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chapter 7

Lily Joseph enters Station alongside her father, Prince Joseph, and some soldiers used by him for protection with a lawyer.
“Where's my son?!!!” Prince's voice echoed.
The whole cop's attention is all focused on him, with his voice bringing silence.
“I said where is my son?!!!” he questioned once more.
“Welcome, won't you take a seat?” Alex stepped out from the crowd towards the prince. “Please take a seat first”.
Prince's anxious eyes stared at Alex, before taking a seat on a vacant chair.
“Relax and Chill, first let me introduce myself, am lieutenant—”
“Alex?” Lily said with her face covered in astonishment.
“Lily?” he replied, glancing at Lily. “What are you doing here?”.
“Have you two met?” Prince inquired.
“Yeah dad, he was the one I spoke of”.
“Dad?” Alex said with Amazement.“ He's your dad?”
“Yes…we are here for my brother—Jake Joseph” she declared once more.
Alex stood looking at Lily, as images of their incident in Paris flashes in his head. “Walex…don't get Jake Joseph's release,” he said with vengeance in his tone, before exiting out of sight.
“Get my son out of jail before 5 minutes, or else there will be bloodshed, Lawyer” Prince strutted up with arrogance, then walked out, as he altered the scarf on his neck.
Lily sighed.
Alex slammed the opening shut, then he rests on the chair as he furiously banged the table heavily. “Lily?, Why is she related to My foe?…no, I shouldn't think about that, she was in my past”.
Then the office phone started to ring, then Alex plucked the phone and then admitted the incoming call. “Alex!!!, what is going on again? get Jack released now!!!”
“But sir—” he tries upholding his action. “We have evidence—”.
“I don't want to hear anything Jack, if we got evidence then burn them and get the boy released”, a voice said from the other side.
“We can't get a drug dealer, Murderer, Fraud released just like that!!!” Alex replied trying to calm his voice.
“Get him released now…or you lose your Job” the call was terminated, and Alex uses his hand to grate his face.“Walex!!!”.
Moments later, the door opened then Walex trudged in, he saluted after his entry.“You called for me sir”.
“Get him released,” Alex said with endurance.“And keep an eye on every of his movement ”.
“Who sir?” Alex asked to get his mind clarified. “Is it Beavis Age?”
“Who's that?”
“He's charged for assault and we are processing his release paper—”
“I don't care about that—We should keep an eye on Jake Joseph, I have a feeling he's hiding something in the dark” Alex said.
After some moments, Jake got discharged as he headed out of the building crammed with the reporters. “Is it true you are involved in drug trafficking, Mr. Jake?”
“The allegation placed on you true?” Another reporter hurls his question. Jake wielded his stamina as he strives to conceal his face from the public as he jumps into his vehicle.
Jake sits behind a vehicle specially stationed for him, he watched the press struggle to persuade his attention but Jake avoided it. Jake looked ratify the press to see Alex gazing at him with a stiffened stare.
“Move it, driver,” he said, ending the stare.

The sunset with the breaking of the day, and the whole people in the city all kept on with their activities. Beavis came out of the station to see Mrs. Age along with Buggy, Jojo, and Aliyah.
“Mom, you are here—”
“I heard all that you did,” Mrs age said without remorse.“And the result is out, the victim's parent complained to the school council…and now Aliyah and Jojo have been suspended”.
“What?” he asked in shock. “But they are at fault”.

“You should know, the law isn't for the wealthy, have seen enough Beavis…now leave!!!” Mrs. Age said angrily. “I don't want e near me or my children you have caused a lot”.
“Mom—” Beavis felt shattered with a blank mind, Buggy rested his hand on Beavis's shoulder.“She can't—I don't care,”.
Beavis walked off with worry, with his hands in his pocket. “Beavis!” Buggy galloped after Beavis.

Jake entered the Mansion walking with outrage then he was confronted by Prince who scowled at him. “What happened out there?”.
“Why do you need to know?”.
“Watch your mouth boy, am your dad ”
“dad?” Jake scoffed at the prince. “I never had one…my father died a long time ago. You left us years ago, the time we needed you the most”.
“I went because I got no choice”.
“I've been doing fine and am getting better… am good alone, you are a bad father,” Jake said as he exited out of the wide large room.
Prince crouched his head, then drops uncontrollably on the couch. “Is he saying the truth?” he implored no one, “Am I a bad father?“.
Lily stood at her room entrance, staring at the incident which just taken place. She felt unhappy, seeing the family her mother wanted together now disconnected, she was distracted by the lightning followed by the enormous downpour of water.
Extraneous part of the road, Beavis all bathed by the shower stood consecutive with his head glancing at the dark sky. The wind whacked his entire body sending frigid around his body.

”Why did you make this happen?!!!“, he cried out to the atmosphere. ”You sit up there, watching the whole drama, that is great, here's a bravo“.
The lightning echoed around the city with its mighty noise. ”I suffered alone ever since I was born, Later I got someone who finally showed me, love…I saw a mother, I got a family, which I yearned for years and now am back to where I started. People say you a kind and loving, but it all lies!!!, you want me lonely, it's fine by me—but remember I won't ever remember you“.
Beavis softened then falls to the floor on his knees, then exploded into tears. He sobbed with images of Mrs. Age, Jojo, and Aliyah all-embracing.

Bình Luận Sách (652)

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    The only thing that could happen in the last


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    Anthea Posadas

    It's intense. It got my interest. Everyone who loves suspense stories should read this.


  • avatar

    I highly recommend this book! It's a great story. Keep it up Author! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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