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Chapter 5. The Great Madame's Orders

Chapter 5. The Great Madame's Orders
Adam had prepared himself for his mother's question. He calmly replied, "I'm too busy, Mom. No one wants to date someone who doesn't have time for romance." Adam showed off his sweet smile.
"Adam, are you still thinking of Clarissa?" Mrs. Wursita asked in a suspicious tone.
The man misbehaved and replied, "I'm still working on it, Mom."
"That's not okay, Son. That's not good for you. You should be more than willing to try. Three years have passed. Your ex is in the middle of nowhere and happy. But look at you? Still keep stuff from her. When would you forget about her?" the woman blurted out the son.
Adam remembered that the mother meant something was still in her room.
"You can throw it away," Adam said.
"Oh, no! It must be you who drives them away. Not me. Mom taught you to be a good and strong man, but not the opposite. If it was such a trivial matter as throwing away an item that would only remind you of the past it should've been a long time ago. But what happened? You ran away. You can't face the fact," Mrs. Wursita lectured without a pause.
Mr. Adyaksa was just being a spectator. He chose to leave his wife out of sight in the first place. As long as Adam's choice did not cause the son to neglect his duties, he did not object at all.
After hearing all the mother's lectures, Adam simply breathed a long sigh and made his seat comfortable.
"Son, you would listen to your mom, wouldn't you?" asked Mrs. Wursita with a keen eye.
Adam has considered Mrs. Wursita as her own mother. Adam had always obeyed her wishes. When the magic words were released from her, it would mean that Adam could no longer escape. It was mandatory for him to make it come true.
"Yes, Mom," Adam replied.
"At the anniversary party of the company, I want you to bring me my future daughter-in-law. Your own choices. If you don't, I'll choose a girl for you. Do you understand?" Mrs. Wursita ordered.
"Anniversary?" Adam immediately calculated his own day before the deadline. "But that's less than a month away, mom?" wonder the guy.
"Yes. Any problems?"
"Too soon, Mom," Adam said.
"You've already wasted three years. Now, no more downtime. Hurry up and bring my future daughter-in-law or you'll have to accept mine!" that woman threatened.
Adam turned to the father for support, but Mr. Adyaksa only raised one of his palms as a sign that he would not interfere. Then Adam looked back at the mother. "But I've got a lot of business to do this month, Mom," Adam continued.
"Well, then look for it while you're traveling. You said you're cute, you can pick any girl I want. Prove it! Where is your self-confidence?" Mrs. Wursita challenged.
Her words spontaneously made Adam scratch his back, although it did not itch. The son's antics made Mrs. Wursita tingle." Oh my God, help my son! You can be quick, agile, and succinct whenever you talk about business. But if this is a personal matter, why do you become weak? Just like your father!" she demanded suddenly.
"Woo … hold up! Why should I be involved?" Mr. Adyaksa protested.
"Yes, you are. You can't be strict with feelings. Too much consideration!" the wife said. Mrs. Wursita explained by looking seriously at Mr. Adyaksa. "Once back then, if you weren't being pushed by your parents, you wouldn't dare do anything to marry me," Mrs. Wursita's murmuring made Mr. Adyaksa smile embarrassedly.
"Well, it's your turn, Adam. You need to move to the next level immediately. Understand?" she insisted.
"Yes, Mom."
"Okay, then. Now go home before it gets too late!" Mrs. Wursita ordered.
"Am I being evicted?" Adam joked.
"Trying to make a joke, huh? I told you to stay, but you say no. Now being expelled, you complain. What a silly boy!" the mother said.
Then Adam said goodbye to his parents. The man was driving his white Ford across the streets in Jakarta. During the journey, Adam's thoughts returned to his mind. None of the words can be refuted. Adam had to open himself up for a new relationship. It was always nice for the mother to give the warning before it was one-sided. An arranged marriage was inevitable in a highborn family like the Saguna family. If it had to happen, then no one could say no. For now, Mrs. Wursita was still giving himself a chance to find his own soul mate.
Adam felt relieved and let fate lead him to his fate. If Adam married the mother's choice, he would not mind. Because as far as Adam could remember, there had not been a decision of Mrs. Wursita that had a bad effect on his life.
When his car reached a fork in the road, for some reason Adam did not choose to turn it to the left. Instead he turned the wheel towards the road to the right. In fact, the apartment was in the other direction. Adam decided to watch a midnight movie. It was one of Adam's habits while his emotion was in rage.
Adam went out tonight in black jeans tied to a yellow hoodie and furnished with white sneakers. Although being a member of the Saguna family, Adam's face was not particularly familiar in the community. Adam chose to limit himself to social interaction. On promotions or in need of his role as chief executive to make public appearances, Adam more often sent his assistants or represented by the brand ambassador's face.
So while Adam was in a public facility like the current shopping center, it did not make him uneasy to be the center of attention. Adam gestured toward the small room that would escort him to the floor where the theater was located. Upon arrival, he pressed the knob to go up. It would take a few minutes to wait for that elevator to come down from upstairs.
The chiming was heard, the sign that the small booth had arrived. Adam waited for the elevator door to open slowly. Some people went out in shifts and Adam chose to pull over to let them out. However, one young woman with her downcast face splitting the other passengers impatiently. As she approached the outside of the elevator, she made a hasty step and accidentally hit Adam's left arm.
The shoulder-haired young woman felt guilty and spontaneously turned around and raised her face to see who the victim was from her rush. There stood Adam, who had made a shocked face. Immediately the young woman began an apology. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to do that," she said by cupping both hands against her chest.
Adam immediately forgiven her with gestures and smiles. Then he moveys into a box already containing several humans. From the inside as the elevator door slowly closed, Adam looked down at the young woman who was still standing stunned with an empty gaze. When the door was fully closed, Adam looked at the promotional movie poster. It was a movie titled "Single" starring Raditya Dika.

Bình Luận Sách (58)

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    M AdibQusairy Asni



  • avatar
    Davi Almeida

    eddsfrfnhnicrccrfnruncrudbruxxnrufxbrufnejdepjdeodniedjjrixnnunzuen8jenzjeksis8kwks28sj2isj2ijs2osj2osk82sk29sk82sjj28sk72sj7sj28skk29ks19K1OL10l10L1alwiKwsny3db4dtbeuznwuzhexgxiwhzu2zh2uns2usb1ushu1sn1uns1isj1isjo1jks1isk18sk1isj81js1ijau1nsu2js72jss28sj82sk2isjqisniqnsswusnnuwnzeunziqnziqnss2usn2unsn2usn1uns2usnu2jjswuhseynswsjwusnzzqi zuw zwuz wuz uquznwuzbb2usbuwnswubsswus wh s1 h suqnsqusb2ubssu1hsqubswubs2 sqhz uqznwusnu2swus u2 su zw zwhs wunduwnsusnuenseudnueuidenidnwndi2nd2ind2indi2dn


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    Locelle Dultra

    Nice story


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