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Seasons of the Paranormal

Seasons of the Paranormal

Ms. Season Writes

Chương 1 Prologue

*Third Person's P.O.V.*
She laid in bed, caressing hed protruding belly. She's on the eighth month of her third pregnancy and she feels really happy for yet another blessing. She turned her head to the side and smiled fondly at her little family, having fun. Her eldest, which was a boy saw her watching and waved at her. She waved back as the kid returned to playing with his younger sisters that are twins. The three of them loves playing puzzle games on their parents' room during the weekends when they don't have school and while they wait for their father who is busy at work. Speaking of her beloved husband, the woman's eyes averted from her children to the clock hanging on the wall. It's half passed five in the afternoon, which means her husband would arive at any moment. So, she slowly got up from her lying position and walked her way out of their room and into their kitchen.
There was nothing much to cook because her husband only earns a little every month, yet their table is always abundant with food. Why? Because of her little secret. She picked up an apple that her husband bought just the other day and placed it on a huge tray. She looked around, making sure that her children is not watching, then she hovered a hand just above it.
"Bless this lone supply, and make it multiply." Upon uttering that rhyming phrase, her hand glowed and the apple, turned into apples that filled the tray. After that, she picked up the original apple that she casted a spell on and used the blade of the knife to prick her pointer finger. When a thin line of blood started gushing out, she wiped it to the apple until it is filled with the red liquid, making it redder before she took a bite of it. The apple, mixed with her blood tasted rusty-sweet and she hurriedly consumed it before anyone can see her. Then she washed her hands to get rid of the evidence of her witchcraft.
Yes, witchcraft. Apparently, the world is not only inhabited by humans, there are other creatures who walk among them and live on their midst but they don't have to know that, for it would only confuse them and defy their concept of what is real or not. The world is much more tranquil when nobody tries to contradict what they believe in. When they don't know, they won't cause trouble and they won't be in trouble.
Peace. Tranquility. Serenity. That is what she, as a mother, so longed for, for her children. Such peace that she didn't get to taste during her younger years. When she ran away from chaos years ago, she promised never to return there and nor would her children ever set foot on that land. She wished to erase the taint of magic that's running on her veins and so far, she has successfully done this to her other kids, and she will do the same for this one that she's carrying at the moment, for they don't need to know what they do not have, anymore.
A knock on the door stopped her train of thoughts and a smile stretched on her lips, knowing that it would be her husband. However, her pressumption was a mishap when she opened the door and a tall, lean man greeted her with a sinister grin. Her eyes widened and her mouth ran dry at the sight of her unwanted guest. She thought a decade or so was enough time for her chaotic past to forget her altogether, however, she was mistaken.
"Hello dear." The man's sinister voice made her close the door abruptly, however, that act was to no avail as the man stepped a foot in just before the door could be shut. Then with a powerful push, he was able to swing the door open, almost throwing the pregnant woman to the side, if it wasn't for her fine reflexes, despite being pregnant. And once he's inside, he slammed the door shut.
The woman's heart raced, not because of the fear for her safety but mostly for her children's safety, who, at the moment is still playing in the room. So she wasted no time, she didn't let him talk or make a move, he needs to be out of here immediately!
"Stay away from me, let us be!"She chanted, raising her hand up to hit him with her power but surprisingly, he caught the energy that she threw his way and held it there, tense between the both of them.
"You think you can stop me by your mere chanting? Think again, before I let you feel the punishment that to you is awaiting!" He too countered a chant. Of course they are of the same blood. It turns out that, she ought not to be worried about the humans finding out about her real nature, she wants to hide away more from the individuals who shares her own ancestry.
"It ain't what I deserve, so make them twist, make them turn, make them wrack all of your nerve!" She countered, raising yet another hand. The power oozing from her sure grew stronger and the man was baffled but at the same time pleased to see how powerful she is now. Such power is what he needs to get what he desires, if only he can tame her now. However, before he can make a move or even utter a reciprocating curse, he heard her say, "Flee and never remember me, leave me be for eternity!" Such curse was strong that it took his breath away and he knew then and there that he failed.
He disappeared like smoke and once again, the woman was left alone in the living room, panting. She's exhausted by power overuse and she felt her body shaking. Another round of anxiety hit her like a bullet train when she felt a twisting pain on her stomach. Her baby.
"Baby... No... Not yet!" She groaned in pain, falling on the couch. Apparently she's already in labour maybe because of the force she exerted when she let go of those powerful curses. "Ahhh! No, no, NO!" She screamed as the pain became unbearable. Despite her dilema, she heard tiny footsteps rushing towards her.
"Mom? MOM!" Her kids. No, she doesn't want them to see her in pain, however, she can't seem to do anything about it now.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm alright-AHH!" She tried to reassure them but it's hard, considering her situation. "It's not yet time for you to be out, I have yet to-AHH!" She pleaded with the baby on her tummy to no avail. The kid is really about to get out. Her other children panicked around her until the door swung open.
"Honey?" That was her husband and his eyes widened when he saw what's happenings. "Wait, I'll call the ambulance!"
"No! There-AHH isn't time AHH!" She ended the statement with a loud scream that made her husband run to her side. An infant's cry made their world stop as they looked at the little angel. Her husband held the child at his arms, a mixture of emotions painted his face until the deep breaths from his wife caught his attention.
"Honey? You're not feeling fine, I'd call an ambulance." He said as he noticed how his wife is trying to catch her breath. Everyone in the house is in a state of panic and you can't blame them, but her son, the eldest among her offsprings was the only one paying attention.
"Son." She mouthed and the boy, though shaken by what's happening, came closer to her and the baby that's still wailing on the couch beside her. When he was close enough, she whispered, "Please take care of her. Never let anyone hurt her. Teach her how to defend herself," she took a deep breath, trying to fight her own death for even just another minute, so that she can say what she wants to say, because she knew she already failed to do what she has to do, "and name her, name her..."
"Season?" The little boy on the ground uttered in a shaking voice as he watched how the girl, just his age, stopped the much bigger guy's approaching punch at him by an up-lock hold.
She stared fiercely at the bully who looks surprised at the strong grip that the little girl has. Then, using the same arm that took a hold of the boy's fist, she twisted his arm, making him curl in a ball to the ground. He looked at her with fear in his eyes as he scrambled away.
"Are you alright?" The girl - Season, asked the boy as she offered her hand to him.
"Y-yes... How did you do that?" He wondered as soon as he's up on his feet. The tension in the atmosphere earlier, quickly condensing.
"I-" Season was about to answer when the big bell on their school rang, announcing the end of school. "I have to go." She hurriedly responded, barely hearing the 'thank you' that her schoolmate called out. "I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late." She chanted in her head and almost tripped at the doorway of her martial arts' hall. "I'm here!" She panted when she heard her mentor call her name for attendance.
The middle aged Chinese man, turned his head to the doorway, giving his student a displeased look. "That was a close call, Season." He said, in an accent so different from the normal English.
The recently turned 11 years old girl scratched the back of her neck and hurriedly ran to the changing room to change into her training clothes before joining the team who are now doing warm-ups. Among the ten students in the matial arts class, Season is one of the youngest. However, she's one of the promising ones since she joined the class last year, she can still remember how she tumbled upon this training like it happened just yesterday.
Season just turned ten years old and her brother took her out of their depressing house - as she likes to refer to it as - to celebrate of course.
The 19 years old Sean, only had enough money to treat his sister when suddenly, a theif plucked his wallet out of his back pocket. Season was the one who caught the act and she made a run for it, to stop the thief because, 1) she knows that that's the only money that her brother has, and 2) they need that money to pay for what they ordered.
"Hey!" Season said as she managed to grab a hold of the thief's jacket, the guy turned sharply, taking Season with him on a semi-secluded alley between two stores.
"What are you gonna do about it kid?" The guy threatened as he cornered her there. He looked at her from head to toe as an evil plan devised in his mind.
"Hey! Let her be!" Sean, who followed them, shouted and the guy turned to him, delivering a straight punch. Sean, who was provoked by the act, striked back and that's how they got themselves on a ramble where he is obviously loosing as this criminal guy is more experienced in street fights compared to him.
Season has tears streaming down her cheeks as she saw how her older brother was beaten up because of her. And when he laid, almost unconscious on the cold cement, she ran to his side, hugging him, not caring if she'll be hit by the guy's next attack or what. In fact, she anticipated the hard impact of his fist, landing on her back but, it didn't happen. Boot-clad feet stepped just a few inches away from her brother's body and as she slowly looked up, she saw a middle aged man, who doesn't look like he's from Tenesse, holding the fist of the criminal guy, it looks like a really strong grip because the once sinister look of the criminal contorted into a frightened one. Then she saw how the man in the boots, twisted the criminal's arm, making him drop to the floor. Then he grabbed him by the collar and said, in an accent so different,
"Next time, pick someone your own size." Then he pushed the criminal away, he stumbled and eventually tossed the wallet he has stolen, the other man, the one who came to their rescue, catching it with ease. "Are you alright?" He asked the awestruck Season who's still holding on to her bruised brother.
"Y-yes. Thank you." She answered. "B-but, my brother needs help." She added as Sean gave her a weak smile.
"I got you dear."
"Season!" She snapped out of her recollection when a training stick was pointed at her neck. Oh, she spaced out. "Keep your guards up, stop daydreaming. Draw a line between your fantasy and the reality right in front of you!" Her mentor scolded her, pushing her to the ground.
She shook her head and quickly regained her composture. Driven by her irritation and the humiliation she felt, she carelessly charged towards her mentor with her own training stick.
"Are you sure you want to do that?" Her mentor teased, effortlessly countering and blocking her attacks. Season halted for a while before she charged again.
"I'll get this over with." She mumbled when suddenly she was thrown out of balance and pinned to the ground by her mentor.
"You're not." He said, getting off of her. She was shocked by the turns of event and her mentor smirked. "You see, you were moving great, it's just that you weren't certain of what you are doing. You are stronger when you're wiser. You're stronger when you're certain." He said the last part to everybody on the class.
And those lines mattered to Season, more than she ever knew.

Bình Luận Sách (429)

  • avatar
    Jomari Ababat

    its a nice story❤️i love it


  • avatar

    highly recommended! a very interesting story!


  • avatar

    A wonderful story, you are a genius author...Highly recommended for everyone


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