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CHAPTER 4 : Fan Sign

Serenity's P.O.V:
I still can't find a job since last week.
I'm tired..
I'm tired but I will never give up.
It’s already lunch..
Looks like I will spend my weekdays looking for a job.
While standing in front of a store, my cellphone rang.
OMG, is this for real?
Masashi liked my IG story
I must be dreaming.
Wow, he also liked and replied to my comment on his TikTok video.
Will he view and also like my IG Story if it’s not about him?
I guess not.
He only replies sometimes to the comment on his TikTok videos if it’s a compliment about him.
I barely got notice, but I am still on commenting on his every post on Instagram and TikTok!
He has been a guest on MER. (Japanese drama)
And now he is a supporting actor on the new drama “What if there was a high school for handsome men only?” that will premiere every Saturday on TV Asahi
There are a lot of opportunities if you’re good-looking.
How about those people who are cute only?
I got mad whenever I saw him replied to other comments excluding me.
Like, I also made some effort thinking how to compliment you.
But he’s not to blame though, he has his own life
Despite of all those ignorance, I can’t get mad at him for too long.
His smile fades away my anger.
He’s my human medicine.
While re-watching his videos, I’ve been dragged by someone wearing a hoodie.
He runs too fast so I hold my phone even tighter.
While running, there are a lot of girls chasing us.
We took the road with few crowds until we reached an alley and hide there.
So it’s him…
“Are you crazy? Why dragged me?” I asked while gasping
“I’m sorry if it’s sudden” Dong Min said while gasping, too.
“Why are those girls following you?”
“Obviously, they saw me!"
“Then why are you getting mad at me? I’m just asking you. And besides, I should be the one getting mad at you because-.” I couldn’t finish what I should say because he covered my mouth
“shh! They will find us” he whispered
I removed his hand because I’m starting to get suffocated.
I still feel their presence, so we have no choice but to whisper.
“Where did they saw you?” I whispered
“At the café”
“You’re buying?” I asked with confusion
“can’t I?”
“I mean, you can ask someone to buy”
“I want to go outside, I thought they won’t be able to notice me”
“Hello, you’re in the Philippines. If you’re white and tall, they’ll suspect you’re an artist then confirm it then follow you”
He’s not speaking..
He’s just staring at me..
That’s absolutely awkward
So I broke the silence
“They’re gone” I said with sigh
He’s still looking at me
“I-I should go” I smirk
“Where?” he asked
“I need to do something”
“just wait a little more until we’re sure they are gone”
“I still need to do something” I whispered
“You can’t leave me here”
“why? You’re not a lost child looking for his parents”
“but I don’t know this place”
“Then ask someone”
“Look, I dragged you because I saw you. You’re the only one I know here, for now. I need someone who knows this place”
So you’re ahead of time, huh?
I almost feel like I met Night Eye (Former sidekick of All Might in My Hero Academia)
“Okay, I will lead you to the place where you started to drag me”
“It’s okay, my location’s near there”
“Let’s go” I said before turning my back on him

He held my arm..
“Thank you” he said then smile, I smiled, too.
So I saved the lost Mr. Cha Dong Min.
And here I am again.
Walking to find a job.
I saw a cute café
It’s an anime style
So I entered the café.
“uhm, hello! I am Serenity. Are you looking for an applicant?” I asked to someone who looks like the boss here
“Oh, hello dear. Yes, we are still looking. But the owner’s out of the town” he said
“you’re not the boss? Where could he be then?”
“it’s she, not he”
“where could she be?” I corrected
“probably in a fan sign near here” he said while fixing his curly hair.
“a fan sign near here? But you said she’s out of town”
“If she’s out of town, we can’t reach her. She always turns off her phone to enjoy. I consider it an out of town because it’s a fan signing. Obviously, we will never reach her”
Do I still need to wait until the fan sign is finish?
“speaking of, she’s here” he said then pouted his lips behind me
Ah, it’s really a she.
She still looks young.
“are you applying?’ she asked happily
“yes but-“ before I even finish saying, she handed me the frames then dragged me
“good, come with me”
Why do I have to be dragged twice this day???
We went on a place not too far from the café.
There are a lot of people and I am clueless on what’s happening.
Is this some kind of a business related?
“Ah, excuse me, ma’am. But where are we?” I asked with confusion
“In a fan signing event of Cha Dong Min!” she said excitedly
She looks like a child who received a free lollipop because of her joy.
That’s why he’s here.
So he’s not only here for shooting.
I saw him at the front.
There are a lot of fans, can he finish this in one day?
We're standing behind the last person in line.
There are still more coming for fan signing, too.
“Can you go first, maam?” I asked the owner
“it’s because it’s my first time in an event like this. I don’t know what to do. I’d like to follow what you’re going to do”
“ah I see, okay” she said before changing her place
“Ma’am, I forgot to ask, but what is your name?” I asked then smirk
“oh, I’m sorry too. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Venice Padilla and I am 25 years old”
“You’re 25? I thought you are only 21 years old”
“ I’ll take that as a compliment. How about you, what’s your name?”
“Serenity Gonzales, 19 years of age. You can call me ‘Rin’ for short”
“So, are you one of his fan too?” she asked before pointing out Dong Min with her finger
She pointed him that’s why I looked.
I didn’t look because I want to.
I looked, and he saw me.
That’s why I immediately turn my attention to ma’am Venice.
“Ma’am, I am not his fan, so do I still need to ask for a fan sign?”
“Of course, you’re applying, right?”
“Does this have to do with your hiring requirements ma’am?”
“of course, but a fan sign isn’t enough”
“what do you mean, ma’am?”
“ask his line number for me?” her question that broke my inner peace
“ask what!?” I shouted
“shh! Lower your voice” she whispered
“ I’m sorry Ma’am, but how could I ask him his line number?” I asked with low voice
“That’s your task to be hire. His fan sign and line number. I will only hire you once you already have his line number” she said with smiling face
This is the task I never thought I would do someday.
We were at the end of line a while ago, but why is the fan signing going faster?
Slow downnnn!
I’m still thinking what to say just to get his line number.
Can’t you see my heart’s beating two times faster?
I wish I never apply on that cute café at all.
So here it is, in not less than ten minutes it’s almost my turn.
Are all fan-signing events as fast as this?
“H-hey, nice to see you, again” I said while faking my laugh
“So is this the something you need to do? To get a fan sign?” he asked with an insulting face that made my blood boil
“For your information, I am not your fan. I am a fan of someone much cuter than you”
His face turned into serious mode.
The expressionless Cha Dong Min.
“Then why are you here?” he asked with serious voice and face
“I-It’s for my friend” I said while handing him the five frames
While he is signing, I saw Ma’am Venice catching my attention.
She’s reminding me of his line number.
It looked like I offended him.
Will he give it?
“Uhm, I-I’m sorry” Words that came from me that made him stop signing
“I understand” he said before continuing what he does
“Can I…Can I possibly ask for..”
I can’t continue what to say so he looked at me.
“For?” he asked with confusion
“your line number” I whispered
“my what?” he asked before smiling
“It’s not for me actually”
“For your friend, again?”
I just nodded.
“They must have a very good friend” he said while signing the last frame
“So can I?”
“Do you think giving you my line number isn’t a risk?”
“It is. It’s okay if you don’t like to”
“See me at the university’s rooftop on lunch, on Friday” he said while handing me the signed frames
What is that for?
Meet him?
“I-I will. Thank you!”
I didn’t say anything except those words.
I wonder if Ma’am Venice will still hire me.
Maybe not now, I still don’t have his line number.

Bình Luận Sách (118)

  • avatar

    a very interesting novel I've read before i look forward to other novels you released


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    Gleah Mae Cuaresma

    good story


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