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Chapter 7

“Wow, beer is the best,” said Sera
“It goes well with meat,” said Fianna
"You two just enjoy to your heart's content, don't hesitate," said Sis Diana
"This is for Diana's sister," said Fianna while giving a piece of meat to Diana's sister
"Thank you," said Diana
"By the way, when was the last time we were like this?" said Fianna
"I don't know, I forgot because I have a lot to do where I had a party like this," said Diana. While drinking beer
"I heard that recently a staff member made a scandal with one of the actors," said Fianna
"What? I've never heard of that," said Diana
"I've never heard of either," said Sera
"Wow, apparently you lost the information huh. He is indeed popular, not only that, he is also interesting. Recently there was a new staff at our company and it is reported that he moved from the next company," said Fianna.
"You know his name?" ask sis Diana
"If I'm not mistaken it's Elena," said Fianna
Honestly, it took me by surprise. There is no way that Elena moved to our company and again she created a scandal with this fucked actor.
"Why you Sera? Are you okay?" said Fianna
"No, I'm fine," said Sera with a bright face
Without saying anything, Diana just looked at me with that look. I don't care as long as he doesn't ask too many questions.
"Your cell phone is ringing. Pick it up," said Fianna to Sera
"Ah yes. I want to go to the toilet for a while," said Sera as she left her two friends to the toilet
"Uncle Diana. Why did you see Sera like that earlier?” ask Fianna
'Apparently this child is quite sensitive,' thought Sis Diana
"No, it's okay, why ask like that as if you suspect me hehe," answered Diana with a smile
"Not suspicious, rather strange," said Fianna
Not long after, Sera came and rejoined the two friends. Diana's previous attitude honestly made me a little worried because this person always knows a lot of things and is very sensitive.
"Who helped you? Is he Brian?" said Fianna
"Th-that," said Sera nervously
"Maybe his family. You don't need to be so curious," said Diana
"After this any other plans?" ask Fianna
"I'm going to the cake shop for a while, coincidentally, it's my sister's birthday tonight," said Diana
"How are you, Ryu Sera?" ask Fianna
"I have some business hehe," said Sera
"How about you yourself?" ask sis Diana
“Hmmm.... looks like I can't help but go home. If only someone would pick me up," said Fianna
"That's why it's a date there," said Diana
“If it was easy I would have done it,” said Fianna
"Want me to introduce you?" said sis Diana
"Come on sis. Don't joke at least you just told me to go on a blind date. No way," said Fianna
"Hahaha, I guess it didn't happen," said Diana, laughing
"Looks like I have to leave soon," said Sera
"We will soon be disbanding. Looks like Fianna is a little drunk," said Diana
"Then let's go," said Sera
After that we left and previously stopped a taxi to take Fianna who was already drunk.
"Come on in," said Diana, pushing Fianna into a taxi
After that, Fianna went by taxi while Sis Diana went to a place where we used to separate here.
"You waiting for someone?" ask sis Diana
"No I'm going to take a taxi too," said Sera
"Oh, so be careful," said Diana. Who then left me
Not long after that the taxi came and I left.
"To the Hilton apartment," I said
"Okay," replied Mr. That taxi
Right at the hospital where Brian works. Tonight he was doing his job which could be said to be quite a lot. After finishing the operation this time I have to check every patient because this is a night service. My schedule, which was supposed to be home at exactly 9 pm, has been postponed to 8 this morning, it is tantamount to forced labor. But what can I do it doesn't matter if the next day I have to take a day off. Tonight at exactly 12 pm the last operation was done, I left the operating room and went to the dressing room as usual.
"Doc, it's all done," said Sister Mary
"Okay good job" I said
The quiet atmosphere of the hospital is like a daily scene, plus tonight only a few people are on duty. This is what makes the job a little time consuming. There is no end to patients who have recovered, replaced with new ones, which keep repeating itself like the cycle of life. This is rightfully happening, nothing can stop it.
'Sera seems to have come home I'll call her,' I thought
"Why is his cellphone not active, is he sleeping?" I said
Because I couldn't contact Sera, I only played online games for a while before I was finally called again to do another procedure. Indeed, there is no end to just sitting for a while when the ER is filled with new patients. The rate of accidents at night is indeed a lot because people never listen to the rules and continue to drive while drunk.
"Move here."
"Alright, wait a minute."
"Get the IV."
The noise of every officer adorned the entire room, people running around trying to do maintenance, that was the scene tonight. I am no exception.
At the same time at Sera's place.
'It's arrived,' thought Sera
After that I went straight to the apartment, entered the elevator to the 40th floor, after I looked for the person's room number, not long after that I found it and I pressed the bell button. Someone opened the door and told me to come in. Without thinking for a long time I followed him, I knew this place was not a random place.
Moments before.
"Hello?" I say
"How long have you had time tonight?" said the person
"Yes. Let's get straight to the point, what's going on?" said Sera
"Wow, you seem impatient. Okay then come to my apartment tonight I'm waiting for you," he said as he turned off the phone. Damn why that person came to contact me sucks. But if I don't go there he will kill me.
A quiet night at Meredy and Joe's workplace.
"Ah damn why is it like this," said the team leader
"Never mind, sir, it's a fact," said Meredy
"Sir?" said the team leader
"I mean Mr," said Meredy
"This is really troublesome for all the fatkas that have been directed at him, so why not just go ahead," said Joe
"The problem is that you don't allow it," said the chairman
"Just because he's a golden spoon?" ask Meredy
"There is no other reason, besides that he is indeed guilty, there is no need to cover it up, just admit it," said Joe
"We will ask for an arrest warrant tomorrow," said the chairman

Bình Luận Sách (788)

  • avatar

    yesss, finally im very happy


  • avatar

    Mt bom


  • avatar
    Zian Carlos



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