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Chương 7 Mother's Love

A one happy morning in the We Care orphanage, the children play outside and doing their everyday routine like exercising and praying in the early morning. Sister Marianne, the one who was assigned there was still grieve for the death of Sebby that no one knows and as you observed it was like no one knew Sebby once. She was sitting on the bench while watching the kids and looking to the necklace which Sebby gave her with a promise that she will be back home safe but it didn't happen.
A child approached her, "Sister, someone is looking for you" she said then she noticed that she was crying "Sister, are you alright? Are you hurt?" she asked
She smiled at her, "Suzy do you know a child has a name Sebby?" she asked her
Suzy thought about it for a few seconds, "Sister, is she living here once?" she asked
She tried to smile to her, "It's fine if you didn't remember her" she tapped her head "by the way who is looking for me?" she asked
The child pointed the way were a man walking towards them, he wears a black suit with bodyguards in black suit also. "Good day Sister Marianne" he greeted then he took off his sun glasses
She was very nervous when she saw him, "Good day Mr. Sy" she greeted "I was surprised that you visit us this day" she added
He smirked, "Sister, can we talk?" he said
She already knew what is all about, "Please follow me" she lead the way towards her office. When they arrived there, she sat down on her chair "please have a seat" she said
He sat down, "Sister, I know you knew already why I am here right?" he said arrogantly
She averted her eyes, "But we have no enough money to pay our debts to you Mr. Sy, the money collected from the sponsors are not enough for the needs of the children here in the past few month" she answered
He crossed his legs, "By the way, how was Sebby's mission?" he asked like he was not care if Sebby will die "I hope she did her mission very well" he added
Tears dropped from her eyes, "She was killed during her fight with Second" she answered with so much grievance to her heart "Because of her wish, and you take the advantage to it" she trying to be calm
He stood up, "By the way, I'll be here by next month again to have your payment for your debt and I cut the interest to your debt because Sebby granted my request to fight with Second you will pay only for the capital" then he turned back and left
Sister Marianne stayed on her office, mourning for Sebby. She remembered the first time they met and the day she bid her a temporary goodbye because she assured that she will be back home but unfortunately she didn't. In that moment she called the orphanage owners to inform about the deal with Mr. Sy and they held a board meeting immediately. Everybody was arrived there in the afternoon, they discussed everything and even the solutions they can make to pay the debt.
"We have no choice but to close the orphanage" an old man said
A woman stood up, "Sir, you know how much my mother love this place because she met me here" she protest
A man at his 40's looked at her, "But we have insufficient fund to raise to support the orphanage further or else you are thinking some solution about that?" he asked
Marianne was very disappointed to the things she heard from the commotion, "Madame and Sirs, please end this commotion maybe the only thing that we can do for now is to find a suitable family to adopt those little kids then the youth will be given to the social institutions so that they can study and fed rightly" she said then she stood up and left. She walked towards her room and sat to chair looking her first picture in the orphanage. "I need to save this no matter it takes" then she laid her head on the table and closed her eyes.
The next day, they started to find some foster parents for the kids while they are fixing the problem in the orphanage. They started to hold surveys and some family background for those who wanted to adopt a child, they are very happy because some of the families response positively. Day after day, a child was adopted that made her heart happy because the orphans will experience the real meaning of family.
A child approached her, "Sister Marianne, I will never forget you" she said then she kissed her to the cheeks "Thank you" that child was officially adopted by the family
--Marianne's Life--
Marianne was an orphan since she was five years old and came in the We Care orphanage. In her whole life she wanted to have the so called family then she met many people during the time of fostering but she end up wanting to be in the orphanage even it is fostering month.
"Marianne, why didn't wanted to have foster family by this month?" the old woman asked her who take care the orphanage when she was a child
She smiled at her, "Because I have my family already" she answered
The old woman laughed, "Oh I see, and what kind of family is that?" she asked
"This is my house and you are my family, Aunt Rosalie" she smiled sweetly to her "When I grow old, I'll take care the children here like on how you care for me" she said.
The time flies, Aunt Rosalie died because of her old age and as she promised she is the one who continue the work as the care taker and known to be Sister Marianne. She already finished her college when Rosalie passed away and she got a good job to be her source of income but the day came that she needed to quit the job because no one wanted to be at her position when she was away. The first six months, they survived because she has savings and her last pay from her job but when calamities came, the orphanage needed a large amount for the reconstruction and for the food of every child when the budget was not enough they filed a loan to Mr. Sy, a lending owner and a business man.
As times goes by the small amount became a huge amount amount because of some loans and interest, also Mr. Sy demands some kinky things to Sister Marianne to lessen the interest and she did it for the sake of the children in the orphanage and the last thing that Mr. Sy demanded was Sebby needed to have a fight with Second and First to have some data.
--Six months after Sebby died--
She was with Clair in her office, her attendant for five years, "Clair, how are the children do?" she asked
Clair checked her list, "Seventeen of them was adopted officially by their foster families and we have twenty - five more here in the orphanage" she answered
She looked outside, "It was good enough that seventeen of them was adopted" she said then she remembered that Mr. Sy will come again the next week for the payment. "Clair, I'll be at my room for three days, please send me food and water there because I will not got that in those days" she ordered
"Don't tell me?" she was very shocked
She walked towards the door, "I'll finish my project, I know that it can help some children in the future" then she left
Since that day, she stayed in room and Clair only gave her food and drink inside to replenish her strength. When the children was worried about her, she let them inside the room for a few hours and then they will leave when the dinner was prepared. Marianne was a programmer that has expertise in terms of cyber theft, she tried to get money as much as she can and deposited to Clair's account. After a week she will execute her last plan, so she called Clair again and gave her a letter.
She became worried about that, "Marianne, what this all about?" she asked
She smiled at her, "Don't worry, it's not a suicide letter or something" she answered "Do you still remember Sebastian?" she asked
She thought about who is Sebastian, "I don't remember him but I saw his name on out logbook six years ago" she answered
"Did you see his address there?" she asked
"Can you send it personally to him by tomorrow morning?" she asked
She looked at her that has a question on her mind but Clair can't figured out about it, "Okay, I will send it to them by tomorrow" she said. She picked the letter and opened the door, "Good night Sister Marianne" then she closed the door and left
At the same night, Marianne dressed beautifully like it was her last night to be dressed like that. She brought her sketchbook as the part the deal every night that she will go to Harold to do his requests.
She looked at the mirror, "Marianne, this could be your last night if you fail" she said to herself in the front of the mirror then she get her bag and leave without any words to Clair. She went to Harold Sy's mansion to do her last plan but if she failed her life will be at cost and she needs to be alive until morning or else no one will remember her existence except for Sebastian. When she arrived in the mansion she did all the things that the rich arrogant wanted her to do until dawn then they rest until morning.
On the other hand, as Clair promised she sent the letter personally to Sebastian.
She knocked to his door but Penelope was the one who opened the door, "Good morning, how can I help you?" she smiled to her
"Good morning, too" she greeted her back "Can I speak to Sebastian?" she asked
Suddenly Penelope's mood changed, "Why? Do you need something to him?" she asked
She felt frightened then Sebastian came, "Penelope, is that a visitor?" he asked then he greet Clair, "Good morning Miss, I remember you" he said when he already recognized her face "Sister Clair of We Care orphanage, right?" he asked
"Yes, Mr. Sebastian" she answered "Sister Marianne wanted you to give this letter" she handed the letter to him
He get the letter, "Sister Clair, please have some breakfast before you go back there?" he offered
She waved her hands to refuse, "I'm fine brother, I need to go back there as soon as possible because the kids needed me to look after them after breakfast" she answered "Thank you for your kindness, I will take my leave now" she turned her back and left. Clair was walking towards to the terminal when suddenly her atmosphere changed, she looked around "What am I doing here?" she asked. She stopped a little and think how many times why she was there but she can't remember anything so she ride a bus going back to the orphanage.
Penelope and Sebastian sat on the chair and open the letter;
Dear brother Sebastian,
Thank you for being good to Sebby, and I am sorry for what she have done to you. Maybe at this time while you reading this letter, I am killed by Harold Sy, he was the Fifth in this crazy game and I am the Fourth. I wrote you this letter to ask you a favor, please kill him for the sake of the kids in the orphanage. Sebby didn't want to fight with you that time she just did it as his request to lessen the interest to our debt but unfortunately she died instead. Please save the kids in the orphanage, thank you in advance.
Sister Marianne.
When he finished read Marianne's letter, he can't believed that the most richest person in the city joined the crazy game for his desire and he killed the one who looked for the children who was once abandoned. He cried silently, "I will, that's a promise" he answered
Penelope just looked at him, "Don't worry, we will help them" she said with a sweet smile "We will do everything that we can to make her desire came true, so don't be sad" she added
He just nodded and eat their breakfast.

Bình Luận Sách (813)

  • avatar
    Mj Buan

    Woooow!!!! amazing storyyyy!!!!


  • avatar

    its good story


  • avatar
    Sam Guerrero Acebuche

    are you going to the same thing to say that the same time with my family is the best friend and I am so proud of you going on in this world and the best friend is the only one that the best friend and I am so happy to see the world to me and my family and friends of the year and friends of mine and my family is the year and a great time with the same thing to say about the year and my family and friends and friends of mine is the best friend is the only one that the only one who is a great day t


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