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Chương 7 HEAVEN and HELL

"Having siblings is like experiencing both heaven and hell together…"
When all the guests who knew my father and even the staff that works for him gathered at the function hall, I remained in the hotel's lobby throughout the wedding ceremony. I'm not in the mood to talk or entertain his guests, so I'll just let Soo-jin or Ji-hoon do that instead.
The ceremony ended for almost an hour and I knew about it because Soo-jin called me, telling me that I should at least pay my respect to the newlyweds.
So troublesome…
I was guided by the staff to where I am supposed to go to see the newlywed. Before I could even show myself to them, I overheard their conversation with Imogen's daughter.
"Ji-hoon will be your stepbrother. Don't worry, you don't have to adjust yourself because you're the same age as him," my father told her.
She looked at Ji-hoon as I carefully observed the way Ji-hoon stared at her.
"Speaking of your sons, honey…" Imogen turned to look at my father. "I didn't see Eun-woo."
Why would she care to look for me? She's not my mother. Plus, her daughter was already there which means I have nothing to do with it anymore.
"The one who sent you here is my older son, Eun-woo. Did he come with you here?" He looked at Imogen's daughter.
I saw how she went blank for a moment after hearing what my father said. What could be she thinking? Did she know that I'm supposed to pick her up? Did she even remember looking at my car earlier?
The way she suddenly covered her mouth in shock made me smile slightly. Then, I heard Ji-hoon's sudden laughter. He must have thought what a dumb girl his stepsister was. Sigh… if they only knew what she did earlier.
I could clearly see and sense how tense she was to tell them about what happened. "Uh… well, about that–"
"I'm here."
I decided to finally interfere and save her troubled ass and I entered the room only to see how surprised she was to see me for the first time.
I glanced at each of them for which she was the last I looked at. She seemed to see something frightening because of the way she stared at me with those surprised eyes.
"Eun-woo, you're here…" My father called me which I acknowledged so that he won't get embarrassed in front of other people.
"Congratulations to the two of you," I told them, even if it's against my will. Soo-jin told me if I cannot be sincere, then I should at least pretend for Imogen's sake.
"Thank you for taking care of my daughter by bringing her here safely," Imogen told me.
I couldn't help but glare at her daughter and she was looking at me cautiously. What could she be thinking? Is she scared that I might tell her mother the truth, that I'm not the one who sent her here?
I sighed. "I won't do it again."
After doing my part, I decided to leave the hotel and go to the same bar I usually visit. I would rather spend my time there more than any other place. And so I spent my whole night drinking and reflecting on my life choices. Next week will be the start of my year as a senior student in SADI. I just wished for a peaceful life at the university, nothing more and nothing less.
"Can I join you?" My attention was caught when someone spoke beside me and I saw Minerva Kim.
She immediately sat down next to me even if I didn't say yes.
"What are you doing here?" I asked her as I held my shot glass.
"I went here with my friends to spend the last few days before the resume of classes," she said.
"Then, why don't you go back to them?" I took the shot and put down the shot glass back on the tabletop.
She gently placed her left hand on top of my right shoulder. "Well, I'm sure they can handle themselves. I'm here to accompany you."
"I don't need you to accompany me," I told her as I took another shot glass.
However, she suddenly snatched it away from me as I looked at her and she was the one who drank it. After putting down the glass, she smiled at me.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked her.
"I can't let you drink too much because you're going to drive us home," she said.
"Us?" I questioned her.
"Yes. I'll be having the same ride as you, so you better calm down, Lee Eun-woo." She continued drinking the liquor that was left untouched.
Most of the students in the university think that Minerva and I were dating just because she's the only girl I have the mood to talk to. I have the reputation of being SADI's Ice Prince because I used to ignore and act cold to everyone, they may be girls or boys.
I'm not the friendly type, not right after Chereen's death. The professors even treat me like I'm the boss of the whole university instead of treating me like one of the normal students. And I hate that feeling. They think highly of me just because I'm the son of Lee Woo-jin who is the founder of SADI.
It was midnight when I received a call from Soo-jin. She asked me where I am right now so that she could take me home. But, I didn't tell her my place. Then, I realized that the GPS in my phone was turned on. That's why she still managed to know where I am right now.
As soon as I paid the bartender, I quickly left the table which caught Minerva's attention. I hurried on getting out of the bar, but she still managed to catch up and eventually stopped me in my tracks.
"Wait! Why are you leaving me?" She asked.
"I need to go," I told her as I tried to open the door in the driver's area. And when I finally opened it, she closed it again as I glared at her. "What do you want?"
"Send me home!" She exclaimed like a child.
"No." I slightly pushed her away from the door and that's when my head suddenly throbbed, causing me to feel a little dizzy. Am I drunk?
I felt Minerva suddenly hold my arms. "Are you okay, Eun-woo?"
I breathed out as I tried shaking my head to wake myself. "I feel dizzy…"
"See? I told you not to get drunk!" She raised her voice at me. I slowly turned to look at her and that's when I ended up passing out.
My consciousness went back after finding myself inside the car, but I'm not the one driving it. Did Soo-jin catch me in the bar? I hope not.
"Oh? You're awake, Eun-woo." I saw Minerva in the driver's seat. Don't tell me she was the one who drove my car.
I can't believe she managed to bring me to the penthouse while I'm half drunk.
"You have to be grateful I know how to drive," she murmured while she was helping me walk towards the elevator. "Or you'll end up wasted in that bar."
I remained silent while listening to her. As if I have a choice not to. There's no one else I am hearing, so how could I ignore her talkativeness?
As we reached the highest floor where the apartment was located, she continued helping me walk towards the door. I just don't understand why I suddenly got drunk. I have a high tolerance for alcohol, so why now?
"Hey, Eun-woo. What's your passcode?" I looked at her and she was looking at me as well while waiting for me to say the passcode.
I’m not gonna fall for that one and carelessly tell her the passcode.
I let go of her and entered the passcode myself while covering it with my other hand. Then I heard her scoff. “You must not really be trusting me.”
"Your words, not mine."
"So, are you saying that you trust me? Then, why didn't you tell me your passcode?" She continued asking.
I ignored her and that's when we both heard the sound of the door, meaning that I entered the passcode correctly which unlocks the door. But, when I was about to finally enter the apartment, I suddenly felt myself about to throw up.
"Yah! Lee Eun-woo!" I heard Minerva call me. "Don't you dare throw up here!"
She quickly helped me again as I quickly opened the door which caused a loud impact after hitting the wall. Then, I immediately covered my mouth just to stop myself from vomiting before I could even reach the sink.
"Yah. Are you really gonna throw up? You can't do that here!" Minerva told me.
I was left getting weaker because I was trying my best to hold my vomit and at the same time, my head was spinning. Then, I felt someone else's presence and realized it was Imogen's daughter who was standing near the kitchen door. She was looking at us in surprise that it left her stunned in her PJs.
I accidentally hugged Minerva after I felt the vomit coming up to my throat again. And that's when she started to ask questions to the other one whose mind is currently out of this world right now.
"Hey, you! Who are you? Are you their maid?"
I noticed that she wasn't answering Minerva since her questions were in Korean. So, I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows until I could no longer hold my laughter. She looked so funny right now. And because I laughed, I also wasn't able to avoid throwing up anymore.
Minerva suddenly reacted violently by making grossed-out noises as I continued throwing up on the floor. Since I already felt very tired, I ended up passing out after I heard Minerva run away.
“Hey! You can’t leave him be!” That was the last thing I remember hearing.
Then, the next thing I heard after waking up from a short pass out was this: “Hey, I need you to wake up…”
Because of the great effect of the alcohol in my system, my consciousness completely came back when I felt someone poke my head. I went back to my senses and noticed that Imogen’s daughter was the one waking me up.
And when I noticed her about to pinch my cheeks just to wake me up more, I suddenly grabbed her hand before she could even touch me. Then, I slowly raised my head and glared at her face, showing how scared she was.
“Can you please let go of my hand?” She gulped nervously.
I stared at her for a few seconds before slightly shaking my head. “No.”
Then, I suddenly held her by the nape before pulling her towards me, getting both our faces close to each other. I looked at her carefully and she was looking at me as if it was the first time she saw someone like me. The way her expression tells me how innocent-looking she was and she just gets fascinated right away.
“You’re… ugly,” I blurted. “I can’t believe my step-sister is as ugly as you.”
I immediately let go of her nape upon smirking. Then, I got up on the floor and started walking towards my bedroom to take a rest. But, I was soon distracted after hearing a scream, and when I turned around to look behind me, she had already tackled me and I caught her in my arms as we both fell on the floor.
I grunted as I felt pain in my back. Then, I was caught off guard when she suddenly went over my body and even gripped my clothes near the neck.
“Did you just call me ugly, huh? Did you?!”
I can’t believe she could be this war freak behind that innocent face earlier. I was wrong for thinking something good about her.
“Not only ugly, but you’re also crazy!” I exclaimed to her.
“Oh really?! You don't know what will happen to you for calling me ugly and crazy, you jerk!”
It’s a good thing that I have quick reflexes, the reason I immediately held her by the waist and turned her over before she could even hit me. Now, she’s the one below me, lying on the floor helplessly while I was the one over her body. Then, I pinned both her arms on the floor and both sides of her head so that she won’t be able to hit me if she tries to.
I smirked at her. “Tell me. What can you do now in this position?”
She could only breathe nervously while looking at me. And just to make sure she won’t do the same thing again, I decided to slightly scare her by lowering my face closer to hers, making her think that I will kiss her.
"Mhmp!" She grunted as she tried to turn her head away from me, but I continued to follow it. "No!"
Not so strong now, huh?
There was a sudden loud tin sound and at the same time, I felt a slight hard impact on the back of my head. In a few seconds… I passed out.
I woke up having a terrible headache the next day and early in the morning, I couldn't believe someone’s noisy outside of my bedroom and banging the door.
A continuous banging outside the door was heard, so I got up on my bed tiredly before walking towards the door to open it. But, as soon as I opened it, I got smacked in the face. I grunted in pain as I covered my battered face.
As I was trying to ease the pain, I could hear a slight sound of a giggle. That's why I slowly glared at the person in front of me and saw her again. I can’t believe she’s smiling at me right now. Is she a sadist?
"Good morning," she greeted me. "Jerk."
I remained to stare at her as she walked away from me and went back inside her bedroom. I slammed the door madly and went back to lay down on my bed only for me to realize that my alarm clock really sounds like a dying cat. Then, I madly took it and removed the batteries before putting it inside an empty drawer.
“I hate my life…”
Before lunchtime, I decided to go and spend my time at the company instead of hanging out in this penthouse with that stupid girl. She’s a disaster and everything or everyone she gets in contact with will end up getting in trouble. I don’t want to be one of them.
As soon as I finished preparing myself, I went out of the room and coincidentally encountered the stupid girl. She’s wearing some kind of bright-colored attire as if she’s going to attend a festival I’m not aware of. Not only is she innocent, but she’s also terrible in fashion.
Right after our eyes accidentally met, she quickly turned her head and walked away trying to ignore me like it’s her natural habit. I didn’t immediately follow her, but when I did, I noticed the presence of Ji-hoon in the penthouse.
I thought he doesn’t like to be here. Why is he here now?
I ignored their conversation as I decided to go to the kitchen. Then, there is Soo-jin showing up all of a sudden. “Good morning, Isla. Where are you going?”
“Oh, I'll be going out and touring around Seoul. I might get back later this evening.”
So, does she still have the courage to tour around Seoul after what she did yesterday? I guess I should have told her mother the truth.
I started speaking in Korean as I talked to Soo-jin. “She wasn’t at the bus stop yesterday when I got there.”
Soo-jin looked at me in surprise and replied in Korean as well. “Wait, what?”
“I only found her already at the entrance of the hotel,” I said. “And look at her now. Acting so tough just because she managed not to get in trouble yesterday after landing here.”
“Did you tell Imogen about it?” Soo-jin asked.
“No. Would you like me to tell her?”
Before Soo-jin could even answer again, the stupid girl interrupted us. “Anyway, I need to go now–”
I looked at her as she started walking towards the door. “You look like you were wearing patched-up orange-colored bandanas.”
She stopped in her tracks before she madly turned to face me. “Are you mocking me?”
“Oh gosh…” Soo-jin exclaimed. “Please don't even think about starting again.”
“If only someone who did me wrong could apologize, I would be very considerate.” I can’t believe she could say things like that. She’s really a stupid girl.
I glared at her and she was trying to be cautious of me.
“Then, will you be having your dinner outside, Isla?” Soo-jin asked her.
“I might be. Why?”
“Well, then…” Soo-jin suddenly looked at me and even approached me before pushing me towards the stupid girl. “Bring him along with you!”
"WHAT?!" We both exclaimed.
No matter how much I disagree with Soo-jin’s ridiculous decision of accompanying the stupid girl, I end up coming with her on her petty tour. We first went to the Lotte World Tower and she was enjoying the view on the 118th floor, not until she encountered the floor that changes from opaque to clear.
“Oh my god!” She exclaimed in surprise and she suddenly fell on her butt.
I remained silent with both my hands crossed in front of my chest, leaning on the wall while observing her sitting on the floor and it seemed like she wouldn’t budge.
“What are you doing?” I asked her.
She’s not responding to me and she just remained sitting there, not even slightly moving. And when I take a closer look, it seems like she’s being scared right now. So, I decided to walk towards her and gently held her in both her arms, then lifted her from the floor. I let her face me so that her sight would focus on me instead of on the clear glass floor.
“Are you scared of heights?” I tried asking her kindly.
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. I could clearly see the fear in her eyes as I kept staring at her. But, there was one thing that made me let go of her suddenly after I realized it. I noticed how she also quickly reverted and stood far from me.
I cleared my throat. “Are you usually like that?”
She turned around to look at me again. “What do you mean?”
“Your body was trembling earlier when I got a hold of you,” I explained to her. “Is something wrong with you?”
“Oh…” She laughed nervously. “I’m really like that whenever I feel very scared. My body tends to tremble. But, if I’m just nervous, my hands are the only ones trembling.”
I don’t want to assume anything, but knowing that they have a similar body reaction just gave me goosebumps. So, I decided to look away from her. I should at least try to lighten up the mood and avoid the awkwardness between us after how I just reacted.
“I believe we haven’t formally introduced ourselves to each other.” I looked at her again and she was still looking at me.
“Is that even necessary? I can just call you a jerk. Or maybe ‘the jerk’,” she commented.
I couldn’t help but smirk at her before I decided to introduce myself. “I’m Eun-woo Lee.”
“I don’t care.”
Is she trying to adapt my cold side and apply it to herself? How creative.
“Alright. Suit yourself,” I said before trying to walk away, leaving her.
“I’m Isla.”
No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to give my best when it comes to getting along with anyone else, mostly when it’s a woman. It feels like being in this status of wealth, good-looking features, and being the son of a famous businessman was a curse.
“But, even though we started on the wrong side, I wanted to be close to you just like we’re really siblings,” Isla said to me.
“Why?” I asked her.
“It's because I've been alone my whole life. I’m an only child. I had no one to play with when I was younger, and I have no friends at all. I’ve left the only friend back in the Philippines because I have to move here–”
“I don't want to.” I walked away from her. “We’re done now. You can get out of my room.”
“Can you tell me why you don’t want it?” She questioned me.
“It's because I don't like people like you.” I ignored her as I continued fixing my bedsheets. “Just get out.”
“I will only get out of this hell hole of yours if you make me understand your reasons,” she told me.
I looked at her again and I can’t understand why she was being this stubborn. If she wanted it, I should just give it to her. And so, I aggressively threw the bed sheets and it went across the bed, hitting something fragile that caused a shattering noise.
“I’ve been trying to get over the past, but you suddenly came into my life and messed with it! Don’t you know how much pain I’ve endured just to forget everything?!” I exclaimed to her angrily.
I noticed the way her facial reaction changed from mad to scared. And that’s when I also realized I have said something else to her. That’s why I suddenly approached her and started pushing her out of my bedroom.
“I told you to get out of my room! Get out!”

Bình Luận Sách (137)

  • avatar
    Cj Magnifico

    nadadala ako ng emosyon nito😊😊


  • avatar
    Kim Yarcia

    good job


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