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Chapter 6: Queens guest

"Long live the East! Long live the East Alliance!"
Walder took his cape as he walks immediately to avoid any eye's on him. He also avoided guards from the main street so he decided to take the alleys, he takes a few breaths and looks around the town when he saw the clear sky under the new age of the East.
He recall the mission he had taken, as the West ambassador. He knew risking this will be enough to give his brother information, however, it seems that the East has lots in their minds to take the war seriously or they might also be looking down on them.
He clearly looked at the Hue Castle, which can be viewed even in this location. This is the Hue Kingdom, the East Alliance representative, and the main branch of the East government affairs.
He took his cape off his head and gaze upon the castle of East. He clearly knew this place is different from the West but he can't believe that the East can be this terrifying.
Walder knew the East has developed the most outstanding weapon that may not be of the West League. He clearly saw that they will do anything, sacrifice everything for their own country...
"Within a year? What could these people be thinking to push a war within a year? Can we defeat such foes? They are clearly a master of war, but this is strange. They develop faster than we anticipated."
That's right, the situation is indeed strange for Walder while he started taking his cape back and he turns around.
He took a deep breath because he knew that he can't do anything about the war, besides he receives an official order from his King to return, so he must return to help the Kingdom's Military Knights and trainees.
The upcoming war will be bloody, no one has ever anticipated this kind of battle. Yubin who thought she knew all about the original novel's process, was stunned when the truth will be revealed to her.
Yubin read that book, and she spent days finishing it, however, does she really know all of the possible outcomes of the book, or rather a clue was anticipated unto the book that she didn't read.
What could it be?
Yubin stare at Finn's face, growling her teeth cause she was unable to take her cookies back. Finn looked satisfied with teasing the lady, however, the lady isn't satisfied being teased.
Yubin started crunching her fist but she only pouted. Whatever she does, she can't win against the teasing Finn. So Yubin just takes a nice breath and ignores that he even existed.
"Oh, hehe, is the lady perhaps giving up because she can't compare to my height?" Finn continued teasing her to the point that Yubin turn her back throwing her cup of tea.
"Shut up you stupid brat!"
She furiously thought before the cup was released from her hand. Unexpectedly done, Finn didn't recognize the cup and he wasn't able to dodge.
The cup however missed, tossing behind him, crushing with the tree, and breaking into pieces.
Yubin points her hands. "Don't tease a lady with its height, it's an insult you human teasing beans!"
"Wait, what? Human teasing beans? Is that even a thing?"
Finn started laughing but deep inside he's relieved that she missed the cup, or else his face will be... As he thinks of the possibility, he started gulping thinking that no woman will like a man with a face torn on scars.
Yubin stare at him, "By the way, Lord Finn, I heard that there will be a pastry shop opening at the Capitals Main Square, I will be going there by the Queen's Order, I was a task to visit the newest pastry shop today, will you be coming with me, Lord Finn? " It was a sudden invitation from Yubin thought he was happy to be asked by her.
As Finn grow up as a villainess model, he had not gained any friends at all. He can't and he isn't allowed to while he is a Marquis son, he found it to be honestly a ridiculous reason but that made him happy as he is a lonely man.
"Of course, who am I to reject a Lady? I'm happy to go with you, Lady Phine."
Yubin looked at him and she smile, "for the meantime, you can just call me Pheobe, Lord Finn." It was honestly a nickname she didn't remember where or who give it to her.
Since Yubin, remember that Sapphire wasn't called by her second name. She has just only been called Sapphire even so Pheobe is still a noticeable name for her.
She thought it's nice giving someone a nickname so she decided to give Pheobe to Finn, Pheobe is a name common to the folks, so it won't be that suspicious.
"Pheobe? Haven't you said, you don't remember your name at all? " Finn asked.
"No, Pheobe is a name it was given to me at the Slave Trader by another slave. I grow fond of that name thought." Of course, it's a lie... Again... Phoebe is just her second name but to stay careful, she had to lie with everything. So she needed this as her lies.
"Then, Lady--"
"Just Pheobe is fine, I'm still just a slave after all," Yubin repeated cutting Finn's sentence.
Finn looked stunned but sadly he become sad, it was because of what she said, being just a slave. It wasn't right at all, slave we're human and they are being violated by their rights so why do they get discriminated against for such things they didn't want to happen.
He give a frail smile to the Lady in front of him and nodded. "Pheobe is it? Then just call me Finn instead of adding a Lord." He said giving her the opportunity of calling him his name without the Lord.
Yubin chuckled and smile, "I see, then Finn, thank you for accepting my invitation on coming to today's event." She bowed giving Finn the hint of her respect.
"Your not just a slave, your the Queen's Guest, that means while you are inside the Palace of the Queen, you are still at higher steps than me who's just a marquis son. So do not think that you are a slave when you hold that champ cup of the Queen's recognition as the Guest." The words Finn left made Yubin felt the ease on her skin, it was the first time he heard him say such things, for few days they were together, the looks on Finn were like someone who's insulting you behind your back but she had mistaken it.
She give her warmest of her real smile she could ever create and give Finn a friendly pat.
While the two of them were planning on going out of the castle. A few men in a cloak were spotted before the Palace Private border of the Castaline territory.
These men wear black suits who seem to appear as shadow ninjas. They were led by someone who doesn't wear full-body masking, who's making commands outside the palace.
They have spoken a language, Yubin might not understand. This is the language of the East, which is a language they only know how to speak. It's a traditional language on their land, it was different in meaning and style. Then it was called the East-Code Language.
The one that guided them seems to be a kid, but he talks as if he's an adult.
"The West seems to be on rushed right now, they must not have the plan on taking our Easts conditions. Take this letter to his higher, Lord Fang, to be reported what the West had been doing." He mumbled, then he tied the paper unto a bird's feet. And he let go of him, making the bird flew right above the sky.
However, as soon as the bird flew into the sky. An arrow pierced through the bird killing it and falling down the forest, the shadow men were shocked that they couldn't believe it.
They were focusing on the falling bird unable to see the Royal Guards, surrounding them in circles. The one that commanded them was left with shock seeing the knights of the Castaline Kingdom surrounding them.
"What a strange thing to do." The voice came out from one of the Castaline's Knight, he walked through approaching them but still grinning his teeth.
"Damn we were caught by this Guard Dogs, haha." The kid commanding them didn't help but to laugh but the Knights of the West was unable to take him seriously.
"Have you had fun staying in our country, I hope you did. Because you'll be living in the Palace Jail waiting for your execution." It was supposed to tease them but the Captain that the one possessing the command was upset in a way that the East called them dogs when they are cockroaches in his eyes.
The captain of the east was left with sighs, to think he was caught on the action, maybe this was fine as long as he had not come back to his own country, for he is the East Katsuki Soldier, he thought that maybe this is fine for him too...
"Yeah, seem so."
While the East Guards were captured about meters from the Palace entrance, Yubin and Finn ride a vehicle using the commoner's carriage. It has no design, it is the simplest to hide the Lord's Identity from the public since Yubin was not part of the nobles nor the royals, she has nothing to hide.
As they seated down inside the carriage, the horse started to walk pulling the carriage through the direction where the driver has pointed.
"Gosh, that was indeed the most tiring time I did in my entire life. Can't believe that wearing clothes could be this damned, my knee hurt, my stomach hurt and I feel so heavy." Yubin uncomfortable complained while Finn was watching her, there were 2 guards set to guard them and one as the driver of this small carriage...
"So, it is your first time? Don't get upset, you'll get used to these things. It's easy to be uncomfortable, but just think of this as if you are entering a battle, not showing off." Finn mumbles, it is true that once you get used to this, you won't feel uncomfortable at so she just trusted his words and tried avoiding the pain from noticing it.
"I hope so," she sighs.
"Hmm, now that you think of it, that dress seems a bit not fitted on you. Why not after visiting the pastry shop, let's go on shopping. I know a shop where we could buy some dresses, which will match the person's size. It's just near that pastry shop you said, so it won't be hard to check it out." Finn said, creating an interesting idea in Yubin's mind.
"Your right, the size Her Majesty made me wear might not be in my proper size. It should be said that the size matters, so I guess it won't hurt visiting it. Hey, since we came to this, let's check the time square too. I heard they'll be having a small gathering in participating in the Kingdom's Harvest Week." The Kingdom's Harvest week is that kind of plants that grow after a week, which means this small gathering of the commoners are known relative traditions of the Castaline bringing this the Commoners Tributes to the current King and his Queen.
They also mean that the commoners support the seat of the current rulers. This way, people can show their respect. If this time was not been put as a gather on your ruling, that means the current ruler has not gained the commoner's support.
This tribute is known to be part of the commoner's high society. The Noble high society isn't the only one that existed in the Castalines history but includes the commoner high society in maintaining a good balance with all the people around the Castaline.
Finn knew that because his father who's which came from the blood of a commoner had climbed through the seat of the High Society from the Commoners Society. It means, that his father didn't originally come from a noble's blood, he was adopted to the Delattre's as the next heir because the current Marquis Wife wasn't able to bear any child and the Marquis himself was stubborn enough to adopt a son without his blood as the heir so he won't cheat on his wife for another mistress.
This was a secret hidden by the Delattre Family. They fake his identity, blood and even his born attribute to become the inheritor.
Then he was married to Finn's mother from another Marqueess house to strengthen the power of the Delattre.
The two of them were silent the whole time.

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    Frencheska Pacubas

    🎀 chada


  • avatar
    Adieseth Belostrino

    a very good story


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