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Chương 7 SEVEN

He stood there by her door, not saying anything. He stayed there for an hour and decided to not disturb her because she might be sleeping this time. He walked outside, the wind blowing his hair. It’s cold but it doesn’t bother him. The moon is still bright and beautiful. He stayed on the porch for as long as he could remember. Morning came and he woke up with a blanket covering his body. Who could have put it there? It can’t be the housekeeper because she won’t be in the house when the sun sets. His men are also staying in different places. So literally, it’s only the both of them who are in the house. ‘It shouldn’t be her, right? She doesn’t like me.’ he convinced himself. His phone rang and accepted Harvin’s call.
‘How was it?’
“How was what?”
‘I heard from one of your men. That you did horseback riding yesterday. How was it? Did she enjoy it?’
“I don’t know. I didn’t ask. Is that why you called?”
‘No. I just want to tell you that the preparations for going to Kendrick’s hometown are complete. Everything is ready, so I will pick you up later in the evening.’
He hung up the phone and when he turned his back, he saw her waiting by the door. He looked at her from head to foot. She really is beautiful. He could look at her all day and he will never get sick of her. Then an idea came into his mind.
“Why are you up? It’s still early in the morning?” he asked
“I am looking for Nana,” she said in a low voice. Nana is the name of their housekeeper.
“She will be here in an hour,” he said while looking at his watch.
“Are you hungry?” he added.
She didn’t reply and just stand there looking at him. Then seconds later, she nodded shyly. He chuckled and smiled at her.
“Come, I’ll cook us breakfast. Is there anything you want to eat?”
“Uhm! I don’t know.”
“Okay, you can sit here while waiting. But before that. Go shop with me later.” he said waiting for a response. When she nodded, he went his way to the kitchen.

He is driving the car and taking a glimpse of her. Kelly kind of liked the idea because the moment he asked, she smiled a little and nodded in response. She is looking at the place through her window. Everything you can see outside is trees. They must have been in a deserted land. There are also wild animals in the forest.
“You can sleep. The city is still far from here.”
“No, it’s fine. Should we listen to music?”
“Yes. We will probably arrive in the city at lunchtime.”
She turned on the radio and started humming the song. He was listening and glimpsing at her the whole time. After four hours of travel, they arrived in the city. They headed to a restaurant and then to the hotel to rest for a bit.
They entered the mall and went to the fashion department.
“Here?” she asked.
“Yes. Why is there any problem?”
“These are famous brands.”
“And I have no money to pay you back.”
“You don’t have to. Let’s go,” he said and grabbed her hand then entered the first store. He sat on the couch and a sales lady approached them and handed him a tablet. All types of clothes they sell are there.
“I want from here to here. Let her try it all,” he said to the sales lady while choosing.
“Yes sir. Miss, please follow me this way.”
Another sales lady arrived with the clothes in her hand. She entered the fitting room and tried the first dress. When she came out, he stared for a moment, and then he approved. The second one was not to his liking. Then she keeps on changing until the last dress. Of all the clothes she tried, he picked ten sets. Then they left and entered the next store. This time, it’s a shoe section. She did the same, trying out every shoe that she or he likes. When they are done, they went to the other stores. The staff was holding their shopping bags while following them. They went to buy accessories, perfumes, and other things. In every store they went to, he would buy at least two to three items. So the staffs that followed them were increasing. Luckily, the shopping bags were able to fit in the back of his car.
The shopping lasted for three hours. But he was satisfied because everything went well according to his plan. They are now at a restaurant having dinner.
“Are you okay? You look tired.”
“I’m fine.”
“Did you like the things we bought?”
“Yes. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. And I have a business trip tomorrow but I will travel later. I won’t probably be back for two weeks.” he said. She nodded and stayed quiet.
“I will let you do whatever you want. But you will stay only on that property. Wherever you go, my men will be with you. I can’t risk you getting hurt.” he said and drank his wine. He watched her finish her meal.
“Do you want dessert?”
“No, It’s okay.”
“Then shall we go?”
She stood up and was about to take a step following him when she heard the people at the next table talking about Gunther. She was familiar with those two. They were the women in the club and Gunther’s so-called associates.
“It’s a shame Gunther wouldn’t be able to go to the club anymore.”- Girl 1
“I heard that someone found him lying on the beachside. He has a gunshot in the chest. They say that Mr. Genovese was the one who did it because… You know what happened to them. But no one is sure. Everyone knows Gunther has a lot of enemies in this society. Damn mafias. Everyone could be the suspect.”-Girl 2 whispered but Kelly was able to listen to their conversation.
He looked and found her stopped in her tracks and looking at the table next to theirs. He tapped her shoulder and motioned to go. He followed where she looked and found two women eating. He knew those women. They are both assassins. But he is not sure who they are working for.
They went to the car and started driving their way back. Kelly was in the passenger seat not saying anything. He knew that she heard their conversations because he, himself heard them as well. Maybe it is better if he will be the first to tell her the details. He was about to talk when she spoke.
“Did you kill him?”
“Did you kill him? Mr. Genovese?” she repeated. He didn’t reply and just focused his eyes on the road. Not knowing what to say.
They arrived at the house without speaking. After she asked him and he didn’t reply, she didn’t talk. She got out of the car and went to her room. He ordered his men to get the things out of his car and placed them in her room. Harvin is already there at the field waiting with a helicopter.
“You are late Mr. Alexander Genovese,” Harvin said.
“Let’s go,” he said with a poker face. They were above the ground and saw her sitting on the porch looking his way.
“Why are you looking like that? Did something happen?”
“She found out about Gunther.”
“What did she say?”
“She asked me if I killed him and I didn’t answer.”
“Maybe it would have been better if you had just said that you did.”
He just sat back and pushed away all of his thoughts about her. They arrived at the airport and went to his private plane. Harvin handed him an envelope and remembered the message in the note.
‘In my hometown. A boy named Nathaniel. Ask him for Father Wesley. He will give you the item. You will know what it is when you see it. Don’t let HIM have that item. Get rid of Gunther.’

Bình Luận Sách (209)

  • avatar
    Mary Joy P. Osorio

    good nice ☺️


  • avatar
    Den Ver



  • avatar
    lee lineleemytel



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