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Chương 4 CAT and DOG 1.2

A very loud and irritating sound woke me up the next morning as early as seven. It was so distracting that I can no longer go back to sleep. So, even if I'm half awake, I stepped out of my room and just like a spy, I traced where that freakin’ sound came from. And when I finally discerned the bedroom, I madly approached it before knocking loudly on the door.
I can't believe I yelled at the top of my lungs and even though I did, nothing has changed. The alarm was still ringing and it was seriously irritating me, so I continued banging the door until it suddenly opened and I accidentally smacked someone’s face.
That’s when I realized it was Eun-woo. Now, I know that the room opposite of mine was his.
He grunted in pain as he covered his face in surprise. I got shocked by what happened as well and couldn't help but panic while I was watching him easing the pain. At the same time, I am trying my best not to burst into laughter at what just happened. He glared at me while my lips slightly formed a smile.
"Good morning," I greeted him in a tease. "Jerk."
I walked away amidst the victorious feeling and went back to my bedroom to prepare for the day since I can't go back to sleeping anymore. I planned to go on a tour around Seoul for the whole day to visit beautiful places before the week of class begins at the university.
So, I wore a saffron-colored V-neck playsuit that has three-fourth sleeves with red, purple, and yellow-colored floral prints, paired with a pair of light purple ankle-strapped round toe block heels.
As I got out of my room, I coincidentally saw Eun-woo get out of his bedroom as well. He’s wearing a dark red satin shirt for the inner layer, a dark brown silk men’s blazer for the outer layer, then a pair of black slacks. Because of that outfit, he’s now looking like a CEO.
Our eyes met and so I quickly looked away and walked away from him as I could feel shame crawl onto my skin.
When I arrived at the living room, I saw Ji-hoon wearing a black turtleneck for the inner layer, a black and brown horizontal striped cardigan for the outer layer, and a pair of brown slacks.
“Ji-hoon?” I called his attention since he was just sitting on the sofa while busy on his phone.
He looked up at me as he lowered his phone. “You’re early.”
“Oh, you can blame your brother for using the sound of a dying cat alarm clock,” I said. “By the way, when did you arrive here?”
“Just early this morning,” Ji-hoon said.
Then, Soo-jin showed up from the kitchen. I haven't even felt her presence since I got here. “Good morning, Isla. Where are you going?”
“Oh, I'll be going out and touring around Seoul. I might get back later this evening.”
I got distracted after hearing Eun-woo talk in Korean. I quickly realized he was talking to Soo-jin and I felt so out of place since I didn't understand anything they were saying.
I found the opportunity to speak only when Soo-jin didn’t seem to answer Eun-woo’s question. “Anyway, I need to go now–”
“You look like you were wearing patched-up orange-colored bandanas.” I madly turned to face Eun-woo after hearing him say that.
“Are you mocking me?” I questioned him
“Oh gosh…” Soo-jin exclaimed. “Please don't even think about starting again.”
“If only someone who did me wrong could apologize, I would be very considerate,” I emphasized just for Eun-woo to be able to hear.
Even though I'm not looking at him, I could feel him staring at me like I'm a piece of meat that he would be interested in feasting on. And when I tried to take a glance at him, I saw him glaring at me.
“Then, will you be having your dinner outside, Isla?” Soo-jin asked.
I looked at her. “I might be. Why?”
“Well, then…” I saw how Soo-jin’s eyes went to Eun-woo before approaching him and pushing him towards me. “Bring him along with you!”
"WHAT?!" Eun-woo and I both raised our voices at Soo-jin. Then, we even heard a smirk from Ji-hoon.
“No way!” I immediately said as I gave Eun-woo a disgusted look. “There's no way I'll spend my precious time with this jerk.”
“As if I want to come with you and accompany your petty tour,” he insulted.
Soo-jin frowned at us as if she was fed up. “Ji-hoon.”
“Yeah?” Ji-hoon replied to her.
“If these two leave the apartment today and come back home without accompanying one another, make sure not to let them get inside. Understood?” Soo-jin instructed Ji-hoon.
Eun-woo sighed heavily as he looked away from us. “You gotta be kidding me. Are you seriously going to be this childish, noona?”
“You’re the one who’s being childish, Eun-woo. What I wanted for you to do is to be a gentleman and accompany your stepsister,” she replied to him.
“I’m going to the company and have things to do,” Eun-woo said.
What company is he talking about? Don’t tell me he’s already working.
Soo-jin smirked at him. “Have things to do my ass. I know your schedule, dear nephew. Nice try.”
Eun-woo grunted as he walked out of the apartment, leaving us in silence. At the end of the day, we had no choice.
We first went to the Lotte World Tower. On the 118th floor, there was this sky deck with the world's highest glass floor. I can't believe I just witnessed something magical. The floor changes from opaque to clear and it terrified me so much.
“Oh my god!” I exclaimed in surprise that I fell on my butt as I closed my eyes in fright.
“What are you doing?” I heard that stupid deep voice again. The sound of mock coming from my stepbrother who is very high of himself.
I kept my eyes shut because if I opened them, I would see how high we are right now. I’m afraid of heights. That's why I couldn’t avoid my legs from trembling. Then, I heard footsteps coming towards me and that’s when I felt hands on both my arms, trying to lift me from the floor.
“Are you scared of heights?”
I opened my eyes and caught myself almost a few inches away from Eun-woo who was still holding me. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he suddenly let go of me. I also quickly reverted and stood far from him.
That was so embarrassing!
I heard him clear his throat. “Are you usually like that?”
I turned around to look at him again. “What do you mean?”
“Your body was trembling earlier when I got a hold of you,” he explained. “Is something wrong with you?”
“Oh…” I laughed nervously. “I’m really like that whenever I feel very scared. My body tends to tremble. But, if I’m just nervous, my hands are the only ones trembling.”
After giving him my answer, he suddenly went in silence and looked away from me. I wonder what he could be thinking. Is he making fun of me? Whatever.
When I was about to look away from him, he suddenly looked at me again. “I believe we haven’t formally introduced ourselves to each other.”
“Is that even necessary? I can just call you a jerk. Or maybe ‘the jerk’,” I commented.
He smirked at me before he decided to introduce himself. “I’m Eun-woo Lee.”
“I don’t care.” It was only my first time to answer coldly like that and I feel bad about doing so. But, I think he deserves it. I also already know him so why would he even bother?
“Alright. Suit yourself.” He walked away from me after saying that. Did I speak to him harshly?
“I’m Isla,” I told him, which made him stop walking before turning around to look at me.
He smiled at me and so I smiled at him as well. But then, his peaceful smile suddenly turned into a grin. “Your name sounds like an alien name.”
My smile faded. It was replaced by a frown and clenching of my jaw. I wanted to kill this asshole.
For the next place to tour on my list, we went to the Seoul Museum of Art or SeMa. The garden in front of the museum is small but very beautiful, with inspiring statues. I was so amazed to see a large collection of artwork, mainly from the modern era.
The art museum focuses on Korean art and Korean artists but has a decent selection of international works and creators. As always, I took a picture of the view since I was thinking that I might use it as a reference for my studies.
“I just don’t understand modern art,” I heard Eun-woo speak beside me and so I glanced at him. I can’t believe he’s still with me. Lol.
“Really? That’s too bad.” I continued taking photos because I just can’t help but admire how beautiful and fantasy-like this place is.
Since it was afternoon already, Eun-woo brought me to Gwangjang Market out of all the restaurants we passed by while riding his expensive car. People were looking at us as we walked further inside and it was making me really shy.
We arrived at this certain stall that had small chairs in front of them, creating tiny restaurants. As soon as the store owner, who is an old lady, saw us come, I was shocked to hear her squeal like some kind of high school girl before running towards Eun-woo for an embrace.
I was stunned while watching them interact with each other and I can’t believe what I am seeing. Eun-woo is smiling sincerely and you can literally see how happy he was. I immediately look away after I realize I’m staring at him for too long. That was so awkward.
After getting our table set, I waited for Eun-woo to come back outside after having a very long conversation with the old lady. He sat down opposite of me and that’s when I looked at him.
“You seemed to be close with the owner,” I commented. “Is she your grandma?”
“No. But, I considered her as one.” He fixed his clothes.
I nodded at him. “Anyway, what did you get us?”
“It’s a surprise. I’m very sure you will like it,” he said.
This look on his face tells me that I shouldn’t trust him. He must have ordered something nasty like insects and stuff. If he does, I would really lose it.
A little later, the food started coming out from the kitchen and was brought by the old lady, placed down on top of our table. I was so shocked to see how many he had ordered.
I glanced at the old lady as I felt her gently pat my back before speaking to me in Korean. I had no idea what she just told me so I replied with a smile only. Then, she left us to enjoy our meals.
I quickly looked at Eun-woo as he looked at me again after taking the spoon. “What did she tell me?”
“She said to enjoy your meal,” he replied.
“Are you sure that’s what she really told me?”
“Yah. If you’re going to ask me and not believe what I said, then stop asking me.” He ignored me after getting mad.
Why the fuck is he getting mad? I was just confirming.
I ignored him as well and started eating the bowl of rice with different vegetables, meat, sunny-side-up egg, and what seems to be ketchup.
“What are you doing?” I heard him again.
I glared at him. “I’m eating. What else do you think I’m doing?”
“You’re eating it wrong.” Eun-woo took my bowl as well as the spoon I’m holding and started to mix everything inside it.
I watched how he mixed my food naturally, well of course it’s because he’s Korean. But, I didn’t know you had to do it correctly. Will I get to have an exam about how I properly mixed my food after this?
“If you want to enjoy the best Korean food, you have to properly do it,” Eun-woo said. “This dish is called bibimbap which is Korean mixed rice in English.”
Oh, so that’s why…
He put back the bowl in front of me and handed me over my spoon. “Now, you can eat.”
I took my spoon from him and quietly continued eating. I didn’t expect to find myself comfortable eating with him at the same table since this is only the second time being with him at the same place.
I secretly looked at him and wondered if he could remember what he did to me yesterday while he was drunk. I wanted to ask him about it, but I don’t even know how and where to begin. So, I just ignored my will to ask and continued eating.
“Talk to me if you have something to say.” I looked up to him in shock after hearing him say that. He was just casually eating his lunch.
“Oh?” I have to think of what to tell him. Then, this other dish that looks like sushi caught my attention, so I pointed at it. “What is this? Is this some kind of sushi but bigger?”
I saw how he casually glanced at it before looking back at his bowl. “That’s kimbap. It’s also called Korean sushi, but it doesn’t have fish inside.”
“What does it have, then?” I continued asking.
“Rice, meat, and all sorts of vegetables.”
“Such as?”
I felt scared when Eun-woo suddenly put down his spoon and looked at me with a serious face. Don’t tell me he’s getting mad again. Is he having his period? Gosh.
“Do you want it or not?” He asked.
“What are you…” He sighed heavily.
Is he talking about the kimbap?
“No! I’m okay, I’ll have it later!” I quickly told him before I went back to eating.
Am I getting into his core? Is he having his limit already? I’m honestly nervous right now. He must be really getting irritated with me. But, I really wanted to open up to him about what happened yesterday night.
I sighed before looking at him again. “You haven’t apologized to me yet.”
He looked at me with just his eyes and it felt like piercing me. “What are you talking about?”
So, he doesn’t seem to remember at all. Alright! I’ll make him remember what he did to me last night.
“You called me ugly before tackling me and going over my body, cornering me with your arms on both sides of my head while I’m helplessly lying down on the floor,” I explained everything to him the way an author would explain it.
“Huh?” I questioned him.
“You’re the one who tackled me and went over my body,” he said. “You’re the one who put yourself into that situation.”
“That’s not true! If you weren’t drunk and suddenly–”
That’s when I realized what he just told me and I slowly looked at him. He was just staring at me, waiting for me to proceed with what I was saying. I felt heat surrounding me and getting up in my head while I was looking at him.
“You weren’t even drunk at all last night, were you?” My teeth gritted as I asked him that question.
“I drank, but I wasn’t completely drunk.” He leaned back on his chair, showing how comfortable he is right now while I’m not.
“You motherf–”
“Ooh. Be careful with your words.” He smirked.
I madly put down the utensils I’m holding before taking my shoulder bag and phone as I got up from my seat.
“Where are you going?” I heard him ask me.
“Go fuck yourself!” I walked away from the restaurant and left him.

Bình Luận Sách (137)

  • avatar
    Cj Magnifico

    nadadala ako ng emosyon nito😊😊


  • avatar
    Kim Yarcia

    good job


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