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5. Darren's Annoyance

[Darren's Room]
Darren is currently getting ready to leave for Campus. He had been absent from campus for ten days, due to illness after he fell while carrying out his duties. Currently the campus is preparing activities for their tour around several small cities in the context of Social Service. The event will be held next month. Darren who served as chairman. And he served all types of activities on campus.
That's not Darren. Even though he was in recovery for ten days, Darren was still busy taking care of all his work. Sometimes he is lazy, sometimes super active.
The time is already 7:30. Darren is already neat with his college clothes. And now he was walking down the stairs to the dining table.
[Dining table]
Jungkook stepped towards the dining table and he could see the waiter was setting breakfast on the table.
"Morning, sir."
"Morning, Miss."
Darren immediately sat on his ass on the chair. He immediately ate the breakfast that was prepared by the waiter.
After finishing breakfast, Darren immediately went to Campus.
[Dining table]
Erland and his family members were already at the dining table. As usual, they ate silently. Everyone ate in silence. In their hearts, the one who usually started the fuss at the dinner table was Darren. Darren always teases Darka and his five younger siblings. But now the suspect was not with them.
"I am done!" exclaimed Darka
Darka immediately got up from her seat, then left the dining table without saying anything else.
They all looked at Darka's departure with sad eyes.
"I'm done too. Then I'll follow, Darka," said Gilang. Gilang left the dining table
And ten minutes later, they were all finished with their breakfast. And do their own activities. Some go to school, some go to the office and some go to boutiques.
Gilang and Darka are still on their way to Campus using Gilang's car. During the trip there was no conversation between the two. Darka chose to stare out the window. Meanwhile, Gilang occasionally glanced at Darka.
"Darka," Gilang called.
But the caller did not answer. Darka was still in her position staring out the window. And Darka had absolutely no intention of answering Gilang's call.
"Come on, Darka. Don't be silent. Talk about it."
Darka turned her gaze to look at Gilang. "Do you want me to curse you or swear your life will be shorter?" asked Darka curtly
"Yes. You..." annoyed Gilang
"Yes or no?" Ask Darka looking sharply at Gilang
"The answer is of course no," replied Gilang
"Then just shut up. Don't talk too much. Get the car right." Darka spoke in a curt tone, after looking back out the window
Gilang glared at Darka's words. "You damn alien. Luckily you're my sister. Otherwise..." Gilang muttered.
Without Gilang realizing his mumbling was heard by Darka. Darka glanced briefly at Gilang, then looked back at the front.
"Otherwise what?" ask Darka
"If not what...?" ask Gilang back
"Don't be like a turtle in a bull boat. You think I didn't hear your muttering, huh!" said Darka
"Hehehe. Sorry.."
After that there was an argument between the two. They fell silent again. So they arrived in front of the campus.
"We have arrived!" Gilang exclaimed
In front of the campus, there is a special parking lot for students and students who bring private vehicles. And the place is made of two kinds. Special cars and special motorcycles. And each parking lot has six people guarding it plus surveillance cameras instead of CCTV cameras. So the ones who knew there was a camera there were the Campus and Darren himself. Why did Darren know that too? Because it was Darreb who installed the cameras.
"Without you telling me, I already knew," Darka snarled
"Haaaah.. Patience Gilang. Patience. He is your brother," Gilang thought while stroking his chest.
Darka secretly smiled seeing Gilang who was nagging himself.
When Gilang and Darka wanted to step into the campus yard. They saw the figure of the young man they missed so much. The young man had just arrived at Campus by using his motorbike. That young man was Darren, their favorite youngest brother.
"Darren," Darka and Gilang thought. They both kept their eyes on Darren.
Darren was parking his motorbike without paying attention to his surroundings.
When Darren was about to get off his motorbike. His cell phone sounded. Darren immediately took his cell phone from his pocket and answered the call immediately.
"Hello, Quinn."
"Hello, cockroach tail. Where are you?"
"Damn you Mingtem. Want to make a fuss early in the morning, huh!"
"Hehehehe. Oh my.. Damn the tail cockroach."
"You really, really. You really want to make a fuss, huh!" Darren shouted
"Hehehe.. sorryyyy... where are you? Have you arrived at Campus yet?"
"Yes. I have arrived at the Campus. To be precise in front of the Campus. Now it's still on the motorbike."
"Why are you still there? Hurry up here. There's still a lot of work here. It's not finished yet. Only ten days left!"
"Well, there are you as my lackey. And assisted by my other lackeys. Why do you have to wait for the boss to come too, anyway?"
"Yes. Darrendra Smi...!!" Qenan's speech stopped
"What? You want to say the name of that damn clan," Darren huffed
"Darren. It turns out that you really don't use the Smith clan anymore behind your name," Gilang thought in tears
"Darren," Darka whispered
"Well, Ren. I didn't mean to."
"Yes, yes. I know. Yes, I have. I'm going to the Hall now," said Darka. Darka immediately ended the call.
After finishing talking to Qenan on the phone. Darren immediately left the parking lot to go to his class. But suddenly his steps stopped when he saw two people he hated so much.
Now the three of them looked at each other. Darren looked at Darka's and Gilang's faces. On the other hand, Gilang and Darka.
After five minutes of staring at each other, Darren finally decided to leave the two of them.
"Darren," Darka called by grabbing Darren's hand
Darren glanced at the hand held by Darka without turning his body.
"What do you want?" asked Darka curtly
"Go home. Brother, please," Darka whispered
"Going home? Of course I'm going home. I really live on campus, huh!" Darren answered him in a curt tone
Dark smiled. "Is it true that you're going home, Ren?" ask Darka
"Yes," Darren answered
"Then you're going back to the Smiths. And back with us!" Gilang exclaimed
Darka pulled her hand roughly, then Darren turned his body to look at the faces of the two former brothers.
"Haha.. What are you two talking about, huh?! I did say I'm going home. Not that I'm going back to that bastard family's house. But I'm going back to my house. The house I bought with all my hard work. So, You guys don't have to dream and fantasize too much if I'm going back to that hell house again. I'll never set foot in that house again. Understood."
After saying that, Darren left Gilang and Darka who cried hearing the story from him.
"Sob.. Darreb." Darka sobs
"Dark." Gilang hugged Darka's body. "Don't listen to what Darren just said, okay. Let's just say it's just a piece of Darreb's disappointment," Gilang consoled
"Yes, we have. We'd better go to class," said Gilang
[Meeting Hall]
Darren was already in the Assembly Hall. Currently Darren and other members including seven of his friends are busy preparing all the data and equipment that will be brought during their tour in ten days.
"How was the preparation?"
"Everyone is ready with their respective duties, Ren." Lisa was the first to answer
"Say anything please," Darren asked
"The consumption section is Dita, Lala, Alin, Sasya, Anggi, Nana, Dian, Nina, Wulan and Tasya. The Medicines section is Kesya, Rina, Dara, Rara, Nuri, Sasa, Rita, Dina, Dila and Rere. The basic necessities are Rama, Dayat, Dilan, Surya, Hilman, Citra, Indah, Suci, Yuki and Tari." Lisa mentions the names of the members complete with their respective tasks
"So where are the others? Why is it only like this?" It's Darren
"That.. the others are in...." Lisa's words stopped
"If you say that clearly, Lis..." annoyed Darren
"Yeah, Ren. Relax. What's wrong? Is there a problem?" ask Willy
Darren didn't answer Willy's question. Indeed, Darren is in a bad mood right now.
"Sorry everyone. Sorry we're late!" exclaimed Darka who came with Gilang and the rest of his team
All of them in the Hall looked at Darka and the group, except for Darren.
"Ah, it's okay. Hyung and the others are only five minutes late," said Jerry
Then Darka, Gilang and his team sat around facing Darren and the other teams.
"Darren. Some of the data is with Sis Darka," said Qenan
Darren did not glance at Darka and Gilang at all. Seeing Darren's unfriendly face, made them all confused to start their activities.
Then Axek approached Darren and whispered something in Darren's ear. "Ren. I know you have a problem with your two brothers. And I also know you don't want to have anything to do with them. But for now, put your ego aside. Show your responsibilities as chairman here. our work."
After whispering those words, Axel returned to his place. Can be seen by Axel and his other friends, there is a slight change in Darren's face.
Darren looked at Darka. "May I see your discussion report for our Tour in ten days?"
Darka smiled, then handed the blue folder to Darren, his sister. Darren immediately accepted it and opened the map. When Darren read the contents, Darren subconsciously smiled seeing the results of their recap of their Tour schedule.
"That's a good recap," Darren muttered
And his murmur was heard by all of them, especially Darka. Darka smiled happily when she heard her sister's muttering.
"What did you just say, Ren?" ask Dylan
"Ah, nothing."
Those who heard Darren's answer just shook their heads. They smiled happily seeing Darren's face trying to cover up his lie.
"You furry rabbit. Pretending to sell everything expensive," thought his friends
"This." Darren handed the map over to Darka
"Tomorrow I'll ask for a copy. Send it to my e-mail," said Darren
"Okay," they answered, except for Darka, Gilang and his team. Because only they don't know Darren's email
"Sorry, Da-darren. We don't know your e-mail. How can we send a copy of this recording," said Gilang
"Just ask them. They know my e-mail," Darren answered
"Nothing else? Then we just end this meeting," said Darren.
After that, Darren immediately left without paying attention to the death stares of his members.
"You heartless mange bunny," irked Jerry
"Indeed," Dylan said
"Rabbit ringworm," said Qenan
"Silly psychopath," Willy said
"Shut up you lackeys.. damn ash upik!" shouted Darren who suddenly returned to the Hall.
Suddenly it succeeded in making the four silent shut their lips. While the others laughed.
"Ha ha ha ha.."
"Hehehe... Ren!! How come you're back again. Did anyone forget, huh?" Willy asked awkwardly
"Yes. There is indeed someone who forgot. Forgot to slap your mouth with my shoes," Darren replied as he opened one of his hands.
Meanwhile Willy, Jerry, Dylan and Qenan immediately rushed out of the room to avoid their rabbit's fury.
"Hahahahaha." Their laughter broke out again, including Darka and Gilang.

Bình Luận Sách (445)

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    Loidena Tumlos

    nice story


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