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CHAPTER 6 : 3 Years Ago

Sam's P.O.V:
"Dad, the dinner's ready. When is Mom going home?" Rin asked
"Maybe she's on the way back home. I talked to your aunt a while ago, and she said they're still shopping"
"Can't you call mom, dad? I'm worried"
"Don't worry, your aunt will take care of your mom"
Rin just nodded.
"Why don't we eat first? Your question's telling me you're hungry. Aren't you?" I asked then smiled
"You really can read me well, dad. But I want to eat with mom. Let's wait for her, dad"
While waiting for my wife, I played with Sy.
***Phone rings***
It's my brother, Dave.
"Hello, Dave"
"Bro, Shiela is brought to hospital"
"What? What happened?"
"Hit and run. I immediately came here after my wife told me. Don't worry, she's being treated now. We're starting to investigate what happened"
"I'll go there. Send me the address now"
I hang up the phone and get my things.
"I'll go to hospital, Rin"
"What happened, dad?"
"You're mom was a victim of hit and run"
"What? Dad, let me go with you"
"No Rin, take care of Sy " I said while putting some of my wife's clothes in a bag
"But, I also want to see mom" Rin sobbing
"She will be fine. I promise I'll bring her back safe. But promise me, whatever happens you will look after Sy" I asked before hugging her.
I pulled out from my pocket the necklace I made for Rin and gave it to her
"Promise me also that you'll wear it always and never give it to anyone. Promise?"
"Why..why do you sound like you're bidding a farewell, Dad?" Rin sobbing
"Just... Just promise me, Rin. Please"
" I will, if only you and Mom comes back safely" she said
" I promise, I love you and Sy. I promise"
I packed all the things I need to bring in the hospital.
Honestly, I don't have any idea what will happen the time I left home without saying a proper goodbye to my daughters.
I rushed to go and drive with uncertainty.
***Phone rings***
"Bro where are you?"
"I'm on my way to the hospital"
"No! I think it's not hit and run. It's planned. Go back to your daughters! I'm guarding Shiela"
"Go back to your daughters, bro. They're in danger!"
I hang up the phone and drive as fast as I can
I called Rin but she won't answer.
I called the home's telephone but it's not working.
***Phone rings***
"Are you back, bro?"
"Dave, I can't reached the kids! Not even the home's telephone"
" I -I'll check. Just go back and promise you'll be back safely"
"I pro-"
"Bro?Bro? Bro!!!!!!!"
Dave's P.O.V:
I knew it. That sound tore me apart.
It sounds like a hit from a different metal.
"What happened, hon?" my wife asked
" Sam" sobbing
"Oh my... How about the girls?"
"Please look after Shiela. I'll go there"
There's an ambulance and commotions half way from my brother's house..
I get out from the car and went to the scene.
" Sam!!!!" sobbing
I saw my brother filled with blood.
His car's all over broken and damaged.
"Sam, wake up. Rin, Sy, and Shiela are waiting for you" I sobbed while shaking his corpse to wake him up.
The ambulance officers are stopping me.
" No, he's alive! Sam, Sam, Sam!!!!!!!!!"
They held me and brought my brother's corpse inside the ambulance.
I lost my brother...
At that moment, everything started to go deaf.
I sat on the road while looking at my brother's car.
I saw their family picture. It's broken.
How? How will I explain everything to your wife and kids?
I remembered my promise to him before.
I stood up for that reason and get back to my car.
I will protect them at all costs..
I promise...
When I arrived at my brother's house, the windows are broken. So I ran to check if they're okay
"Rin? Sy?" I shouted
I checked all over the house.
"Rin! Sy! Where are you? It's me, your uncle Dave!"
"Uncle?" I heard Rin's trembling voice
"Where are you Rin? Are you with Sy? Come out!"
There's a hidden door opening, I prepared myself in a corner.
"Rin? Sy?" I throw my gun when I saw them coming out from the door
" Who are they uncle?" Rin asked with trembling voice while holding Sy
"Are you hurt? Did they hurt you and Sy?" I asked with worry
"W-we're not hurt, Uncle" Rin answered then sobbed
I hold Sy and hugged Rin.
"It's okay now. It's okay" I sobbed remembering what happened to Sam earlier
"Where's mom?" Rin asked
"Let's go to the hospital, it's not safe here"
Me, Rin and Sy have changed clothes.
We ride a taxi instead of using my own car.
I don't know if anytime they're planning to attack us.
We arrived in the hospital after 30 minutes. I asked the driver to took the path I know.
Because I know they're planning to place something on the road path I've taken a while ago.
I saw my wife sitting on the bench.
"Hon!" I called
"Oh my.. Rin and Sy" she said while hugging them
"Where's mom and dad?" Rin asked
"Mom will be okay, alright?"
The doctor and nurse are rushing towards Shiela's room
"Doc, what happened?"
The doctor didn't answered my question.
"Hon, what's happening?"
"Mercy! She's fine a while ago" she sobs while holding Sy
"Mom! Mom! Mom!!!!!!!" Rin sobbing
"Shhh" I whispered while my tears are falling down
Rin keeps on struggling. I can't blame her for loosing her mother. But the worst is both her parents are gone now. It will be too difficult and painful for her, but she needs to know everything.
End of flashback:
Serenity's P.O.V:
"Where are you going?" uncle Dave asked
" To work, uncle"
"Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Hmm. Sure, uncle"
We sat down in the dining room, aunt is also sitting with us.
" So, what do you want to talk about, uncle?"
" I'm sorry but I really need you to answer my question, so they can rest in peace"
" It's not yet..solve, isn't it?"
"We're doing our best. But it seems that this unknown thing is the reason"
" I'll answer your question"
"Did Sam mention anything about something unusual before?"
I just stayed quiet because I don't know what he's talking about.
"What about a thing? Did he give you anything?"
I held my necklace because of that question and tears are forming.
"My dad gave me this necklace. My only memory of him"
"Can- can I take a look at that?" His question that made me look at him with confusion
" Hon, it's just a crystal necklace. I don't think it's related to the case" aunt said
"Yeah, I guess so, too"
"What is in the thing you're talking about?" I asked
" I think there's a code there. A code that will reveal everything to us"
" But, he didn't give me anything besides this necklace"
" I guess he hid it on his own" uncle sighed
" What.. really is my dad's job before?"
" You never knew until now. He's a programmer also. He works with different people. Then suddenly, foreign people look for him. I thought he found something during his work. And that can be the reason of their death"
"That's why what you're looking for is a code. I will tell you once I found something in my dad's things"

" That will be a great help. Ah, I almost forgot. Did he mention someone unfamiliar before?"
"None, uncle"
" I found a flash drive in his car. It's a series of code. When I tried to run the program. It says, there's someone who is secretly guarding you"
"Is it a he or a she?"
"It's a he"
"Is he a classmate now?"
"That's unknown. But if you can find him. Maybe he will be a great help to uncover everything"
" I don't have any clues about him. But I'll find out right away"
"If he said there's a secret guardian, maybe because he knew that there's also someone who will try to harm you. Be quiet while doing your research, Rin. You can't be hurt. You still need to watch Sy grow"
I don't know how to find that secret guardian. .
But I will do everything to find him and the code.
Mom and dad, just wait a little more. Forgive me for being too late of doing this research.

Bình Luận Sách (118)

  • avatar

    a very interesting novel I've read before i look forward to other novels you released


  • avatar
    Gleah Mae Cuaresma

    good story


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