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chapter 2

On the street, with countless people all roaming under the hot scorching sun. Beavis walks into the scenery, dressed in a black singlet, and jean trousers having a bandanna tied around his head. He had someone with who he was having a conversation as they roam in the street and then diverged into a corner lonely street.
“Bring out the bag Buggy, our customers are nowhere to be seen,” Beavis said, folding his arms as he rest on the wall.
Buggy started to whistle, staring at Beavis who didn't notice him. Beavis rolled his eyes towards Buggy who still gaze at him.
“What?” Beavis asked
“Am only imaging I've seen dogs mate, but I've never seen a cat do—”
“Am advising as a pal Buggy, stop imaging, it isn't for people like you” Beavis replied, stepping aside as he brought out a cigarette from his pocket placed it on his mouth then lit it.
“You still smoke Beavis!, I thought you said you stopped it,” Buggy said, pulling up his tightened trouser. “This thing could kill you Beavis.”
Immediately a Bike drove in their direction before parking a few meters ahead. The rider removed his helmet, revealing a face that had his entire face pierced. “Beavis and Buggy, you got the goods?”
“No, hellos” Buggy replied
Beavis reaped the bag from Buggy and walked toward the rider with a crooked smile. “Here…everything is exactly as you want” the bag was received by the rider who zipped it open, then dipped his finger into the bag, he relinquish his stained finger which had white particles on them. Then puts it on his tongue to check out the flavor, “this is stronger”.
“Am satisfied…here” The rider handed some cash to Beavis who hurriedly started to count the money. “Thanks for doing business”
“$10,000… but I see $4000 here…this isn't the deal,” Beavis said angrily
“It's all I got boy” the rider replied
Beavis yanked the bag back from the rider, “Then am afraid we aren't doing business then”. Immediately police sirens filled everywhere as they headed toward where the business is going on.
Buggy ran off, leaving Beavis behind. The rider jerked his bike as he drove off as fast as he could. Beavis looked to his right to see the police running in his direction “They are getting closer, I shouldn't be caught” he ran towards an intersection crossing without noticing the hurrying vehicles.
Beavis runs into the street, looking behind him to see the cops still running after him. He searched the environment for where to hide, he then sighted a huge mansion, without an idea, Beavis surged the fence with all his strength. Then jumping into the quietly evacuated garden, he exhaled softly, compelling himself toward the main gate suddenly barking of dogs filled Beavis's ears.
“Not again, I need to stay inside in the meantime,” he said to himself, heading back into the inner part of the Mansion.
The door was sealed quietly as Beavis heard a footstep coming behind the door, he rapidly assumes where to lie low, with his eyes scouring the entire place when he sighted a door. He hurries towards the door, twisting the knob hurriedly as he throws himself into the darkroom.
A shadow passed by the door, without attention ceasing its movement. He's gone, now I just need to look for a way out, Beavis said to himself, pulling his feet on the surface to avoid hitting anything in the dark. Suddenly the entire room came to Light, a young lady stood before Beavis, staring at him with anxiety. “Uhm, am the gardener… I came to take the Watering Can?”
The young lady opens her mouth, then yelled aloud “Help!! Help—” abruptly, Beavis wrapped his palm around her mouth. The young lady strived to get herself from his clutches.
“Hey, stop fighting hard”
Abruptly, the young lady clenched her teeth on Beavis's palm hard, that he relinquished his hand away from her. Beavis reviewed his hand, to see blood streaming out from his palm.
“ouch! are you a dog?” Beavis resisted the pains on his palm trying to dry the uncontrollable blood coming out.
The young lady watched Beavis who tries dealing with the pain, she sighed, moved towards a drawer then brings out a bandage. “Here…let me help,” she said, moving closer to Beavis then proceeds in dressing up the wound on his palm.
Beavis felt a cold, gentle touch on his wrist, he could feel the blood trickling in his veins. At that moment everything else turned Mute as he stared with longing at the young girl before he was snapped out of his stare back to reality.
“—how do you feel now?” she asked
Beavis took a little time, before acknowledging her words. “Oh…thanks, It feels ok”, he prevaricate before throwing his arm into the side pocket of his trouser. “May I know your name?”
“Excuse me?” she asked with skepticism
“nice name…excuse me,” Beavis says, without being conscious of his surroundings and his words. “call me Beavis”.
The young lady giggled gently, with Beavis's response. “I suggest you leave before you get caught”.
“Yeah, I should get going…” he grabs the knob and then ends his movement. “There is something I got left to do”. Beavis hurried to the young lady, seized her by the waist, then pulled her nearer before bussing her deeply on the lips.
He stops, then slowly retreats out of the room, with the lady glancing with a remarkable face, “He just kissed me?” she asked herself, touching her lips gently with her finger. “Beavis?” she whispered the name once more, as she continued to stand motionless.

At the entrance of the mansion, Jake collided with Beavis. He peeked at Beavis's face, trying to recollect who the new face is, “Who are you?” he asked.
Beavis rolled his eyes, searching for a suggestion, “I came here to visit someone and I guess I entered the wrong address” he mumbled trying to avoid eye contact.
“Ok, you can leave,” Jake said with a troubled face, heading to the inner part of the house

Bình Luận Sách (654)

  • avatar

    The only thing that could happen in the last


  • avatar
    Anthea Posadas

    It's intense. It got my interest. Everyone who loves suspense stories should read this.


  • avatar

    I highly recommend this book! It's a great story. Keep it up Author! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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