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Chapter 3: Training Begins

Chapter 3: Training Begins
The sun was just beginning to rise over the city as Axel walked toward the abandoned skateboard rink. His thoughts were a mix of excitement and nervousness; today would be his first real day of training with The Exorts. He still had so many questions, but he was determined to relearn his skills and powers, to become the person they believed he could be.
Amanda was already waiting for him when he arrived, her face breaking into a smile as she saw him approach.
"Morning, Axel. Ready to get started?"
Axel nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"As ready as I'll ever be. What's the plan for today?"
Amanda gestured to the rink, where the rest of The Exorts were gathered.
"First, we'll start with some basic exercises to get you back in the groove. Then, we'll focus on your connection with Saber. We believe there's a lot more to your skateboard than just being a piece of equipment."
Axel glanced at Saber, the familiar weight of the skateboard comforting in his hand. "Alright. Let's do this."
As they walked over to join the others, Blaze greeted Axel with a nod.
"Hey, man. Ready to show us what you've got?"
Axel laughed, shaking his head.
"More like ready to see if I can remember anything."
Priest Anthony stepped forward, his expression serious but encouraging.
"Today is about rediscovering your skills and abilities. Don't worry about being perfect; just focus on reconnecting with Saber and trusting your instincts."
The group gathered around Axel as Priest Anthony explained the first exercise.
"We'll start with some basic maneuvers. Axel, I want you to ride the half-pipe and perform a few simple tricks. Take it slow and feel your way through it."
Axel nodded, taking a deep breath as he stepped onto Saber. The moment his feet touched the board, he felt a faint vibration, a subtle resonance that seemed to echo within him. He pushed off, rolling toward the half-pipe with a mixture of familiarity and uncertainty.
He took a deep breath and launched himself up the ramp, his body instinctively moving into the rhythm of the ride. He performed a simple kickflip, the board spinning beneath him with surprising ease. The landing was a bit shaky, but he managed to stay upright.
"Nice one, Axel!" Blaze called out, clapping his hands.
"You've still got it!"
Axel smiled, feeling a rush of confidence. He pushed himself harder, performing a series of increasingly complex tricks. Each movement felt more natural, the connection between him and Saber growing stronger with every flip and turn.
Amanda watched from the sidelines, her eyes filled with pride.
"You're doing great, Axel. Just keep going."
As the morning progressed, Axel's confidence grew. He felt a deepening bond with Saber, the skateboard responding to his every command as if it were an extension of his own body. The other members of The Exorts took turns practicing with Axel, offering tips and encouragement.
Serena, with her calm demeanor, approached Axel during a break.
"You're doing really well. Have you noticed anything unusual about Saber?"
Axel nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "Yeah, it's like the board is alive or something. I can feel it resonating with me."
Serena smiled. "That's the magic of Saber. It's more than just a skateboard; it's a conduit for your power. The stronger your connection with it, the more abilities you'll unlock."
Intrigued, Axel looked down at Saber, wondering just how deep the connection could go.
"What kind of abilities are we talking about?"
Priest Anthony stepped in, holding a small, ornate box.
"Let's find out. Inside this box is a crystal that reacts to supernatural energy. I want you to use Saber to channel your energy into the crystal and see what happens."
Axel took the box, feeling the weight of the crystal inside. He placed it on the ground and positioned Saber over it, focusing his thoughts on the board and the crystal beneath it. He felt a surge of energy flow through him, into Saber, and then into the crystal.
The crystal began to glow, a soft light emanating from its core. The glow grew brighter, pulsing in time with Axel's heartbeat. Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the crystal, forming a shimmering barrier around Axel and Saber.
The rest of The Exorts watched in awe as the barrier pulsed with energy, a tangible manifestation of Axel's connection with Saber. Amanda's eyes widened with amazement.
"That's incredible, Axel! You created a protective shield!"
Axel stared at the barrier, a mix of excitement and disbelief coursing through him. "I had no idea I could do that."
Priest Anthony nodded, a proud smile on his face.
"This is just the beginning, Axel. Your potential is limitless. With training and practice, you'll unlock even greater abilities."
The barrier slowly faded, and Axel felt a sense of accomplishment. He knew there was still a long way to go, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
The next few days were filled with intense training sessions. The Exorts pushed Axel to his limits, helping him to rediscover his skills and uncover new abilities. Blaze taught him how to enhance his tricks with bursts of fire, while Serena showed him how to create water-based attacks and defenses.
Techie, the group's resident tech expert, introduced Axel to a range of gadgets and devices that could be integrated with Saber. "This will give you an edge in battle," Techie explained, attaching a small device to the underside of the skateboard. "It can generate an electric pulse to stun enemies or create a magnetic field to repel attacks."
Axel marveled at the technology, grateful for Techie's expertise. "Thanks, Techie. This is amazing."
Techie grinned.
"No problem. Just make sure to test it out in a controlled environment first. We don't want any accidental discharges."
Axel laughed, nodding in agreement.
"Got it. I'll be careful."
As the days turned into weeks, Axel's skills continued to improve. He felt a growing sense of confidence and purpose, each training session bringing him closer to the person he used to be. The bond with Saber deepened, the skateboard becoming an integral part of his identity.
One afternoon, after an especially grueling training session, Axel and Amanda sat on the edge of the half-pipe, catching their breath. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the city.
"You've come a long way, Axel," Amanda said, her voice filled with pride. "You're almost back to your old self."
Axel smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks, Amanda. I couldn't have done it without you and the rest of the team."
Amanda placed a hand on his shoulder, her eyes meeting his. "We're a family, Axel. We support each other, no matter what."
Axel felt a warmth spread through his chest, grateful for her unwavering support. "I still have a lot to learn, but I'm ready for whatever comes next."
Amanda nodded, her expression determined. "And we'll be right there with you, every step of the way."
The next morning, Priest Anthony called a meeting to discuss their next mission. The Exorts gathered in the common room, the atmosphere charged with anticipation.
"We've received intel on a possible Cube operation in the industrial district," Priest Anthony began, spreading a map on the table. "There's been an increase in supernatural activity, and we suspect they're planning something big."
Axel studied the map, his mind racing with possibilities. "What's our plan?"
Priest Anthony pointed to a marked location. "We'll split into two teams. Team A will investigate the source of the activity, while Team B provides backup and monitors the situation from a safe distance."
Axel looked at Amanda, who gave him a reassuring nod. "You're with me, Axel. We'll be part of Team A."
Blaze grinned, cracking his knuckles. "Alright, let's show those Cube creeps what we're made of."
Serena, Techie, and the rest of the team voiced their agreement, ready for the challenge ahead. Axel felt a surge of determination, knowing they were all in this together.
As they prepared for the mission, Axel felt a mix of excitement and nerves. He knew the stakes were high, but he was ready to prove himself. With Saber by his side and the support of his new family, he felt more confident than ever.
Amanda placed a hand on his arm, her eyes filled with reassurance. "We've got this, Axel. Just trust your instincts and remember everything we've taught you."
Axel nodded, taking a deep breath. "I will. Let's do this."
The Exorts set out for the industrial district, moving with a sense of purpose and unity. Axel felt the weight of Saber beneath his feet, the skateboard humming with energy and anticipation. He knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, he was ready to face them head-on.
As they approached the location, Axel felt a familiar tingle in the air—the presence of supernatural energy. He glanced at Amanda, who nodded in confirmation. "We're close."
Priest Anthony signaled for them to move quietly, their footsteps barely making a sound as they navigated the maze of abandoned warehouses and factories. Axel felt his senses heighten, every sound and movement amplified in his mind.
Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, its eyes glowing with an eerie light. Axel's heart raced as he realized they were facing another corrupted individual.
"Exorts!" the figure hissed, its voice dripping with malice. "You won't stop us."
Blaze stepped forward, flames dancing in his hands. "We'll see about that."

Bình Luận Sách (88)

  • avatar
    Susana Consulta

    so very good 😊


  • avatar
    K Ayenn Paranal Turiano

    is beautiful stry


  • avatar
    Loudgg Silva



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