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Chương 2 BREAD and BUTTER

“The purpose of our activities on earth must go beyond bread and butter or merely surviving.…”
My mom and I were in the living room of our home. And I couldn't help but wonder why she suddenly brought a man who is not just any ordinary man. I was sitting across from him while my mom was sitting right next to me on the sofa. We were all silently observing one another.
"Isla, baby…" I heard my mom speak to me so I looked at her. She looked so serious right now. "This is Mr. Woo-jin Lee. He's my boss from the Philippines branch of the company called Grand Publishing."
I know that company. I mean, they produce both online pay-to-read novels and traditional published novels under the name of Grand Books. They're everywhere and very famous amongst teenagers.
I looked at the man as he started talking to me in courtesy. "It's nice to finally meet you, Isla. Forgive me for suddenly coming here to your home."
"Oh, please don't be. I invited you to our house." I heard from my mom and I saw the way he speaks to her boss. It's like they're… undeniably close to each other.
"Will you please get straight to the point?" I suddenly blurted out. I don't know if that went rude for them to hear, but I just wanted them to cut the chase.
I saw how they looked at each other. They're both nervous. But, my mom was the one to start the real conversation.
"Isla," she said. "I think I'm ready to settle with someone and get married for the second time."
Hearing that in all of sudden brought flashbacks of what I went through, two years ago. I could still hear the sound of rain and the ambulance sirens in my head.
"It's almost three years already and I think I've been grieving enough for your dad's death. I have thought about it many times before coming into this kind of situation," she continued. "Don't you think I deserve to be happy once again?"
Don't get it wrong. I'm listening to what my mom has been telling me right now, but I don't think I'm able to understand it at all. How can she move on so easily? While here I am, still longing for my dad's presence. Did my mom ever love my dad?
I gulped. "I don't know… mom."
I assumed that my response made them speechless. I also felt ashamed after I realized what I just said, the reason I got up from my seat and unable to look at their faces.
"I need to study."
I felt so bad for walking out of the conversation. I felt like I became rude, but what am I supposed to do? I don't want to get mad at them, mostly at my mom for finding her happiness with someone she loves. That would make me look like a bad daughter.
That meeting didn't go well. But, my mom was so eager to let me know every decision she's made about getting married once again. Slowly, I started to accept the fact that we all need to move on from that painful incident. The certain moment that changed our lives.
It’s already 7:00 p.m. and the event hasn’t started yet. I’m waiting inside the room where I checked in and already dressed in white sleeveless swing dress with a vintage floral lace design.
The dress was paired with Badgley Mischka’s women's pointed-toe pumps. And the fact that my feet are hurting even though I’m not even walking yet is just unbelievable. I’m not used to wearing high heels.
A little later, I was escorted out of the room with random people who introduced themselves to be working for Mr. Woo-jin until I was brought inside the function hall. I was assigned to a table that was placed a bit closer to the main stage where the quick wedding ceremony will be happening.
I sat down on one of the available chairs – there's actually only three chairs – from the assigned table and calmed myself down as I looked around to see if I’m able to find my mom. Ever since I arrived here at the hotel, I’ve not heard anything from her, not even a text. She must be really busy.
What kind of mom is she? Just because she’s in love again like a maiden would be, she forgot about her daughter.
A few minutes later, the tables inside the hall are being occupied by the arriving guests. But, I noticed that the table where I am right now wasn’t approached by any of the guests. I feel embarrassed for sitting alone here. I don’t even know if this is the right place where I should be sitting.
Then, there was this announcement I never understood because it was said in Korean. After that, beautiful music played and that’s when I realized the ceremony was already starting.
I’m gonna see my mom!
I quickly took my phone so that I could take a picture of her as she walked in the center going towards the stage. She was accompanied by Mr. Woo-jin and they looked so happy together.
I couldn’t help but smile as I watched them. Then, I quickly switch from taking a photo to taking a video. However, I got distracted when someone went on the way where my phone camera was facing. Who the hell just blocked the view?
I lowered my phone before looking at the one who rudely blocked the camera and I saw a young man who is six feet in height. He doesn’t look Korean at all, but he looks maturely cute…
“Is someone sitting here?” He asked me in English, referring to the chair on my right which I’m facing right now.
I shook my head dumbfoundedly and that’s when he sat down there. I quickly look away from him, facing the table again. Argh! I wasn’t able to take a video of my mom because of this dude!
The ceremony went on and since I’m the kind of person who gets bored easily, I noticed that no one has come up yet to our table to occupy the last chair. I just have to ignore it. Then, I decided to get on my phone just to browse online. People might think I’m being rude, but the only reason I am here is because of my mom.
“You must be her daughter…”
My attention went to the young man on my right side. Is he speaking to me? I was wondering how come he knew that I could understand English, the reason he kept talking to me?
“Are you referring to me?” I looked at him and he remained looking at the stage.
“You are Isla Encantar, right?” He asked. How did he know my name?
“I see.”
That’s it? Why did he even bother asking? I need to start a conversation with this one. I have a familiar feeling about him, I just can’t confirm. Maybe if I tried talking to him more I will get to know what I need to know.
I put down my phone on top of the table and slightly faced him just to see if he’s willing to talk. I waited for him to notice me, which he did after a few seconds.
“Do you want to say something?” He finally asked.
“I feel like I need to know your name,” I told him.
“Are you hitting on me right now?”
Well… I didn’t expect him to say that. He looks cute and I’m not even disappointed after he asked me that kind of question.
“Do I look like I’m hitting on you?” I questioned him.
That was such a cold reply. Fine.
I sighed as I looked away from him. “If you don’t want to tell me your–”
“Ji-hoon.” I looked at him again and he was already looking at the stage.
I nodded in acknowledgement. “It’s nice to meet you, Ji-hoon.”
I noticed how his eyes moved and they’re kind of moving nervously as if he wanted to try and look at me, but he just can’t do it.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” he replied. “Isla.”
I couldn’t help but smile at him after he said my name again. I don’t know. I just feel happy when people call me by my first name. Very shallow of me, eh?
Ji-hoon and I maintained the slight awkwardness between us until slowly, he started talking to me comfortably.
“Are you fine with your mom getting married to him?” He suddenly asked.
“I don’t mind to whom she gets married again. As long as she’s happy with it, I’ll be happy for her too,” I said.
Ji-hoon nodded at me. “You must really be her daughter.”
“What do you mean by that?” I scoffed at him, slightly insulted. Don’t I look like my mom?
“You take after her personality of being considerate. Now, I believe you are her daughter,” he commented.
I remained quiet after hearing what he said. Then, he looked at me before slightly smirking.
“Were you insulted with what I said?”
I pouted and looked away. “Not really.”
“Okay,” he said. “I’m sorry for insulting you.”
At the end of the ceremony, I decided to go back to my room to take some rest since my mom and her husband would still be entertaining some guests. I would just wait for her to come to my room when she has free time.
On my way out of the hall, I was called by one of Mr. Woo-jin's staff again, telling me to come with them to a certain place inside the same hotel. But, on my way there, Ji-hoon unbelievably followed me.
"I have been looking for you earlier," he said.
Uh, why would he be looking for me?
“Oh, I’m sorry for leaving without telling you,” I said kindly.
“No, it’s okay.” He continued walking alongside. "Where are you heading, by the way?"
"I'm not sure. They just told me to come with them to this certain area in the same hotel," I explained.
"I see. Let me come with you as well," Ji-hoon said.
I smiled at him. “Let’s go, then.”
After walking for a few moments, we reached another function hall, but this time it was a little smaller than the previous one. I don’t know why I was brought here in the first place, not until I saw my mom show up together with Mr. Woo-jin.
“Mom?” I was surprised.
She opened her arms wide enough for me to go and give her a hug which I did. It’s been a month for us not to see and be with each other, but here I am missing her like crazy.
“My baby…” She told me as she caressed my head. “I’m glad you arrived here safely.”
We looked at each other after breaking the hug. “Of course! I won’t be missing your wedding.”
She smiled at me proudly. Then, Mr. Woo-jin caught my attention after he called my name.
“It’s nice to see you again, Isla.” He carefully and gently embraced me like he’s my real dad. It has been a long time since I got hugged by a man.
After breaking our hug, they looked at Ji-hoon. They might think I'm hitting on some random guy already, that's why I decided to introduce him.
"Anyway, I would like to introduce you guys to this young man with me. His name is Ji-hoon and we just met today after sharing the same table earlier," I said. "Ji-hoon, this is my mom and with her is Mr. Woo-jin, her husband."
I noticed how they went in silence and it made me curious as to why they would react like that. Did I make them speechless? I hope they don't think I'm bluffing for introducing a guy at the same time as their wedding event.
I was surprised when Ji-hoon suddenly laughed, then he was followed by my mom, and lastly Mr. Woo-jin. I don't know why they're laughing right now, but I'm very curious to know.
"W-Why are you guys laughing? Did I say something funny?" I couldn't even manage to smile.
My mom approached me and clinged on my left arm. "Baby, don't you remember Ji-hoon?"
I looked at her in question. "What do you mean?"
"I guess Isla hasn't seen Ji-hoon before…" I looked at Mr. Woo-jin. "But, I remembered introducing him to her back then."
I honestly don't know what they're talking about. Mr. Woo-jin introduced Ji-hoon to me back then? When was that? Maybe I didn't pay any attention when he did that.
"Ji-hoon is my younger son," Mr. Woo-jin said.
After hearing that statement, that's when I started to recall the conversation I had with them where Mr. Woo-jin casually told me about his two sons, and the name I could only remember is Ji-hoon. Now, I know why he seemed familiar to me.
I looked at Ji-hoon and he was just smiling at me. "So that means…"
"My name is Ji-hoon Lee," he fully introduced himself.
I got pranked! How could I know he's Mr. Woo-jin's son? He doesn't even look like him! He doesn't look Korean although his name is all Korean. His mother must be non-Korean.
"Ji-hoon will be your step brother. Don't worry, you don't have to adjust yourself because you're the same age as him," Mr. Woo-jin said.
I looked at Ji-hoon again and he was just staring at me like he's very interested in me. I can't believe he thought that I was hitting on him earlier with him knowing that we're step siblings.
"Speaking of your sons, honey…" My mom turned to look at her husband and just hearing her call him like that slightly creeped me. "I didn't see Eun-woo."
Mr. Woo-jin looked at me. "The one who sent you here is my older son, Eun-woo. Did he come with you here?"
The one who sent me…
Oh shocks! Are they saying that the one who is supposed to be fetching me from the bus stop while riding a black car is the same Eun-woo who is Mr. Woo-jin's older son?!
I automatically covered my mouth in shock which made Ji-hoon immediately figure out the reason for his sudden laughter.
I don't know if I should tell them the truth. What would happen if I told my mom that I went with some random guy and allowed him to send me here? She might smack me for that carelessness of mine.
"Uh… well, about that–"
"I'm here."
A deep, but refreshing voice caught our attention which made me turn around to look who just spoke behind us. There was this other young man with six feet in height just like Ji-hoon who arrived wearing a black suit. However, this time he looked just like the younger version of Mr. Woo-jin.
And he's undeniably handsome and very manly. His sex appeal is just out of this world, enough to make his surroundings glimmer. He looked like those webtoon male characters which is really unrealistic if you see in real life. It's just unbelievable!
"Eun-woo, you're here…" Mr. Woo-jin called him.
"Congratulations to the two of you," Eun-woo told them plainly.
Why does he sound so bored?
"Thank you for taking care of my daughter by bringing her here safely," my mom told him.
I noticed how Eun-woo glared at me while both his hands were inside his pockets. Will he tell them that he wasn't the one who took me here? I'm so doomed if he does!
He sighed. "I won't do it again."
THAT'S COLD AF! But, he didn't tell them the truth. Why?

Bình Luận Sách (137)

  • avatar
    Cj Magnifico

    nadadala ako ng emosyon nito😊😊


  • avatar
    Kim Yarcia

    good job


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