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Defies of Fate

Defies of Fate

D Twister

Fate 1

In a small place where cooking and serving dishes appear before the scene, a middle-aged holds unto a frying pan as she tries to mix the Yoke in the pan. “Beavis!!!, wake up” she shouted as she puffs with the smoke which spreads around the Kitchen.
In the living room, on a mattress, a teenager sleeps with his face directly placed on the pillow with his mouth opened as he snored. What is mom burning again this time?. He pondered in his head, still half asleep.
Hearing the name again, the teenager forcefully stands slowly upwards. “I need more time mom, just some few seconds…I just need to take this bag of money—” he collided with an unseen force. He opens his eyes yawning with his mouth wide open.
“What are you saying boy?” The lady formerly standing in the kitchen stood before the teenager, with her stained white apron tied around her waist.
The teenager scratches his head, with fear on his face. “I said, nothing Mom….” he lied. He could feel his heartbeat and the voice in his head that sang a song of him in trouble, “I said Good Morning.”
“ok, I need to check what am cooking…remember, the first thing you do after you wake up is?” she asked the teenager whose eyes were closed and already snoring quietly.“Wake up!!.”

The teenager jumps back to his sensibility, then stands properly as he tries to recollect what his mom said, “Mom you said…what?” he showed his teeth trying to calm his mom who was already frowning. “Ok…I think I'll better head to work.”

“Remember to pray, before you go Beavis.” She yelled out as she watched her eldest son leave the room in a hurry, she sighed in great relief with despair. He's just a young boy, who has the entire responsibility on him. He pays the rent and sends Jojo and Aliyah to school.
Beavis had taken his everyday morning prayer, then took his bath in a hurry. After minutes of dressing Up, he meets with his siblings. “Hey, Jojo what do you want this time around?.”
A boy stands before him, dressed in his green uniform and his oversized black shoe with his hands in his pocket in a pose of a rockstar.“Remember you promised to take me and Aliyah to school today?”
“I said that? When?”
“Uhm…you said it—” Jojo scuffs his hair, with his eyes scrutinizing everywhere. Beavis stared at Jojo with a hardened gaze, “—help me, Aliyah!.”

A young slim girl in a similar uniform to that of Jojo, Joined them in their conversation. “You said you could take care of it, Jojo.”
“I was already, but… his eyes are hypothesized” Jojo runs to conceal behind Aliyah. “You do it.”
Aliyah sough, using her palm to slam her forehead gently to show her dismay, she stares back at her brother “Beavis you vowed to take us to school today…when you came back late.”
“I said that? I don't remember.”
“Yes, who else talks if not you, you say a lot of stuff which mom shouldn't know about.”
Beavis kneels to the floor with a stunning face, “Like what do I say, Aliyah?.”
“Bible” Jojo deterred into the conversation, but he was given a stare by Aliyah. “What? I think I better remain silent”
Aliyah grabs Beavis by the collar, “And you also say the forbidden word…let me tell you” she pulled Beavis's ears closer as she whimpers into them. Beavis opens his eyes wider, “Trust me, you say much worse than that.”
Beavis rolled his eyes, “Ok…lead the way, am taking you both to school” Aliyah removes her school bag and handed it over to him.“Let's go, sir and Ma'am.”

At the front of a tall structured building with countless floors for a glance, with a huge alphabet M on the top. Workers all parade into and out of the building, some minutes later a black Lamborghini hauls its engine before the building. A black shoe comes out from the vehicle before a man dressed fully in a suit, with a height of 6.5fts tall and having a well-shaped chest and structured Arms.
“Good morning sir” the voice all welcomed him as he made his way into the building with a hand in his pocket. Then he enters an Elevator which takes him to the 24th floor, “Good morning sir!.”
“Morning” he finally replied someone, ignoring the rest as he made his way to a glass door. He grip the knob, twisting it the opposite way, then made his way into the Office. He appeared in a well-furnished, arranged, and tidy place, which had photos of him placed on the wall. “Get lily here…now,” he says after holding down a button on his table.
Minutes later a female in a short black skirt with a white cloth enters the office. “Hello, brother,” She says remorsefully, sitting gently on a vacant office chair.
“Dad said he's coming back home today, so you are going to pick him up at the airport, Lil sis,” the man said harshly, bringing out a file separating it from the rest.
“And why aren't you going?” she asked.
“Please don't start with this lily, am busy now… can you just leave now,” he said trying to calm his voice.
Lily stands to her feet and walked out, banging the door behind her. Jake relaxed on the office chair with his eyes focused on the door. She is too stubborn. He pondered in his head before his phone started to ring, he picks it up from the desk and accepted the call placing it in his ear after.
“Hello babe,” he said.
“Hello…Jake, I'm not happy” a female voice said from the other side.
“I can't find the emerald ring you bought for me…I searched everywhere”
“ok, you shouldn't worry about that, Ariadne…I'll get you another one ”
“Thanks, babe… are you busy right now?”
Jake stared at the files placed before him, then looks up at the ceiling. “No babe, am not busy…you want us to meet?”
“Great, where do we meet?”
“At the usual place”
“where is that?” Jake tries to remind himself, “Ok…babe—” the phone was hung off.

Bình Luận Sách (654)

  • avatar

    The only thing that could happen in the last


  • avatar
    Anthea Posadas

    It's intense. It got my interest. Everyone who loves suspense stories should read this.


  • avatar

    I highly recommend this book! It's a great story. Keep it up Author! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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