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Chapter 7: Alleviating Emotions

I just sat on my chair silently while looking at my hand written notes in front of me. Pretending that I am busy studying even though I am not. My ears are open to what will be Mike’s explanation because these people, my friends are interrogating him with lots of questions.
Mike: I am not really up to something, Ray. I’m just taking my time to rest.
Ray: Not being worried about your studies? That’s a whole new level unlocked, Mike.”
Carys: I am sure you’re missing someone. Do you, Mike?”
I glanced at Carys when I heard her. What is she trying to imply? That there’s a possibility that Mike misses me? It’s absurd. And besides he was only absent for 3 days. Why would he miss someone?
Mike: No. I don’t miss you guys. I had fun spending my time. So, I’m good.
Warren: Ouch. Does it hurt?
Warren’s gaze positioned on me. I tried to act like I didn’t heard what he said. Does he think Mike’s words will affect me? That would be a no. I won’t let them gain some satisfaction today. They loved to teased me, the two of us. Mike is trying to distance himself from getting closer. I can feel it. So why can’t I do it? Who knows I will know news about him that he is dating someone new these days? Mike is good with that. Making girlfriends, doing his boyfriend duties, and leaving us all alone because he will be busy attending to his girl’s needs. He always does it back then. I wouldn’t be surprise that he will do it again.
Ray: Fari? Are you okay, Adaline Faria?
I heard Ray’s voice deepened. He’s now serious. So, I decided to looked at him and smiled. I don’t want my friends to be suspicious of my actions. It is better to be cautious.
Fari: What? I am sorry I didn’t get a hang of your convo, guys. I’m trying to be a good girl here because I need to work hard to get passing grades this semester.
Ray moved his head in a nod in approval. He can agree with what I said because my friend value having high grades so much. I did great. I want to give myself a round of applause for my acting.
Warren: Fari it’s a bit odd that you’re working so hard studying. We are in the café girl. Can you set aside your studies for a while and engage to our conversation?
Ray: Stopped it Warren. Let Fari do her thing she’ll talk to us once she’s done dealing with her stuffs.
Carys: Do you want to eat anything, Fari? You need to eat some snacks you’re too busy reading that.
Fari: I am fine, Carys. I’m okay with my drink. Just continue your talk. Don’t mind me.
I started to highlight the important words in my notes. Keeping up with the act I started. I can feel Mike’s gaze towards me. I stopped myself from looking back at him. I don’t want to do that. His gaze lasted for a few seconds before he joined our friends’ discussion.
After spending a few minutes in the café. We decided to head home. Mike and I still didn’t talk to each other. I don’t know if he’s also ignoring me, but all I can say is I am doing the deed. Although a part of me wants to follow what my heart tells me but I ended up following the thoughts I have in my head.
Carys: Ray and I are going somewhere, gals. Is it okay that we will need to separate ourselves for a while?
Warren: It’s fine. You two can go now. I also need to go to the department store.
Ray: So, it will be the two of them left to go home?
Carys: Is it okay that you’ll accompany Fari, Mike? She doesn’t have someone to walk with. It’s getting dark. I don’t Fari to be home safely.
Ray: She’s right. So, Mike? What you think about this?
Mike looks like he doesn’t want to do it. His facial expressions say it all. He doesn’t want to be with me. He’s totally avoiding me, huh?
Fari: “It’s okay. I can manage.” I looked at Mike with some seriousness plastered on my face. I don’t want to looked vulnerable that I am needing him to be by my side just to get home safely. I don’t need that. If he wants to stay away, I won’t stop him. He is free to do whatever he wants. His decision to stay away is something that can be considered as a blessing in disguise. He slowly nods his head as if he agrees with what I just have said. So, he’s really into this act of being cold?
Mike: “That’s good. Because I got to go somewhere, too. Alright. I’ll go now, okay?” He suddenly walked away then waved his hand up in the air without looking at us.
Carys: Are you okay, Fari?
Warren: She’s not okay, Rys. She’s totally affected with Mike’s actions today.
I stayed quite. I didn’t respond to them. It is not that I don’t want too. It’s just I got nothing to say. I got tongue tied. Mike’s word caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting that. This is the first time that he did this kind of thing. Him declining to walk me home. He always presented himself to do that back then. So,
there’s always a first time for everything aye? I sneered at my thought. I can’t believe I am overanalyzing the situation between us two right now where I can just shrugged it off my head and act that I’m fine. That this incident doesn’t bothers me. I can do that.
Fari: I’ll go now too.
Carys: Are you sure you’re fine, Fari?
I smiled at Carys faintly. Of course, I am fine. Why wouldn’t I feel some finess within me? I am deserving to feel that. This is just some bad thing that I wen through today. Tomorrow I’ll have some new experience. And what Mike did can’t hurt me that much. The pain is just like a pinch on the wrist. This is too little and it won’t break me. I felt a pat on my head. It’s Ray’s hand. He’s careful with his touch, too gentle with his action.
Ray: She’s fine. Our girl is a fighter, right? He looked down at me and smiled.
Ray is always someone who knows how to cheer me up when he feels that I am feeling down. Glad I have a friend like this guy, I mean gay. I let out a small giggle and pat his shoulder to assure him that I am now feeling better.
Fari: Bye, guys. I’ll head home now before it’ll be too dark.
Ray: Don’t worry I’ll buy you something from the store.
Fari: Be sure too indeed bring me something, okay? Or else I’ll give you some silent treatment within the next 5 days.
Ray chuckled at my words. That made Warren and Carys smile too.
I take a few steps away from my friends before I lift my hand to waved them goodbye. I went to the waiting shed to wait for a ride home. I can’t just walk home all alone. I don’t feel safe doing that. As I reached the waiting shed, I saw a familiar silhouette. It took me a few more steps to see the face of the person and I smiled when I finally got a glimpse of who it is. It’s Caecius. He is closing his eyes while his earphones are plugged inside his ears. He looks like he enjoys what he is doing. The song probably is a bop. Because he is so into it. He doesn’t even notice me walking towards him. I looked at him before I took a seat on the opposite side to wait. I don’t want to bother him. Because he looks amusingly happy just by listening to some music. Imma remind myself to bring my earphones too. So, I can be cool like this guy.
Mike is standing not far from where Faria is and he is watching her as she is looking at some guy who is someone who he knows. Caecius Wyn Radiomoda. That guy was the reason his ex-girlfriend broke up with him. He’s wondering what did she saw in him that she broke up with him so suddenly. How can this guy be better than him? He doesn’t even look like someone who can offer affection to a girl. He knows that Wyn Is someone who is dismissive in terms of being in a committed relationship. He heard his ex-girlfriend’s friends talked about him a lot. Guarded and hard to reach. That’s how girls perceived him. He wants to grab Faria’s hand and take her away from him. He clenched his hand, balled it into a fist. He doesn’t have the right to do that to her. He’s the first one that starts to stay away from her. Maybe Faria got the hint already. He cannot let his feelings win this time. He doesn’t have the courage to confess to her because he is a coward. He isn’t sure if he’ll be able to give her the treatment she really deserves. So, it’s best to commit to the action he started doing…

Bình Luận Sách (1363)

  • avatar
    Dela torre villanuevaNiño



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    perfect story


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    Yade Eludo

    Nice story


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