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Chapter 3

TriiiirrrrtttttttttTt Triiiiiiiiirrrrrtttttt Triiiiiiiiirrrrrtttt
"Oh my God," I said with my drowsy hand trying to turn off the alarm.
The alarm went off right next to my bed and it was already showing at 5:00 in the morning. With my eyes still shrouded in drowsiness I tried to get out of my bed. I slowly got out of there and turned off the alarm that kept going off. Then I rushed towards the bathroom.
Some time passed now I was neatly dressed and ready for the morning service at the hospital where I worked. This time I look a little different than usual just more fashionable with a shirt combined with ordinary black pants but more relaxed. Don't forget I brought a lab coat as proof I'm a doctor. It's ridiculous that I admit it. As usual I start my day with a healthy lifestyle of course by enjoying breakfast and a cup of latte this time I made my own with a coffee machine that I bought 2 months ago.
I opened the message on my phone and saw some messages in my work group there was nothing interesting all just discussing their daily lives accompanied by jokes. While finishing my breakfast I opened some articles recommended to toni arguably this is quite useful news about mental health that she always shares with me on the grounds that maybe you will be interested but I am not so enthusiastic just curious.
Not long after that I left for my workplace when I arrived there the atmosphere was so crowded many patients waiting in the waiting room casually I walked towards the room while greeting some patients who smiled kindly greeted me.
"Doc, today looks different is there anything special?" asked sister Anne, who has long been my partner, who is no stranger to saying things that have nothing to do with work.
"Oh, it's normal," I said kindly to Sister Anne.
Finally I came to my room that was so not too neat but not messy usually said quite standard there emblazoned my name on the table "dr. Brian McDonnie" originally I did not like it too much because it was not my wish but my family but now it seems that I am getting used to it not but trying to get used to it.
"Please save my sister, can she be cured?" someone shouted from the direction of the sister's room.
I quickly headed in that direction there were several doctors as well who helped bring the patient immediately to the operating room. Seeing so much bleeding in her frontal tubules made me feel worried that Sister Anne was trying to calm the patient's family. It's going to take a lot of time for me to put on all the gear and have surgery right away. In the operating room I along with my other colleagues began to carry out the surgical procedure starting with drugging the patient then performing the next procedure until the stage of sewing the wound and cleaning the wound. It doesn't feel like it's finished this time takes about 5 hours.
I opened the operating room door and tried to talk to the patient's family.
"His condition has improved, just wait until he wakes up despite the heavy bleeding but his life can still be saved," I told the patient's family.
"Thank you doc," he replied in a slightly relieved tone.
After going through today's events not long after I received another new patient who was about to be operated on he was a child who had a thyroid that was already severe. Without lingering I went back to the operation again. Like this time, it also went well without any mistakes. After leaving the operating room I returned to my room to work on patient documents.
"Wait a minute, you guys see dr. Brian?" said Toni to the sisters.
"Looks like he's in his dock room," replied one of the sisters.
"Okay Thank you," Toni said with a smile to the nurse.
Tok tok tok
"Come in." I said.
"Yo! Are you busy?" said Toni to me.
"As you can see, it's never busy," I replied calmly.
"This week you have time? How about going to the club? You know Jamie took me there and he also extended an invitation to you to me," Toni said.
"Why did he invite me? Of course it can't come," I replied.
"That's right. Come on! Wait, you have an appointment?"
"That's right. This week it's my time with Sera we have to celebrate the anniversary."
"Oh my God," Toni said with a deep sigh.
"When it's done you can go,"
"Woahhh.... You kicked me out. All right, good job," Toni told me as she left my room.
I have to finish my work today, even more so much more so much I have to do is tiring I want to immediately return to my home to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere without having to think about work.
"Well everything is time for us to go home thank you all for today, good rest," said the chief doctor.
"Be careful on the road," said another colleague.
We finally returned home today closed with a good thing and I almost forgot that today Sera will come to my house. I had to pick him up immediately to the place where he worked not far from this hospital only took about 7 minutes by car.
"Hello, you're out,? I'm on my way not going to wait long," I told Sera by phone. I can't make him wait long for me to drive my car quickly. Not long after, I arrived right in front of Sera's workplace. An entertainment company because she's a makeup artist of course she must be busy. I saw him just come out of the building and he smiled as he waved his hand at me.
"Sorry to wait so long," I said to Sera.
"No, I just came out too," he replied sweetly.
Then we got in the car and set off to go to my house. Sera looks very happy as usual she is cheerful and always optimistic as bright as the sun. When we got home we sat on the sofa enjoying the fried chicken and beer we had just ordered by delivery.
"How about today didn't something happen,?" asked Sera to me.
"Today was so busy just that nothing else," I replied.
"hmmm..... that's good. Oh, how about this week? Honestly, I can't wait not to feel like I've been together for 1 year," said Sera.
"It doesn't feel right either," I said.
Actually we haven't been together for a long time when at the clinic I didn't think it would last until now. But the fact that answers it is a lot of memories if it must be reminded to accompany us to grow together in joy is no exception sorrow. It still feels like yesterday not much has changed almost a bit.

Bình Luận Sách (788)

  • avatar

    yesss, finally im very happy


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    Mt bom


  • avatar
    Zian Carlos



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