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Chương 7 HE SAVED ME

Illiana ✓
I walked in without saying a word to anyone. Mom and dad stared at me but wouldn't say anything. Honestly, I don't think I want anyone to ask me a damn question right now.
I slammed my door hard, throwing myself on the bed. I was feeling sleepy, I wasn't able to sleep last night with the hot pains I was feeling on my chest.
Thank God for him... I honestly don't know what could have happened to me if not for him. I'll admit, he did save my life yesterday.
Somehow, I wonder if really he is the bad guy. Or was he more than Genevieve had told me last eight years??
She made me believe werewolves were dangerous creatures, heartless and monstrous. Wrong, I'm beginning to see the opposite in him.
He isn't as she explained, he was far different from it. He has many opportunities to take me away from my home but he didn't.
It is obvious that last night he could have done that and no one will ever know I existed. But here I am, laying on my bed alive.
Sometimes, we are just wrong about people we think we do know. I'll admit it, animals have no emotions at all. They are merciless, and it's only by luck one survives them.
Like he said, he wasn't like other alpha's who takes whatever they want by force and they actually don't give a damn about what people says.
Not everyone are the same, I'd say. But why do I feel so concerned about him than before?? Am I picking interest in him??
No, just saying the truth.
I slept off....
I opened my eyes but still laid on my bed, my eyes staring outside the window. Thank God it's weekend, I won't bother about how late I am for class.
There came a knock on my door, I ignored it. It came again, I didn't have to bother about it. Right now, everything in here sucks. Everything about life sucks a lot.
Genevieve and Danielle entered. " Hey, " Gene said in a low tune. " How you feeling?" She asked.
I didn't say anything. They both look at each other, before sitting on the bed. " Hey, Ana. " Danielle said touching my leg. " Where were you last night, we were looking all over for you. "
" Did something bad happen to you? " Gene added.
" I'm fine. " I said, turning my body to the other side. " I just wanna be alone. "
" We know, Ana but you left us bothered through out the night. Dad was even planning on reporting your disappearance to the station. Thankfully you showed up on time. " Gene said.
" Nothing happened last night. I felt like staying out of here was the best thing to do for me and my life. "
She sighed. " We understand but at least you could have called either Danielle or me rather than keeping us in suspense. "
" That wasn't necessary. " I looked at them, " Calling you guys would make either of you to come find me. " I looked away. " I'm tired of keeping quiet over this. "
" Over what? " They asked in unison.
" Haven't you notice the way dad and mom acts? They're becoming weirder day by day, that they didn't even cared to get something home for dinner. And do you know the worst part of it, they didn't bother. They were just so comfortable with me starving to death. I just don't wanna talk about them right now cos they are just annoying. "
" We totally understand, Ana, we've noticed this since you returned from the hospital. Nothing seems alright after that day, but what can we do? " Danielle sighed.
" Ana, you know you can talk to us about anything, that's what we do remember? We tell each other our secrets and what bothers us the most. What happened last night? "
" I couldn't stay anymore, so I went out to find something to eat. When I got into a taxi, the next thing I remember was seeing myself at the middle of nowhere, tied up in the woods. Then I realized I was kidnapped. I did run away, but they came after me. And they shot an arrow on my chest, luckily it wasn't close to my heart. " I showed them the fresh wound on my skin. The gasped in fear.
" I passed out, I don't know what happened next but all I can remember was seeing him standing right before me in his casual outfit. He saved my life. I thought he was gonna kill me or take me away but no, I'm alive is because of him. "
" You mean the wolf? " Danielle asked.
" Yes, " I answered, " I mean the wolf. What if we are wrong about him, what if he isn't that evil as we think? What if this is actually fate's calling? What if he is only trying to protect me? " I asked numerous times, hoping for an answer.
" Ana, this isn't protection. " Gene protested. " He is only playing nice to you so that he will take you to himself. He's gonna take you away from your freedom, your home. We can't trust him, you can't. History has said it over and over again, werewolves aren't the simple creatures, they are monsters in disguise. "
" Gene is right, Illiana, he is only trying to win your trust. Once you enter into his household, he's gonna show you the type of person he is. Don't believe whatever trick he is trying to play, you have to be careful. "
" I wanna believe that all this are part of his tricks, but in the other side, I feel like it isn't. He has many chances of taking me away. Eight years ago, he could have taken me not withstanding that mom and dad were with us. At the hospital, he came too. He could have taken me away even before mom would return from the pizza store. And last night, he saved my life in the woods, but here I am. Do you still think this is a trick? " I questioned.
" I have this feeling that Dad might know something about this whole thing more than anyone, but I'm just so scared to ask him. "
" What about the wedding I told you about? " Danielle reminded. "You said you were gonna agree with the marriage remember? "
" I remember about the wedding, and I haven't changed my mind yet. All I am trying to explain to you guys is, even if he is an animal, we don't have to keep seeing him as the bad guy. "
" Who is the bad guy then? " Gene frowned.
" I don't know. Maybe we Humans are. In as much as we fear them, they fear us too. We both are enemies to ourselves. "
" This is nonsense! " She raked in anger.
" This is no nonsense, Gene, this is the truth. We were made to believe the opposite side of the truth about the wolves, all those were just horror stories, but we don't know the real truth yet.
All we know is that they are monsters who kills without a second thought. Why don't we ask ourselves this then, why am I still alive? Why hasn't he killed me yet? If you give me an answer to my question, then I've got no other choice but to believe the wolves are truly monsters. "
None of them could give me an answer. Maybe that's because there is no answer to the questions. " Then they aren't. They are just good people. Maybe they might be this monsters everyone talk about, but not all of them are.
I wanna leave the state, if possible this world too. But what is fate when it keeps knocking on your door? What is destiny when it keeps displaying like a movie? Somehow I feel like... " I shook my head. "I don't know. I just don't know. "
To Be Continued...

Bình Luận Sách (1181)

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    very beautiful ✨


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    suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka suka


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