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CHAPTER 3 : Encounter

Dong Min's P.O.V:
*Phone rings*
It's my dad. He keeps on calling me since yesterday.
Is he that excited for my new drama?
"Hello” I said
"Are you there now?" he asked
"We just arrived, why?"
"I'm so proud of you son, do your best again" he confidently said
"I will. It's been a while since I last visit here. I will be here for three months"
"That's why enjoy, son"
I sighed..
"Okay, I'll end now. There's incoming call from client"
"Got it"
Three months...
I wonder what can I do on those days..
"Sir, aren't we going to enter the university now?" Mr. Lee asked, my driver
"Not yet, I need to visualize first"
"But I saw the director's car entered the university" Mr. Lee said with worry
I got scold by director An many times when I'm with him. He's afraid of Mr.An
"Let's make them wait for a moment. Besides, they still need to fix everything on set"
"If you say so" Mr. Lee is obviously shaking.
"Don't worry, you don't have to come with me. Just sleep and stay away from Mr.An's sight"
"But, how long do we still need to park the van in front of the school gate?"
"A little more"
Serenity's P.O.V:
I'm tired..
My friends are already inside their classrooms because I said I'll be late.
I'm not totally late..
It's still early..
I woke up early..
No, I didn't sleep at all.
How dare are they to fire me?
It's not my loss anyway.
But I don't have a job now....
Guess it’s my loss, too.
I didn't do anything to get fired..
It's unfair..
It's always unfair..
I couldn't think of anything at that moment while walking to school. And what I did is just to roll around my I.D.
There's a van..
A van in front of the school gate?
The security guard saw it, why didn't he asked them to leave if they're not going to enter the school?
I tried to look at the van's window in a distance to see who's that V.I.P. But I didn't see anything.
I am near the entrance but I felt that my I.D became lighten.
So I looked at my I.D. and..
And the card is....
Where's my I.D????????
I simply looked around so the guard won't notice me.
What a day to start..
I can't find my I.D..... I lost it...
Uh, I'm a total idiotttt!
I won't be able to pass the entrance without I.D. that's why I used my I.D. before.
Hoping the guard won't notice it.
I walk confidently as if I didn't lose anything.
He didn't notice, right?
I'm not looking at the school guard, I smile while walking instead.
But maybe I should greet him?
"Good Morning Sir!" I greeted him and he smiled.
Deep inside I want to run as fast as I can.
But that greeting made everything looks like normal
I ran without stopping..
Then I saw Mica standing in front of our classroom.
"Hey you're late" she said
"Am I?" I asked while gasping
I put my bag on my chair and wipe my sweats.
"Let's go to the field," she said before dragging me
"Why?" I asked
"There's an important announcement" Mica said with full of excitement
"Can you go with me to the comfort room first? I need to fix my hair and I need to breath freely" I asked her
"Who told you to ran anyway? You ran as if you did something terrible. Did you?" She asked while looking at me carefully
I didn't answer her question and remain silent instead.
"That silence answered it. Well, let's go and refresh!"
I can't take my stupidity anymore!!!!!
Mica said there will be an announcement.
It's too early for that.
Maybe it's really an important announcement
I saw everyone's smiling faces!!
Everyone's looking forward on the announcement.
What is it all about?
"Good day everyone. I have a very important announcement to make. I know you heard the news about the Korean's new drama that will take place here in the Philippines. That's a good news. And PUP (Polytechnic University of the Philippines) was the chosen school. That's another good news. And you know what's the best news? It's our branch that had been chosen. They will start shooting next week. We'll be putting signs on different places for you to know if it's alright to stay in that place. Furthermore, classes will continue as usual. Expect further announcements before the week end" our Principal who looks very excited and happy.
After confirming those news. Everyone's gotten insane. But there's some who are disappointed because of continuous class.
"It's once in a lifetime opportunity to meet a celebrity. Argghhh! I want to watch the shoot" some said with sigh
"I guess you're no yet aware of the casts huh? So now, I am happy to welcome the male lead of the new drama 'Unforgettable Youth' starring Cha Dong Min!" Maam Principal said with a loud and exciting voice that made everyone insane.
Everyone's cheering..
And in any moment, I feel like their loud voices will destroy my ear drums.
I covered my ears but I still hear them cheering.
I tried to look at the front where the casts are being introduced.
I stopped...
Everything stopped because of him..
He somewhat resembles Cha Eun Woo. His look and smile.
He looks really cold... But there's warm when he smiles
I am staring at him..
And he's also similar to Shoto Todoroki
Maybe because they both look cold?
That made me want him to cosplay Shoto!
I uncovered my ears but I don't hear anything at all.
Everything focuses on him.
I am not a fan of him but..
Are all of his fans also feel the same way I do?
"Hello" Dong Min said
With that one word, one word..
Everyone's going crazy..
Even Ms. Reyes and Maam Principal are shouting for him.
What in the world is happening?
After Dong Min finishes his part, everyone came back to normal.
The other casts also gave their speeches.
The female lead isn't here. Maybe she's late?
They will start shooting next week.
I wonder what kind of class it’ll be.
It will last for three months
The period of chaos because of Cha Dong Min.
I thought we're going back to our rooms right after their speeches, but Dong Min stood in front again.
"Hello. May I ask who is Serenity Gonzales?" His question that made my eyes two times bigger because of shock.
Did he just mention my name?
I guess I heard it right.
Everyone's looking at me ..
So I smirk and don't know what to do.
I saw Cha Dong Min walking towards me.
Every time he's getting nearer, whisperings are doubled.
So he's here.
Standing in front of me, smiling.
"Is this yours?" He asked while handing a card
I looked at the card he's handing over me
It's my I.D..
Where did he get it?
"Y-yes" my stammering answer while getting my I.D.
"How did you get into the school if you lost your I.D?" A question from my back
"I found this I.D while walking inside the campus" Dong Min answered to my schoolmate while smiling
I actually didn't loss it inside the campus...
"Thank you" I said with smile. I couldn't look at him
"Never play your I.D" he said before returning to the front
Play? Did he saw what I did on my I.D?
There are still a lot or murmurings I hear on what Dong Min did.
These guys are so immature.
What's wrong with someone like him to return someone's property?
Isn't it a normal thing to do?
Lab's P.O.V:
There are still a lot of eyes locked on Serenity.
I can call these guys a weirdos.
I come up close to Serenity and blocked her from these immature people.
"How did you loss your I.D?" I asked her
"I actually lost it in front of the school gate” she whispered
"In front of the school gate? But Dong Min-" I said
"Maybe he just know what will happen if he tells the truth" Mica said
We're still talking but there's someone who pushed me.
"Sorry!" I hinted him
He looks at me..
"Why would I apologize?" he asked as if he's an innocent who did nothing
"That's why I apologized for you. You didn't push me at all"
"That? That's because you’re on the way. It's not a place for chitchats. Besides, we are asked to go inside our classrooms" he contradicted
"So it's my fault? You're-" I stopped because Serenity held me
He looked away and didn't say anything.
"You should forgive him. Besides, he is your classmate" Serenity said with sigh
"What? classmate?" I asked hysterically
"You don't know? He enters the same room as you" Mica said
He's a classmate?
Maybe he didn't apologize because I'm his classmate and he knows me.
Does he know me?
I didn't even know there's someone like him in class.
"You should forgive him though. He's just like Shoto" Serenity said
"No, he's far from being Shoto" I said
"But his name is Shoto. Shoto Madrigal" Mica said
Shoto as in?
Shoto of My Hero Academia?
For real?
How did they know him
I don't know him when infact he's my classmate.
But if Shoto..
I think I have to forgive you for now.
If your name isn't Shoto, I will make your life a living hell.
Just kidding.

Bình Luận Sách (118)

  • avatar

    a very interesting novel I've read before i look forward to other novels you released


  • avatar
    Gleah Mae Cuaresma

    good story


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