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Chương 7 The Neutral

After a while, I have forgotten about the guy as I was too focused on reading what's written in the wall.  
"The Neutral consists of five different ranks. Alpha, Assist, Abnormal, Adroit, and Anathema."
I've come to realise that the place I am in is called The Neutral. I seriously have no idea why the heck this place is called that, but I was even more curious about what the last rank means. Why is everyone saying that Gally is mute? and Anathema at that. What the heck is that even?
"Anathema, the outcast."
I breathed as I read about the last rank. Was this the reason why Gally told me not to go looking for her since people might be indifferent about it? Of course, I am disappointed. But maybe she does have a point since me being Tetiana tight now would look so suspicious if I talked to Gally. I wonder what would happen to me if I really got caught? I mean, since I'm not really Tetiana, what would happen to me if those guys found out? Wait, am I going to be okay? I also found out that The Neutral, the place I'm currently in, is a place for studying and people my age. Still, it was weird how I never saw anyone older walking around. If this was supposed to be a school, how come there are no teachers? It was so weird and confusing indeed.
I don't know what that word means and I seriously can't believe this is actually happening to me. Is this even Earth? I have no idea. It was terrifying how everything felt so surreal.
"What am I supposed to do here? I don't want to be here."
Crying feels right I don't know. What am I supposed to do now? I seriously can't think of anything. Everything still overwhelms me. I don't know what my purpose is even being here. I mean, if I were really reborn, why here? Of all places, why here? Why can't I just disappear like a normal person would? I hate this so much. I stayed on the floor, hugging my knees as I cried, again. I don't know why, but this situation terrifies me. Everything and everyone frightened me.
I just want to go back home.
After seeing it, I quickly realised how bad my right arm is. It hurts so badly. I never thought that it would be this painful. Just what kind of person is he to be so strong?
"You're really here!"
A guy appeared above me as he was smiling. Who the heck is he even? I was scared at how he was suddenly standing there. I didn't even hear footsteps. I continue to stare at him in confusion since I seriously have no idea what he means by that.
"Um. Hello?"
I felt my voice crack as I realised I sounded so stupid. The guy just stood there, smiling at me, which is really weird, but then he started frowning when his eyes caught a glimpse of my arm.
"What happened?"
He looked sincere. I don't know. But when he touches my hand, I can't help but flinch in surprise since what the heck is he thinking? He was weirdly friendly too. I seriously don't know what he's up to, but when he noticed I didn't reply to his question, he sighs in return. huh? He then told me to follow him. I did hesitate at first, but I don't know why I ended up following him willingly. I mean, he looked worried? But I don't know, I ended up following him to a room. huh?
"It's okay."
He reassured me as he noticed my uneasiness. I should have run, but I don't know why the heck I followed him to the room. Oh my god. I was even more surprised to see four guys sitting in the room, glaring daggers at me. The looks in their eyes were scary; it's like they were murdering me with their gazes. And I noticed this too, after looking at each of their faces. The Edgar-lookalike was there too, and even worse, he was glaring at me with disgust. I seriously don't understand why. The guy who brought me here explain the situation, as he said that he wanted to help me but his friends didn't seem pleased to see me here. I feel like I shouldn't be here.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Edgar-lookalike spoke as he glares at the nice guy who brought me here. He seems angry. The other three guys exchanged confused looks as I stood there, feeling so uncomfortable. Should I just leave?
"She looks like she needs help."
The guy simply shrugged as he asked me to sit down on the bed. I assumed it was his since why would he even tell me to sit on someone else's bed when everyone here seems to be hating me? Ugh, this is bad. I didn't move an inch when he said that, and that made him look at me in confusion. Edgar-lookalike was furrowing his eyebrows as he continued to judge me with his eyes, as if daring me to sit on the bed. I don't know.
"And what kind of look do you think I have right now?"
He barked as the nice guy who wanted to help me sigh in defeat. I could see how Edgar-lookalike is the leader of this group, since the way he's acting is showing it. He terrified me. He's not like the Edgar that I know at all. He is so different and way scarier. It's such a shame that he has to look exactly like Edgar.
"Um, it's okay. I think I should go. Thank you, sir."
I blurted out as I ran away from there, not daring to meet their eyes. I don't even know how I ended up calling him Sir, but whatever. As long as I'm out of their sight, I will be just fine. I'm just going back to the library, where I belong.
"She called you sir."
Chester broke the silence and burst out laughing. Enzo just sighs in disbelief but is also amused since his theory about Tetiana losing her memories was right since she was acting so differently and, to top that, she even called him Sir. although it still shocked me how he just brought THAT Tetiana into our room. What the heck?
"But what were you thinking of bringing her here without telling us beforehand?"
Rebel shakes his head in disbelief. I agree. What makes him to think that he could just do that? But I'm still puzzled as to why she appears so terrified. I was only trying to scare her a little, but she didn't even dare to look at me. That is really something. I don't know why I find that pleasing.
"I just wanted to help. And I think she really did lose her memories since she doesn't remember any of us." Enzo insists as he sighs, saying how he found Tetiana crying and how her hand is turning blue. What the heck?
"Losing her memories doesn't make her a better person. She's still the same Tetiana. Why are you so interested in her?"
I seriously hated myself when I said that. I sounded like a jealous guy, and I don't want to admit it. What the heck is wrong with me? I mean, I am only telling the truth. Losing her memories doesn't make up for her past mistakes, but still, I was shocked after seeing Tetiana, looking so... weirdly. Why am I so angry?
"Right. How could I forget that?"
Enzo laughs as he sits on his bed. "I seriously don't know what happened to me." He added as Kyran and Chester looked at him in confusion. He began telling us about how she met Tetiana in the Midge Hall, crying while hugging her knees. Okay, that is really a sight to see, and that got everyone to stay silent. I mean, who would even imagine it? Tetiana's... frailty? I don't know. It's absurd. She's acting like a completely different person. This is making me lose my mind. It's weird that her behaviour is drastically changing. It's terrifying. A thought suddenly crossed my mind; just what if she really wasn't THE Tetiana? I know it sounds stupid but I don't know what else to believe right now.
And what's even weirder is that I can't seem to erase how her cheeks flushed red when she was embarrassed. Why did I even notice such a trivial thing? I did notice her arm, but I didn't want to acknowledge it since I didn't want my mind to be filled with her.
We sigh in unison and look at each other before bursting out laughing.
"Tetiana sure does know how to mess with people's heads."
Kyran added as he struggled to fix his hair. I mean, he did have a point since we have been talking about her ever since she left the room.
It's annoying.
I hate how the guy who looks like Edgar is completely different from the one I know. Honestly, I was so disappointed since I thought that maybe he would treat me the same as the Edgar that I know. But this guy here is so scary.
"Where have you been? I've been looking for you."
Serina appears out of breath. I had completely forgotten about her. I was surprised when I saw her again and relieved since I have nobody by my side now. I'm afraid that I would break down again.
"Just somewhere..."
I replied as I gave her a smile. Serina seems tired. I wonder what she has been doing.
"Come on, everyone is waiting for you."
Serina added as she pulled my hand, and I started to flinch since she was holding onto my injured hand. When Serina realised that, she apologised but still urged me to follow her. I wonder what it is that makes her so impatient? I decided to follow her. Perhaps I might as well learn about who this "Tetiana" is if I stay close to her best friend, right?
"Where are we going?"
I finally asked since it was weird how we had been walking for a while now, and the direction we're going is a little bit... creepy. I wonder where she is taking me?
"Just somewhere...."
Serina whispered, and I was deeply confused. I don't know why, but I have had a weird feeling about this since I started having trouble breathing. What the heck is happening?
"What are you—"
I don't know what happened to me next, but my surroundings suddenly felt hazy. Something is definitely wrong, but I have no idea what.
"Sleep well, Tia."

Bình Luận Sách (626)

  • avatar
    Trexie Barillo

    this app was good


  • avatar

    This is such an underrated book! I really love the storyline, it’s refreshing and the diversity of POV is making me fall in love with this beautiful work EVEN MORE ❤️


  • avatar

    Oh my Tia... What happened to you? Chapter 1 is really catchy. Must read the other chapter.


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