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Chương 5 Sebastian Off His Guard

They woke up early in the morning to prepare the breakfast before Sebby arrived. Also, his grandmother made a special chocolate drink for her.
"Sebastian, what time will this little girl arrived?" his grandmother asked
He looked on the door, "I don't know grandma, but they told us to be early in the morning" he answered
They are sitting in the dining are while waiting for the kid, then they heard the ring bells "She is already here" Sebastian immediately stood up to open the door
"Good morning, brother" a cheerful greeting from Sebby
The man with her smiled at him, "Thank you for having Sebby for a week" he said, he looked at Sebby "Please be good to them, is that alright?" he asked
She smiled at her attendant, "Don't worry, I'll be a good a good girl here" she said
Penelope and his grandmother approached them, "Hello, little girl" the grandmother greets her
"Good morning, grandmother!" she cheerfully greeted back
"I'll be leaving now, again thank you for having her" the man asked then he turned his back and left.
They assists her inside, "Let's eat!" Sebastian said then they walk towards to the dining area
Sebby saw immediately the chocolate drink, she ran towards the table and hold the glass, "Is this for me, brother?" she asked
"Yes, grandma made that one for you" he smiled at her
On the other hand Penelope felt so much jealousy that a kid got his attention fully, she looked at her with a scary face but Sebby just ignored that when she saw it, "big sis, you want some?" she offered the glass of chocolate drink she was drinking
She just smiled bitter sweetly, "No, thank you" she answered "but that was made for our little visitor" she answered trying to insult her
He looked at Sebby while eating, "Sebby after we eat I'll made you tour here" he said "it's not a huge house, so that when you need something you can get that on your own" he said
She just looked at him, "Brother, can I go to your room?" she asked
He looked to Penelope, "It's fine right? Penelope?" he asked her
Even though she didn't want she just nodded, "It's fine, since she was only a kid" she answered with a irritating smile
When they finished, they clean up and Sebastian bring Sebby to his room. She was very amazed on his room, "Wow! your room is very tidy brother" she looked around, she saw that everything is at place.
He sat down on his bed, "Can you see things when you closed your eyes?" he asked her
She nodded, "I always dream for everything I closed my eyes" she answered enthusiastic "I used that every time I am alone or sad and that makes me happy" she said while remembering her parents telling that to her to make her feel better
"Okay then, closed your eyes" he said "my friends wanted to meet you" he added
She was shocked to his words, as she can see inside the room they are only person inside "Friends? but brother we are the only person here" she said
"Don't worry, just close your eyes" he closed his eyes also
She closed her eyes, "Brother, what should I see when my eyes were closed
"Take a look on my bed, what do you see?" he asked
She looked on his bed on her mind, "A cat and a dog" she answered
Sebastian held the cat, "This is Neko and the dog is Silly" he introduced to her
"Oh, so you are the sweet girl that Sebastian told to us" Silly said
She was suddenly frightened, "You can talk?" she stuttering
Neko approached her, "Yes we can talk" she said "As long as you have your imagination, you can see us and hear us" she added
"Like I am dreaming?" she asked
The two nodded, "You are like dreaming" Neko answered
Sebastian and Sebby became close after she met Neko and Silly. They laughed together and enjoy the things that Sebastian like to do, like watching some TV shows and cartoons at his age that make Penelope very irritated.
"Sebastian, can you accompanied me in the store?" she called out him
He immediately ran towards her, "Can we have Sebby with us?" he asked
She looked at her at she saw her face mocking her, "I'll kill you later" she said to her mind while looking at her
Sebby pulled his clothes, "brother, I'm fine here" she said "grandma is there also so I'm fine here" she said in her cute voice
He squatted a little and tapped her head, "You are such a good girl" he said smiling, then he stood up "okay then, I'll buy some candies when we get back" he said then they left
Penelope and Sebastian was very busy for shopping Sebby makes some traps on his own house.
She cut some electric wires on the nearby water sources in the bathroom and even in the kitchen she used to it. When she heard that the door opened she immediately went outside to greet them, "Welcome home!" she greeted them with a smile
He smiled at her, "Here, I bought you some candies as promise" he gave a pack of chocolates for her
She get very happy, "Thank you brother" she said smiling
Penelope passed them, "I want to take a bath, I felt sticky" then she went to her room
She followed her, "big sis, I prepare your bath!" she ran towards the bathroom to prepare her bath
When Penelope went out to her room she saw Sebby waiting her outside, "big sis, I prepare you a hot bath for you and also I prepare a hair dyer for you" she said happily
Suddenly, she changed her mood "Thank you Sebby, I'll cook something delicious for you later" she smiled at her
When Penelope walks towards the bathroom Sebby smiling like a mad person, "You'll die soon, Second" she said then she went where Sebastian is
When Penelope entered the bathroom she didn't put her guard down, she observe everything around her before she put herself on the tub "Something is wrong here" she checked everything then she noticed the cut electric wire nearby the tub, she felt irritated as if she wanted to kill the kid already. She wanted to take a bath so much so that she fixed the cut electric wire before she took a bath. She went back to her room to get dressed and look after the kid.
While Sebby and Sebastian is on the kitchen exchanging some stories and jokes, "brother, I made some juice for us" she said while standing on the chair to pour some juice to his glass
He smiled at her, "Thank you Sebby but I can do that on my own" she said, while she was pouring the juice she also put a little dose of drug in the form of liquid which Penelope noticed when she entered the kitchen
She pretends to be slip so that the glass was fell off and the juice went into waste, "I'm sorry for being clumsy" she chuckles
Sebastian stood up to check her, "Are you alright?" he asked her
She smiled at him, "I'm fine, I'm sorry for the juice" she said while looking to Sebby
Even she was very annoyed, "It's fine big sis, the important was you are okay" she said
They looked at each other like they are already in the battle field, Sebastian didn't notice it because for him Penelope was imagining things. He can't comprehend that a 12 - year old kid can have the guts to kill.
He thought that Penelope got a broken ankle so that he carried her to her room, "Are you alright? Did it hurt much?" he lay her on the bed and check her ankle
"I'm fine Sebastian" she answered then she averted her gaze, "Be careful with her, she looked like an innocent child but he will kill you with that juice if I didn't came" she said weakly
He stood up, "You are just worrying too much, she can't do that" he said "I go back in the kitchen to clean up the mess" he left the room
When he left her, she still think about the thing happen in the bathroom and also the poison that Sebby pour with the juice.
In the kitchen, Sebastian was very shocked when he saw the two stray cats that they adopted yesterday lie on the floor dead "What happen here?" he looked very scared when he noticed that the cats licked the juice.
Sebby came out from the corner, "Is it a good joke that you are still alive, First?" she walked towards him
He can't believed on the things happened at this time, "But Sebby you are not like that, I am sure with it" he still can't believed the sweet little girl has the aura of a murderer. He can't move because of so much fear.
She was about to stab him when Penelope came and pulled Sebastian, "Are you alright?" she asked him
But Sebastian still can't comprehend all about it, then he remembered his grandmother, "Where is grandmother?" he was very worried, he held her shoulders like a mad man,"Where is grandma?" he shook her
Penelope smiled at her, "Don't worry, she told me earlier that she will visit some acquaintances of her" she said
"But ..." he looked on the place where Sebby " What on earth is happening Penelope, please tell me" he asked "it will drive me crazy!"
"Please calm down, I promised that I will protect you whatever happens right?" she smiled at her very sweetly "So let's start?" she added
He was still at shocked when Penelope attacked the little girl but Sebby dodged it smoothly like she was an assassin, "Please stop!, this is just a dream, please wake me up to this nightmare!" he screamed so loud
Penelope came back to his side then she spanked her as strong as she can, "wake up Sebastian, you will be killed when you stay like that!" she scolded him
When he looked behind Penelope, Sebby wanted to stabbed her from behind "look out!" he stood up and pushed a chair that made her hurt
"brother, I'm in pain please help me" she begged
Penelope heard that, "Don't listen to her, she will kill you!" she shouted. She pushed him so hard that make himself on the other corner.
The fight started again, they are like assassins that ready to kill each other but Sebastian is like a scared cat just looking at them exchanging the blows.
Sebby was well prepared for this battle, it is like a suicide for her. The faucet in the kitchen and in the bathroom was left open until it made a flood in side the house.
Penelope stay at his side, "Where is your sketchpad?" she asked
He remembered that he showed it once to Sebby when they do some artwork, "In my room, in my cabinet!" he was very nervous about it
Sebby took out a sketch pad from her bag, "Is this the one you are looking for , Second?" she asked them
"This is bad" she said on her mind "how can you get that?" she asked very angry
"First put so much trust in me, he didn't mind if I go to his room even he was not around" she said with her bitter sweet smile. She just pinned a pencil to it, "Goodbye, brother thank you for your kindness" she said
"No, no! I will not gonna die" he approached Penelope like a crazy man "Please help me" he begged for his life
Penelope just smiled at him, "Don't worry that is not your sketchpad" she smiled at him
"What?!" Sebby was very shocked when she heard that, so she attacked them with rage "You will die here!" she shouted
Penelope can't deny that Sebby was very good in the battle against her so she used to have another plan to end this battle, "Hey little girl, your big sister will made some chocolate drink for you" she offer her hand "Let's go?" she made her face with a murderous aura that made her bones shiver
"No! I don't like!" she ran to the live wire and pull the wire to the water, "Maybe this a goodbye for us" then she pulled the cut wires then put it in the water, she closed her eyes like she was ready to die, but she heard the crazy laugh of Penelope
She walked towards her with a scary face, "Do you think that you can kills us that easy?" she is like an insane woman again with her scary presence "I turned off the main break of this house, and also you know the rule of this game, right?" she pointed her a sharp pencil
She was very scared that time, "Brother help me, I don't want to die!" she screamed a lot , calling Sebastian's name continuously and begging for her life.
"So you are begging for your life now?" she asked her "After you've wanted to kill Sebastian with your tenderness, you are begging for me to spare you?" she was lost to herself
Even she was very scared she pull herself together and run towards Sebastian, "I'm scared, to her" she said when she reached his back
He bowed his head, "I'm sorry Sebby but this is the end" he cried when he stabbed her on her chest knowing that her sketchpad was hid under her shirt
Sebby fell on the floor, "Brother, I'm sorry" she cried "I'll try to be a good girl on my next life, thank you and good bye" she closed her eyes then she little by little
Sebastian can't understand why a 12 year old girl appeared to this kind of game, "Why?! Why, she was with this kind of game?" he can't understand everything that time
Penelope approached her try to comfort him, "It's fine, Sebastian" she hugged him "Maybe she wanted something that her heart most desire, so that she joined this death game" she caresses her back.
At that time the only thing that Sebastian did was to cry until the heaviness in his heart gone. When his grandmother went home she didn't looked for Sebby as if Sebby didn't exist. They clean up the house, telling that some robbers rob the house and they are lucky that they are still alive. But for Sebastian, Sebby was with them for a while. They also wait for the man to look for her but the man didn't went there.
Sebastian with a great depression, "Hey Dreos! can you hear me right?" he shouted "Don't play with our dreams, you idiot!" he added
Penelope held his shoulders, "It will not helped us Sebastian" she said "but I am here to protect you, even I will die" she said. She embrace him so tight, Sebastian cried bitterly.

Bình Luận Sách (813)

  • avatar
    Mj Buan

    Woooow!!!! amazing storyyyy!!!!


  • avatar

    its good story


  • avatar
    Sam Guerrero Acebuche

    are you going to the same thing to say that the same time with my family is the best friend and I am so proud of you going on in this world and the best friend is the only one that the best friend and I am so happy to see the world to me and my family and friends of the year and friends of mine and my family is the year and a great time with the same thing to say about the year and my family and friends and friends of mine is the best friend is the only one that the only one who is a great day t


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