explanations, we will force yo---"
The Duke was halted by Marquis Cyril, "Hmph! Even if we surrender, do you think we can guarantee our lives if you bring all the forces of the kingdom and some unknowns?"
"If that's the case, we will no longer hesitate!" then the Duke raised his sword and pointed it at Marquis Cyril, "Let's wipe out the traitor of the Feronia Kingdom! Don't spare any of the alive!"
Then Marquis also shouted to his subordinates, "Let's bring justice to our family and prove ourselves to the kingdom that we are innocent! We will fight to death! Let's kil them all!"
Then a battle, on one side, leaded by Duke Melchizedek and General Rayven along with King Jefferson's subordinates and some unknown forces, and on the other side, Marquis Cyril with his clansmen, began.

Bình Luận Sách (1598)

  • avatar
    Katelyn Villalobos



  • avatar
    Deanielle Abjelina

    I love it! It’s so unique! Revenge tropes are so my thing!


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