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Royal Blood

Royal Blood


Chapter 1: Pain And Suffering

"Ahhhhh! "
She cried out, she howled as loud as she could. She tried asking them again and again, but they seem to ignore her begging. They proceeded and began slashing the heavy whip unto her again, feeling the pain in her back, she screams again and again.
She tried her best to endure the pain, the slashing, and the misery, but her mind is falling away, she started thinking of vengeance and darker timid of revenge, she tried taming her mind, however, the more the whip harms her, the more she felt that her sanity is falling apart.
She couldn't believe what has happened to her, she couldn't believe that she died and now she is a transmigrated soul, she couldn't believe that she's being abused right now as the main villain character of a book.
The whip sound echoed around the punishment room which they prepared for this kind of action, they wanted to use this to discipline the kids that's why most of the children cannot go against them.
Yubin, who's just about to find her best friend was hit by a track, she a girl who dreamed of love and happiness died in that accident caused by an unbelievable driver. She lost her life, unable to return the book that her best friend gives her.
Yubin who died woke up as a child and as a prisoner of a slave trader. She woke up in an unfamiliar stage, a place she doesn't remember, people that she doesn't recognize and language she doesn't understand.
It... was lonely for her... She doesn't understand anything, she doesn't know what is happening and she doesn't know the reason why she was alive as a different person. She doesn't know where she is or what she is and all those questions pop out of her head to mess with her even so she knew no one can answer her but the ones who are responsible for this kind of Deja Vu.
Not until now, she's just a normal being in a normal dream, a normal family, a normal living, and a normal life... However, today she's different, she is someone-- a face she doesn't recognize and she doesn't know why are they mistreating her.
Yubin woke up 10 months ago, but only her memories are fresh from her system, memories of her past life while she can't remember her memories from her previous life which is strange.
She thought that maybe she just encounter some temporary amnesia and will be fine if she stays still so that her memories will appear someday, but it didn't happen for it took months, and still nothing happens.
She left with no other theory than transmigration, it's just weird for her that she can't remember a memory of her life this time but her memories were fresh.
As the trauma goes on conquering her head, she felt difficult stiffness as she bares anymore of their whipping until her head suddenly clashes with something hard, and as she cried, the sound of an extreme overwhelmed surrounded the entire punishment room and there she saw her blood flew from her head.
"Bring the injection, give her the pills."
The sound of this rubbish bastard echoed around the room, while Yubin stayed chained in front of them. Her eyes spark as she heard them speak thus she knew that she can't understand them, today she did understand them, it was that very moment when a flash of images broke through her mind, like flash with the speed in which she saw tragic past.
Her chains clang making noise, trying to balance herself to endure the pain of her headache but in the end, her foot disappointed her to the fact that she fell on her knees as she yelled...
It was at that moment when they saw her fell and they immediately beat her and command her to stay standing. Even with the pain, they made her endure, she tried once more to balance her exhausted body to hold her heavy chains.
{Welcome to X-beta goddess system, daring player...}
"W-what? Wh-ho ar-e you? "
She asked on her mind, because of the sudden appearance that slashes in the air, she saw the words mixed and disappear. She began asking in her mind, what is that? What are you talking about? Is this my hallucination?
{Our player, it's not the matter of who are you, but what are you... I am the X-beta goddess system that the gods designed, I am the host but the God's is my creator...}
{You have been quite chosen as the beta player for this, we will guide you within your journey in this world to ensure that you will avoid death once more... The God's where claimed you as their child, thus your safety was the reason I was created...}
{Child what is your question before we proceed...}
Yubin was shocked with the writtings, it was as if she's playing a game of romance, where she can see the introduction made with the fancy design of the system...
She suddenly remembers her death, amongst those other familiarities she wanted to ask about her life today, a life she didn't know with this pain and despair.
She looked solely at the people with the whip before she looked again at the writing in front of her that is nearly fading. She couldn't d comprehend the happenings of this time, thus she wanted to ask of this world.
"I... Do not know what has happened... I wanna know, I can't remember my name, who am I? "
That's right, amongst the memories she finally regains was a missing piece, that is her name, she didn't know her name... What is her name? She knew that she is Yubin but what she wanted to know is her present name...
They didn't call her anything but a kid, so she doesn't know about her name.
{You are the former princess Sapphire Pheobe Militia Ardilara next in line of ruling the Ardilara Kingdom, you are at age of 14 and you are the only last remnant who bare The Royal Blood... }
"Princess? Royal Blood? Then where am I? "
{After your death, you are destined to set foot on the reincarnation palace but some error were to drag your soul in a different world, your soul possess extreme high energy and mana if they call. So, child, you are in the world which you remember reading on your past life, the world of a romance otome novel...}
She started feeling pain in her uncles but she decided to stay still to avoid getting whipped again, Yubin started digging her mind from all of this revelation and quietly looked at the people looking at her in a weird state...
They might have thought, what is she doing? Where is she lifting her head like she saw something? They began avoiding any questions and let the girl go this time...
Yubin was surprised that they didn't whip her, as she began thinking about what the system said. It was at that moment when she realizes how familiar the name was, she scrambled her head to the point only to remember the book she last read after dying.
It was the novel of a lost princess-- not an abandoned princess, her story was quite tragic because she has been abandoned once again and killed by an unknown man. She endures all the agony when she was a slave of some slave trader and when she goes back, she turns the kingdom upside down to the point that Sapphire shamed her father's brother for his rebellion and begun ruining the kingdom when she becomes the queen as she rightfully had, she married her beloved husband but she got abandoned by him and lead another rebellion to kill her.
She died in her throne chair, with her bloody crown on her head, they made her body the spectacle of the kingdom reminding the power not only The Royal Blood can have.
Yubin was sure that this is that novel. The title of the book was 'Lost Queen' a tragic romance story, written by: Olavier Belet an English/Japanese author...
The novel he wrote was about 20 years ago, it was a novel it never got the ideal reads since it can't be read below 18-year-old, this book has too many fetish scenes and blood that might cause a child to dream a nightmare... So it was privately banned, so few people we're able to get this book before it gets banned.
One of them is the family of Yubin's friend, it was at that moment when they realize that the book has been banned, they decided to hide it and give it to their daughter. Then the daughter will read it, if they liked it, share it with someone that is because they idolize the work of a dead man.
{Child of the Gods, you can call me X-goddess to be summoned when you are in danger, however, thus you are the purpose of my creation, you have limited access of privilege on using the system, we cannot interfere to the living that is. That is why we will help you using worshipers of the gods to provide necessary needs if you are dearly in danger.}
{Here is all your stat point at the moment, this will indicate your needs in health thus how you can grow using them. Furthermore, the system can provide you answers when you feel like you'll be needing it...}
After that, the system that has been in the air has finally faded. Leaving Yubin confused with the knowledge she gained, making her expression far more worst than it is.
"God's? Ah, I suffered the entire time I had as this girl and now you appear before my eyes telling me that I was loved by some gods!? Where were they when I almost die countless times!?"
The breath of her furious frustration broke through her mind, while tears manage to overheat her eye's again thinking about the suffering she went through.
The days she suffers, they made her feel weak, hit her, whipped her, and beat her for small mistakes that she will commit.
However, no matter what they do, Yubin always does the best she can to avoid falling into insanity. She helps kids that will die eventually, eat rotten food to ensure she will survive the hunger and they made her drink pee just so she won't get dehydrated.
It was a horrible experience for a woman who lives a peaceful living, even though she wanted to give up, she tried her best to survive the last 2 weeks of punishment for her pain and despair.
She recalls her agony until the earthquake broke down, and the people started shouting and panicking. Yubin was startled by that shake and left fallen on her grips, the people that were supposed to punish her just run leaving her in that deep punishment room.
The collar of her chains broke as the quakes overwhelmed them, Yubin was able to be freed from these chains. However, even so with the chains of her hands and feet, the collar on her neck was unable to be removed.
And her body can't keep up because of the bruises she had to suffer this time, her entire body is getting numb as she keeps on following the footsteps of the man that fleed.
She held her hands gripping the floor trying harder as she can to stand up, but her numb feet can't even take a little step. The only thing she can do now is crawl until her numb feet return to normal, she crawls under the cold floor desperate to leave that place.
The door was just ahead of her and she felt tiny energy that her feet can move now, she once again tried her best to stand up with her tiny feet but she was again outbalanced and decide to hold the walls so she won't fall.
The lights ahead of her are getting furious until she reached her goal of seeing the moon first, she felt unusual about that moon but decided to keep it quiet and move her way through the empty ground where the bodies of those men she had met are scattered.
There is a signal she heard, there is a fire she saw and another scream of men... She heard clangs of weapons, underneath those we're gas and fire smoke.
Yubin was so shocked that she didn't have the time to watch as the fortress was under attack. She moved her feet unto the dark shadow of the forest, even though her entire body is covered with scars she didn't give up and she advanced through the path she doesn't know.
The shadow of the forest was scarier than what she thought, she can hear howls of wolves, unknown beasts, and birds from where she came from. Her breath we're running low as she forces herself to walk, her stamina was badly injured thanks to that. She soon gasped for her lungs unable to endure her breathless chest and she fell on the ground.

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    Frencheska Pacubas

    🎀 chada


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    Adieseth Belostrino

    a very good story


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