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Chapter 4. Alarm was On

Chapter 4. Alarm was On
The original warmth now felt a bit different. "So, when did you bring the future bride for me, Son?" asked Mrs. Wursita with a serious face.
Adam was forced to make a smile to calm the middle-aged woman. "I will, Mom. No one can deny your son is good looking. What kind of girl do you want? Let me choose for you," Adam said confidently.
"Adam, I'm serious." Adam's joke became meaningless. Adam's face bore the expression of astonishment. While Mr. Adyaksa assesses that the atmosphere would be out of control if he let Mrs. Wursita continue the subject of daughter-in-law.
"Enough, both of you. Aren't you hungry? Let's eat first!" Mr. Adyaksa said as he rose out of his seat and made his way to the table.
"That's right. Let's eat first. You certainly haven't eaten, Son. Come!" Mrs. Wursita grabbed his son's arm and stepped together to where they would eat.
In the dining room, there were two servants who stood not far from the table. However, a servant who should have always been with the family was invisible. "Where is Mr. Atmo, Mom?" Adam asked.
As Adam asked, Mr. Wursita was taking up some dishes to put on her husband's plate. "Atmo is too old, Son. He resigned last week and was replaced by his granddaughter," Mrs. Wursita said. Then waved to a young girl in her twenties and asked her to move closer.
The girl approached the table and acted politely with her head bowed. "Her name is Citra. Citra, this is my son, Adam." Mrs. Wursita introduced her son to the new servant. The girl cupped her hands to say hello.
"You already have an ID, Citra?" Adam asked suddenly.
Mr. and Mrs. Saguna were surprised when Adam asked about the personal identity of Citra.
"Yes, I already have, Young master." Citra answered shyly.
"Ah, good. I think you haven't yet, cause you have a baby face," Adam quipped.
"Oh, my. I don't know why you're asking all of a sudden about the ID," Mrs. Wursita said.
"Well, the law doesn't allow us to hire minors, Mom," the man explained to the mother.
"I'm your mother, of course I know the rules, Boy," Mrs. Wursita tumbled in self-defense. "Though his face is cute, she is twenty-one years old now," Mrs. Wursita explained.
Citra's face was a blush of color for being praised as a cute face. Once in a while she stole a glance at Adam who she recognized had a handsome face.
"Well, the replacement position for Atmo has not yet existed. Even though your father promises to find it soon," Madame Wursita said. Then she motioned Citra to return to her place.
"Find a replacement for the handle of this house shouldn't be so random," asserts Mr. Adyaksa.
"But you must hurry, Old man," the woman pushed. "The anniversary of the company is coming soon. Atmo's replacement can't be delayed," Mrs. Wursita sounded serious.
Adam was just about to stuff something in his mouth when Mrs. Wursita called his name. "Or we can ask Adam to find a replacement for Atmo," Mrs.Wursita suggested, making Adam delay his feeding activity.
"Sure, why not. I would send one of my assistants to take Mr. Atmo's position," Adam responded thoughtlessly and started chewing things up because he was hungry.
"Don't!" reject Mr. Adyaksa. "Your assistant can come here for a while until I find a suitable replacement for Atmo," Mr. Adyaksa ordered.
"For how long? The sooner the better, Old man," Mrs. Wursita hissed.
"Adam's assistants have their own work, Sita. I've been working on Atmo's replacement," Mr. Adyaksa concluded.
In the hearing of his decision, Mrs. Wursita had taken a plea. Then they continued the dinner until the last meal.
"I'm going to my room," Adam said good-bye to his parents.
"You're staying over tonight, Adam?" Mrs. Wursita asked.
"No, Mom. I'm just gonna take a shower. After that I'll go back to my apartment," Adam said.
"Before returning, let's talk. Mom and Dad wait for you out front," Mrs. Wursita ordered.
"Okay," Adam replied by nodding his head in a nudge.
While Adam was away, the couple hurled at each other. They expected their plans tonight would go well.
Adam entered the room that had been his childhood resting place. The contents and positions of that room remain unchanged. Mrs. Wursita kept and cared for the place without even moving one of Adam's things. The room was last occupied before Adam flew to America for his master's degree. That happened almost ten years ago.
The room was completely clean from dust. Made Adam feel comfortable if he spent time in Menteng. Throwing back in the days before work was busy. His eyes scanned the entire room from one thing to the next. The contents of his head were moved by twisted memories associated with the objects.
Adam's gaze stopped on a rolled paper in poster size and lopsided in a large tube at the foot of the table. Though reluctantly, he made his way to the paper roll. The roll was opened and laid out on the table. A sketch of a man and a woman in a formal wedding costume. At the lower right end of the picture was a partial scar of the painter, Clarissa.
"Look, honey, what I've made," she said one time when visiting Adam as he had started working for his father's company. "Sketching us in traditional Javanese wedding clothes. Do you like it? I can hardly wait," Clarissa blurted out her handiwork.
Adam had always loved his beloved enthusiasm and passion. Since Adam was a difficult person to fall in love with, it was difficult for him to start a new relationship. Especially when it came to a relationship with Clarissa, he has been very serious and has planned many things for their future together. But unfortunately, destiny does not allow it.
Adam's expression was always marked by disappointment as he remembered it. After a long sigh, the image was back closed and returned to its place. His right hand brushed his mid-long hair and scratched even though it did not itch. Trying to bring his consciousness back to reality. Then Adam walked toward the bathroom to wash himself.
The clock was already at ten o'clock. Adam went to see Mr. and Mrs. Saguna before returning home to the apartment. Mr. Adyaksa was sitting on his favorite couch, while Mrs. Wursita was sitting near her husband and was reading a regular fashion magazine. Then he was distracted to see Adam join them.
"Can't you just stay the night, Adam? It's late," the mother advised.
"At this hour, Jakarta is still an afternoon, Sita," Master Adyaksa timidly.
"Ck … this is called the concern of a mother, Old man," Mrs. Wursita corrected the husband's words.
"I can't, Mom. I had to go back," Adam said. "So, Dad, Mom, what do you want to talk about?" he asked his parents.
Before answering Adam's question, Mr. Wursita looked at her husband. Adam was likewise preparing himself for the warning he had received from hassan, his personal assistant.
"Son, do you have a girlfriend?" The woman asked carefully.

Bình Luận Sách (58)

  • avatar
    M AdibQusairy Asni



  • avatar
    Davi Almeida

    eddsfrfnhnicrccrfnruncrudbruxxnrufxbrufnejdepjdeodniedjjrixnnunzuen8jenzjeksis8kwks28sj2isj2ijs2osj2osk82sk29sk82sjj28sk72sj7sj28skk29ks19K1OL10l10L1alwiKwsny3db4dtbeuznwuzhexgxiwhzu2zh2uns2usb1ushu1sn1uns1isj1isjo1jks1isk18sk1isj81js1ijau1nsu2js72jss28sj82sk2isjqisniqnsswusnnuwnzeunziqnziqnss2usn2unsn2usn1uns2usnu2jjswuhseynswsjwusnzzqi zuw zwuz wuz uquznwuzbb2usbuwnswubsswus wh s1 h suqnsqusb2ubssu1hsqubswubs2 sqhz uqznwusnu2swus u2 su zw zwhs wunduwnsusnuenseudnueuidenidnwndi2nd2ind2indi2dn


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    Locelle Dultra

    Nice story


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