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Chapter 7: Time Square

"Little miss and Lord Finn, we have arrived." The coachman said as he opened the doors of the carriage.
and in looked at the coachman and smiled, she held the little boy's hand and she immediately dragged him off the carriage not minding her manners.
The coachman was about to help her but she shook her head telling him that she's fine. "Mister, we'll be spending time on the Capital so we won't be going back after visiting this shop. Please go take the horse for a meal and come back when the Knights around find you. Don't worry though, the Knights are all over the place, and we just want to have fun..." She wiggles telling the coachman to come back after his horse rested well, the Coachman nodded and decided to leave since it was said by the young miss.
Finn and Yubin held hands though she led the way, it was embarrassing for Finn to resist, and definitely, it's his first time holding someone's hands.
However, for Yubin to act as if this is natural. She must have held several hands, for her not to notice the discomfort a little boy like Finn has felted.
"Greetings, miss and Lord Finn. I hope you have been doing well." Before she knew it, they were inside the shop, it was a beautiful shop with a manager taking care of the people coming in and out of the shop.
There we're people as well, they looked fascinated by the store's design that they forget the person present in front of them. It was a maiden whose age won't increase to 29 or 30 at so, she where usual commoners dress and her eyes sparkle with beauty, even so, she's old.
She looked haggard though, maybe she was unable to sleep well. Or she might be taken the night shift to be so tired like this, Yubin notices that she's been very exhausted from the way she talks.
"Oh dear, are you fine, miss? You seem so tired, should we come back to inspect later? You really need a rest," the maiden looked shocked but she just shake her head, disapproving of her question.
In Castaline, every shop that will be built (new or not) will be inspected by the King or the Queen. They said this is a history to build a good relationship with the mercenaries and the Royals, to continue maintaining the prosperity of the Castaline's Tradition.
To ensure not puberty will alarm the nation, to ensure good wealth and healthy living. This is also because the Castaline allows commoners to build their own business, and every unemployed people the poor can take jobs to feed themselves, others have this project they call 'Together we help' in order to help those who can't work nor those who live without proper, they will be guided until they will find jobs of there own...
The idea is not beneficial to one person, but it is beneficial to one nation. The reason why the Castaline was marked as the West Head, is that because of their achievements that cause the proper increase of the Castaline's Economy.
Yubin had not learned this for she must be approved to be someone with high status in the palace to learn these things, however, she was given private lessons by the King, who spare himself time to teach her most of the basics until she is available to continue to the extreme lessons that not all commoners may know.
"No, miss, I was just handling some things so I didn't get enough sleep. Please pay no mind to my looks, for now, we have prepared a VIP table for both of you, the cooks have prepared all of the dishes that will be inspected. So please do follow me, I'll lead the way." The manager said.
Yubin nodded, "then take care of us, miss manager."
The manager led the way through the second floor, accomplishing the nearest door with a vintage wooden door and a slight door design of sculpted lines.
As she opened the door, a view of the outside was seen above the huge windows. Light reflected the entire room, the tables were shinny, and the chair was dyed with white despite being wooden chairs.
A small light chandelier was above the table,  the white transparent curtains below flew in the majestic of the wind. When Yubin enters, she has forgotten the fact that this is another world, different from where she originally came from and a place she has never seen her entire life as Yubin from another world...
"This is a renovated VIP room for nobles, we design this accordingly to the view of the noble of perspective for designs. We hope you'll enjoy your stay and our service, we do hope to get proper feedback from the King himself but we didn't know, he assigned you, well the palace said that you were intelligent enough to supervise our shop." Right, Yubin was here in the task to inspect this shop from the designs to the sweets they'll sell, and even with the tidiness of the place.
To ensure what inspect is, that is to visit the shop, observe the services and measure how fine the shop is. She looked rather amazed but she started coughing, she knew she must observe this place besides it's her task.
She gives a quick look at every detail of the room and notices some necessary and not necessary to report. She looked at the manager with her serious looks before she pointed the things she notice.
"First of all, this room is nice and eye-catching. So that tiny little dusted in the windows and up by the chandelier, please tidy up correctly." Yubin said shocking her head in disbelief.
"Oh, the crew must have not to clean that part, I apologize, I didn't think that it's noticeable thought. Anyways, please have a seat before we release the sweets miss." Yubin took the chance to nod, Yubin and Finn took a seat as they were told before the manager excuse herself to leave.
"Pheobe, there's something I wanted to ask," Finn said while he was observing Pheobe's movements.
"Okey, what is it? " She asked.
"Are you by any chance familiar with the Royal Blood? " The question Finn asked made Yubin confused.
It's not that she doesn't know, though it feels like she knows of it but can't remember. She gives a little thought before answering thinking of remembering but the more she thinks the more her memories of her past we're fuzzy.
"I cannot tell, though it's very familiar... I do not really remember anything, sorry I couldn't tell." She answer holding her head as if she was hit by a piano that her head seem to ache.
"Oh, no, it's fine. Don't push yourself if you less remember things." Finn waved his hands shaking that it's okay as yubin looks at him, she become saddened and she quietly nodded.
"Miss and Lord, we apologize for the long wait. A commotion broke in the lobby so we had to take care care of it first. Either way, please do not worry." The shop manager arrived placing the tray in her hands and the other crew in her back holding the same tray yet different sweets and cakes in order.
"No it's fine, we didn't wait that long. Seem you got a pretty big deal, huh? Is it resolved now?" Yubin said asking the question she just want to ask.
The Shop Manager looked at her as she prepared the sweets at their table, putting them in order and giving the plates stylish looks. She looked at the sweets she was organizing.
"It's not really that big deal though, at business, we expected challenges like this. We can't avoid a hustle of rivals hiring thugs to ruin our opening celebration. We already resolve the matter, miss, we hope this didn't change your perspective of our shop." The manager carefully slashes down the final piece of the cupcake before she looks at Yubin who was giving her calm looks.
Yubin took a bite of the cookies she first saw, it was then she taste it and smile. Though Yubin is a food geek, it is hard to see her getting fat because she's still skinny.
"I do not see a problem here, thought avoiding such as this is recommended. If it's not me that has come in here, shouldn't others be minding this chaos in their own affair, accusing this shop without thinking. Let's us just enjoy these sweets before you could have my opinion and comment in your shop." Yubin calmly said but her smile as she digs her way through the sweets is very obvious to what comment she'll be saying.
She seem satisfied with her food, with her tea, so the Shop Manager nodded and they smile in relief. They might think that it's a good thing she likes them and it was a good thing she has a thin observation, it was nice for them to meet this lady who's been found thanks to their Queen.
They all bow in front of her. "May this be at your taste, we will be leaving so you and the Lord can enjoy them as much as you want. Please excuse us, we will take our leave."
After that, the Shop Manager and her crew were able to ask to leave. They left the two kids grooving on their sweets, thought Finn seem to have not enjoyed the food, he just might enjoy looking at Yubin eating as much as she can.
While the two kids enjoyed their stay out of the Palace, inside a cradle cell lays beyond a 15-year-old boy wearing his hometown's honorable uniform.
He looked so beaten up but that kid sure was stubborn as he tried to resist being abused by the Guards assigned to guard him up so that he won't try on fleeing or escaping from the Western Style barbaric imprisonment.
"This kid sure has the guts, he has not yet fallen since we started playing with him a little." The guards laugh mumbling at the kid who's energy has finally fallen, he started thinking of the time he wanted to be the be enough for his father that he didn't told him he joined the alliance.
"If only, I have listen, my fallen comrades should not have fall."
He thought, dreaming his good times with this comrades he remembered was also the Shadow Guards who died protecting him.
"Enough with this, his not fun to play anymore. Let's just head back before Captain Vincent comes, or will have to be punished again."
The guards left yet their footsteps can be heard as it goes away. The kid is left with nothing but regret as he tries his best from standing.
Now, what will he do? To what will he have to do to pass his father the message that the West has kept on a secret. He began thinking, looking around to find useful things before he tries moving the chains around his both hands while another chain was on his feet.
"It seems that they aren't just as what the reports said. They are tough with the prisoner, not even us can chain our people like this. Tsk, scums."
It's been a while since he drunk water that is why he can't think as intelligent as he does when he was still standing straight at his own territory.
"If only there's something that could help me escape from these chains..."
Finally, after looking around, he saw nothing, to that he had given up the hope to escape thought he knew that his father will commence a rescue for him so it didn't really scare him away.
"Damned! If only, I brought Kazika with me, this won't happen!" Shouting like an idiot he reminded himself about a person name Kazika who seem to be his friend who has the same interest as him.
He stayed still at the cold dungeon and he smile.

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    Frencheska Pacubas

    🎀 chada


  • avatar
    Adieseth Belostrino

    a very good story


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