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7. Fall From motorbike

Darren rode his motorbike a little speeding. And the motorbike that Darren was driving was pointing towards where Darka was standing because the direction to go home was that way. Seconds later Darka immediately stood in front of him and blocked Darren's motorbike.
"Darren!" shouted Gilan.
"Darren!" shouted his friends.
"Damn it. Why did he block my motorbike? Does he want to die?" Darren muttered.
Darren honked his motorcycle horn repeatedly. But Darka remained unmoved in her position.
"Darka. What are you doing? Get out of the way!" shouted Gilan.
Darren continued to drive his motorbike straight without any intention of turning the handlebars of his motorbike. Darren glared at Darka.
"Fuck! Get out of the way you damn thing," said Darren.
Only a few meters more Darren's motorbike will hit Darren's body. While Darka was still in her position with her arms outstretched and her eyes closed, then seconds later...
"DARREEENNN!" shouted Gilang and his friends.
They ran towards Darren. The motorbike that Darren was driving fell and the motorbike squeezed his leg. Darren himself was unconscious after his body hit the asphalt.
Meanwhile, Darka was shocked when she saw Darren who fell from his motorbike. Darka cries. Darka's goal was to block Darren's motorbike so that his younger brother would stop his motorbike, then Darka could talk to him and persuade him to go home.
"We'll take Darren to the hospital. Bring Darren into his brother's car," said Gilang.
Gilang looked at Darka "Darka. You get in the car. We will take Darel to the hospital."
[Living room]
It was already four in the afternoon. And now the Smiths were in the living room. They gathered together after a few hours ago they were busy with their respective activities outside the house except for Darka and Gilang. Both are still on campus.
"How long will our family be like this? Have any of you not tried to find out where Darren lives? Or are you really happy living without Darren in this house?" said and asked Evan.
"Uncle," whispered Davin, Andra, Dzaky, Adnan, Adrian, Mathew, Nathan and Ivan.
Melvin was silent and didn't say a word. In his mind at this time only his beloved Kakal. While the others cried when they heard Evan's words.
"We never again feel what happiness is, Uncle! Our happiness has been taken away by our youngest brother," said Dzaky.
"We've suffered all this time, Uncle! Suffered from our mistakes to Darren," Andra said.
"If time could be replayed. I would choose to believe in my sister over the video," Adnan said quietly.
"But in fact you and your siblings even your parents believe more in the video," quipped Carrisa.
"Aunt Carrisa, enough! Don't keep punishing us like this. We know it's all our fault. Please forgive us," said Mathew.
"How dare you go against your aunt, huh?! What if Auntie forgive you and your brothers everything will return to normal as before!" snapped Carrisa.
Mathew immediately looked down afraid to see Carrisa's face. "Even though Darren forgives you. But your togetherness and cohesiveness will never return to the way it used to be. There will be awkwardness between you, especially for Darren. Darren will be awkward dealing with you. Darren will no longer act like he used to. just in front of you." Carrisa glared at her nieces and nephews.
"Why can Aunt Carrisa be so sure? Not necessarily Sis Darren is like that," Nathan said.
Carrisa looked at Nathan's face. "Because you have snatched his happiness. Without you knowing it, you and your brothers have captured the attention of Davin and his five younger siblings and also the attention of his father," Carrisa replied.
Adrian, Mathew, Nathan, Ivan and Melvin were surprised to hear Carrisa's story. "W-why do Aunt Carrisa talk like that? We never ..." Nathan stopped.
"You didn't do it openly. But you did it subconsciously. Like Auntie said just now," said Carrisa.
Carrisa looked at Nathan's face. "Now answer Auntie's question. Have you ever called Davin and asked him to come home soon?"
"Hello, Sis Davin. I want you to go home now. Anything important?"
"Y-yes. Then?" asked Nathan back.
"Then when you called Davin. You threatened Davin if Davin didn't come home. Then you'd be on a hunger strike for three days. Is that right?" she asked.
"I don't care. Brother has to go home. Otherwise, I'll be on a hunger strike for three days."
"Y-yes." Nathan answered in a trembling voice.
"You told Davin to come home immediately just to accompany you to the mini market. Auntie right?"
"Yes, ma'am!" Nathan answered with his head lowered.
"Now Aunt tell you, Nathan Agwa Smith. When you called Davin. Davin was with Andra.
David, Andra and Darren. They had made an appointment to go out together. Just the three of them. Davin and Andra did this to share their time with Darren because they were rarely there for Darren. But because of you, Davin and Andra's plans fell apart. Davin and Andra who were supposed to pick up Darren at school, finally came home to meet you. And what happened to Darren, my poor nephew, huh?!" shouted Carrisa. "Darren waited for hours at his school and in the end Darren decided to take a taxi home. When he got home, his heart really broke when he saw you laughing happily with Davin and Andra. It should have been Darel's happiness. But you took it, Nathan!" Carrisa shouted.
"Sob." Nathan sobbed. Nathan didn't cry because of his aunt's yelling or yelling. But the blame was on Darren, his older brother.
"Carrisa. But Nathan didn't know about it. If Nathan knew, maybe Nathan wouldn't have done that," said Agneta. Agneta couldn't bear to see her son sobbing.
"Yes, I know. Nathan doesn't know that. But Natha. Can ask Davin first. Where are you Davin? What are you doing? Is Davin busy or not? Instead of directly threatening Davin and telling Davin to go home," replied Nathan.
Agnet was silent. He didn't know what else to say. He confirmed Carrisa's words.
"Carrisa looked at Davin and Andra." And Aunt is also disappointed with you Davin, Andra. Auntie doesn't really blame you either. But your attitude is the same as Nathan. It should have been at that time, when Nathan threatened you. You're the only one going home, Davin! Meanwhile, Andra can go directly to Darren's school and continue to carry out your plans. So you as brother can be fair to your two younger siblings at that time. Davin comes home and Andra goes to Darren's school. Fair? But it's not. You two prefer to make your other sister happy who is only one father with you. Meanwhile, your other brother, who is in the same womb and the same father as you, has been hurt by your unfair attitude." Carrisa spoke with a look full of anger.
Davin and Andra cursed their stupidity for hurting their youngest brother. Then they remembered their promise to Darren back then.
"Hello Nathan. What's wrong?
"Hello, Davina. I want you to go home now. Anything important?"
"But you can't, Nathan,"
"I don't care. Brother has to go home. Otherwise I'll be on a hunger strike for three days."
"Okay. Brother will be home."
"What's wrong sis?" asked Andra.
"You have to go home. Nathan asked you to go home now. Otherwise Nathan threatens to go on a hunger strike for three days," answered Davin.
"Aish. That boy always uses threats to obey his wishes. After a long time I threw the boy into the sea," annoyed Andra.
"Do you have the heart?" sneered David.
"Never mind. We'd better go home," said Andra.

Bình Luận Sách (445)

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    Loidena Tumlos

    nice story


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